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Chapters 58-63 (pp.183-210)

Active vocabulary

1. to resume one’s work (studies, a meeting, etc.) (p.184) – возобновить работу (учебу, собрание и т.д.)

2. to feel all thumbs (p.186) – быть неуклюжим, неловким

3. to have an inkling of smth. (p.186) – почувствовать намек на к-л / легкое подозрение на; подозревать, что

4. profound (p.186) – глубокий

5. on a pretext (p.1890 – под предлогом

6. self-control (p.191) – самообладание

7. admirable (p.191) – замечательный, восхитительный

8. to give smb. peace of mind (p.191)– дать к-л покой уму; дать к-л спокойствие духа

9. to make amends for smth. (p.199) – компенсировать ч-л; возмещать убытки; загладить вину

10. to give one a pang (p.206) – почувствовать острую боль / угрызения совести


I Read chapters 58-63

II Look up the pronunciation of the following words and learn them:

haphazard; sojourn; calligraphies; southern; ivory; heretic; awe-inspiring; torture; vow; ignorance; tapestry; endure; pause; propriety; envisage; ardor; vagueness; vulnerable; haunt; tousled; shawl; oar; exasperate; slither; wind (wound); surgeon; despairingly; bow; mercy; delirium; precious.

III Reproduce situations from the text in which the words under study are used.

IV Make up a situation of your own; use from five to ten words and word-combinations under study.

V Give synonyms or synonymous expressions to the following:


to dwell

to give smb. a sidelong glance


mundane affairs


to fade


to take possession of


to induce

to withdraw


the streets were ghostly



to face smb.


to have mercy on smb.

to feel dazed.

VI Translate in writing into Russian the following paragraph on p. 191-192

“Kitty smiled… torture themselves?”

VII Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Когда после трехлетнего перерыва я вернулась на работу, то чувствовала себя первое время очень неуклюжей. И я чувствовала острую боль, когда из-за меня происходило что-то неладное. Тогда под незначительным предлогом я убегала из комнаты и плакала где-нибудь в уголке. Успокоившись, я возвращалась, чтобы загладить вину.

2. У него хорошие глубокие знания по моему предмету. Он замечательный студент.

3. Ах, это британское самообладание! Но я-то вижу, что что-то его тревожит. Если бы знать, что могло бы дать спокойствие его духу?

VIII Answer the following questions:

  1. What was Waddington’s house like?

  2. How can you describe the Manchu princess?

  3. What was it that Kitty paid special attention?

  4. Why was Kitty so interested in meeting the woman?

  5. Did the meeting help her to find what she was looking for?

  6. What should that Waddington had a great affection for her?

  7. Did Waddington know where people looked for the Way?

  8. Why were the nuns excited about Kitty’s condition?

  9. Did they misjudge the Fanes relations?

  10. What? To Kitty’s mind? Could give Walter peace of mind?

  11. What resolution did the Mother Superior wish to keep when she was a girl?

  12. What was Kitty’s state of mind after her new life experience?

  13. How did she regard her infidelity now?

  14. Why did she regard it as wicked so much as stupid and ugly?

  15. How did her attitude towards Walter and Townsend change?

  16. Was she prepared to make amends for the anguish she had caused Walter?

  17. What news did Waddington break one night?

  18. Who stayed with Walter at his deathbed?

  19. Did Kitty attempt to give Walter peace of mind?

  20. What were Walter’s last words?

IX Give a summary of ch. 58-63

X Describe in detail:

  1. The Manchu Princess

2. The Mother Superior’s life as a girl in France

XI Speak on the following:

  1. Relations between Mr. Waddington and The Manchu princess.

  2. The Mother Superior’s family.

  3. The change in Kitty’s attitude to Townsend and deathbed

  4. At Walter’s deathbed.

  5. Colonel.

XII Paraphrase or explain:

  1. They (the hands) suggested the breeding of uncounted centuries. (p.185)

  2. “… Men are incalculable; I thought you were like everybody else and now I feel that I don’t know the first thing about you”. (p.188)

  3. One day, firmly convinced that a heretic could know nothing of such matters, she told Kitty of the Annunciation. (p.189)

  4. She had an idea that he would welcome an uprush of emotion which would liberate him from his nightmare of resentment, … . (p.191-192)

  5. “A well-bred woman does nothing which shall make people talk of her”. (p.194)

  6. I was his only daughter and men often have a deeper feeling for their sons. (p.196)

  7. It moved kitty to observe how sweet her smile was and yet how impersonal. (p.196)

  8. … in the shadow of the shuttered shops sometimes a form seemed to be lying but you did not know whether it was a man who slept to awake at dawn or a man who slept to awake never; … (p.204)


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