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Chapters 50 – 57 (pp.153-183)

Active vocabulary

1. wicked (p.154) – грешный; озорной

2. to love smb. to distraction (p.158) – любить к-л до безумия

3. to distract one’s mind (p.159) – отвлекать внимание

4. to regain one’s spirits (p.159) – прийти в себя; оправиться

5. to attach importance to smth. (p.164) – придавать значение ч-л; считать ч-л важным

6. inscrutable (p.164) – загадочный, непостижимый, непроницаемый

7. to be a blow (a wound) to one’s vanity (p.164) – удар (обида, оскорбление) чьему-то тщеславию

8. sensitive (p.164) – чувствительный; чувственный

9. to throw everything to the winds (p.165) – все бросить; отказаться от всего; пустить все на ветер

10. to be seized with terror (horror, panic, etc.) (p.168) –быть объятым ужасом, паникой; быть в ужасе (панике и т.д.)

11. to be overwhelmed with joy (p.171) – быть охваченным радостью

12. nuisance (p.174) – помеха, досада

13. petty (p.175) – мелкий, мелочный

14. to summon up one’s resolution (courage, will) (p.179) – решиться; собраться с мыслями


I Read chapters 50-57

II Look up the pronunciation of the following words and learn them:

vow; wayward; austere; awe; ingenuous; peasant; curiosity; malicious; boisterousness; pilgrimage; causeway; sanctuary; besiege; pall; bald-headed; jasmine; overwhelmed; nausea; enchant; comb; nuisance; siphon; ridiculous; weariness.

III Reproduce situations from the text in which the words under study are used.

IV Make up a situation of your own; (make use of five to ten words and word-combinations under study)

V Give synonyms or synonymous expressions to the following:


in smb.’s charge


to be fond of

to fell an ox with a fist

to dominate


to be devoted to

to endure

to be abashed








to kneel


to be inclined to


VI Translate in writing the paragraph

“The Children were playing ... had seized her”. (p.160; ch.52)

VII Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Китти не знала, что задумал Уолтер. Он был холоден, вежлив, молчалив и непроницаем. Это было досадно.

2. Он любил жену до безумия, и считал, что она тоже любила его. Поэтому, когда она вдруг оставила его; бросила все и ушла в монастырь, это явилось ударом по его тщеславию, он был в ужасе. Прошло много времени, прежде чем он пришел в себя.

3. Не будь таким чувствительным, не придавай этому большого значения.

VIII Answer the following questions:

1.What kind of remark did the Mother Superior make when she saw Kitty in the chapel?

2.In what way was Sister St. Joseph different from a typical nun?

3.What did Kitty learn from her about the Mother Superior?

4.How was the Mother Superior regarded by all who dwelt there?

5.Why did Kitty feel a wall between the nuns and herself?

6.What did sister St. Joseph tell Kitty about Waddington’s private life?

7.How was it different from what he himself told Kitty?

8.Whom do you think Waddington is contrasted to in the novel?

9.When did Kitty begin feeling free from Townsend?

10.What do you think helped her to regain her heart?

11.How did Kitty learn that she was pregnant?

12.What did the nuns feel about Kitty’s being with child?

13.What was Walter’s reaction to the news?

14.Why did Kitty hesitate before telling WALTER THE TRUTH? 15.Was Walter’s attitude towards Kitty changed? What were his reasons?

16.Did Kitty’s personality change in Mai-tan-fu? Prove it.

IX Give a summery of ch. 50-57

X Describe in detail:

1. Sister St. Joseph.

2. The history of convent.

XI Speak on the following:

  1. Kitty’s life in Mei-tan-fu.

  2. Waddington’s private life.

  3. Kitty’s freedom from Townsend.

  4. Kitty’s being with child.

  5. The signs of Walter’s changing to Kitty.

XII Paraphrase or explain:

1. The moment they arrived they began to save the poor little unwanted girls from the baby-tower… (p.156)

2. “It was lucky that Waddington knew nothing, she could never have endured his malicious eyeing and his ironical innuendoes”. (p.160)

3. The epidemic seems to be abating and the cool weather should see the end of it. (p.163)

4. She could not tell why the way he spoke of her (The Manchu woman), … gave her (Kitty) the impression so strongly of the woman’s intense and unique devolution. It troubled her a little. “It does seem a long way to Harrington Gardens”, she smiled. (p.166)

5. She could count on him (Walter) never to throw the past in the teeth. (p.175)

“I shouldn’t have thought you were the sort of person to put yourself out for a few stuffy nuns and a person of Chinese brats”. (p.182)

Unit VII

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