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Law and Science.doc
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3. Read the text:

Like members of the legislative and executive branches, federal judges are expected to have high standards of ethics. All federal judges follow the principles outlined in the Code of Conduct for United States Judges, which has been adopted by the Judicial Conference of the United States, the federal courts' national policy-making group. The Code of Conduct includes these guidelines:

• A judge should uphold the integrity and independence of the judiciary.

• A judge should avoid impropriety and the appearance of impropriety in all activities.

• A judge should perform the duties of the office impartially and diligently.

• A judge may engage in extrajudicial activities to improve the law, the legal system, and the administration of justice.

• A judge should regulate extrajudicial activities to minimize the risk of conflict with judicial duties.

• A judge should regularly file reports of compensation received for law-related and extrajudicial activities.

• A judge should refrain from political activity.

According to these ethical standards, judges should not hear cases in which they have a financial interest, a personal bias regarding a party to the case, or earlier involvement in the case as a lawyer. Further, judges are expected to participate in activities that contribute to the public good through improvement of the legal and judicial systems, and as a result, many judges are engaged in law-related education activities in schools.

  1. Determine if the following statements are:

1. According to the Code of Conduct for Judges a judge should do the job fairly and unbiasedly.

  1. true

  2. false

  3. there is no information in the text.

2. According to the ethical standards, judges should refuse to hear cases in which they have a financial interest, a personal bias regarding a party to the case.

  1. true

  2. false

  3. there is no information in the text.

2. Determine the main idea of the text:

  1. A judge should be an absolutely honest person.

  2. According to the Code of Conduct a judge should satisfy certain ethical standards.

  3. A judge should perform the duties of the office impartially.


1 ambiguity - двусмысленность, неопределенность

2. commitment to – (философия) приверженность, связь, обязательство

~ to principles – приверженность принципам,

~ ideals - ~ идеалам,

ideological ~ - идейность

3. evidence – доказательство, свидетельство

admissible ~ - допустимые доказательства,

credentials in ~ - достоверность доказательства,

~ in cross-examination – свидетельские доказательства, полученные при перекрестном допросе, expert ~ - доказательства, полученные экспертизой, examination of material ~ - экспертиза вещественных доказательств

4. ethics – этика, учение о морали

Code of ~ моральный кодекс

5. fallibility – подверженность ошибкам, отклонениям, погрешимость

6. hypothesis – гипотеза

~ and verification – гипотеза и проверка,

~ justification – подтверждение гипотезы,

hypotheses management – манипулирование несколькими гипотезами,

~ test – критерий для проверки гипотезы,

~ validity – справедливость гипотезы,

rival hypotheses - конкурирующие гипотезы

7. investigation – расследование, следствие, обследование, исследование, изыскание

Federal Bureau of ~ - Федеральное Бюро Расследований (ФБР)

field ~ - расследование на месте преступления,

~ expert – эксперт, назначенный следствием,

~ files – следственный архив,

judicial ~ - судебное расследование

8. justice – справедливость, правосудие, юстиция

Academy of Criminal Justice and Sciences – Академия криминологии,

to administer ~ - отправлять правосудие,

Associate Justice – член Верховного суда США,

by law or by ~ - по закону или по справедливости,

to mete out ~ отправлять правосудие,

sense of ~ - смысл правосудия,

unbiased ~ - беспристрастное правосудие

9. moral – моральный, нравственный

morality – нравственность

morals - нравы, нравственность

~ certainty – внутренние убеждение

10. prosecution – судебное преследование, обвинение, привлечение к ответственности

liable to ~ подлежащий уголовному преследованию,

~ agencies (authorities) – органы прокуратуры

~ by law – судебное преследование,

witness for ~ - свидетель обвинения

11. reason – причина, мотив, соображение, благоразумие

by ~ of - в силу чего-либо

good ~ - достаточное основание,

important ~ - уважительная причина,

reasons beyond control – независящие обстоятельства,

rule of ~ - требование применить здравый смысл

12. science - наука

~ and technology – наука и техника,

forensic ~ - судебная наука,

legal ~ - правоведение, наука права,

~ of law – юридическая наука

13. temptation – соблазн, искушение

to carry away by ~ - поддаться искушению,

to fight against ~ - бороться с искушением,

to repel ~ - победить искушение,

to resist ~ - устоять перед искушением

14. testimony – свидетельские показания под присягой

credible ~ - ~ , заслуживающие доверия,

experimental ~ - показания при проведении судебного эксперимента,

expert ~ - свидетельские показания эксперта,

inadmissible ~ - недопустимые (судом) показания,

relevant ~ - показания, относящиеся к делу

15. witness – свидетель, очевидец, свидетельство

competent ~ - правомочный свидетель,

expert ~ - свидетель-эксперт,

lay ~ - обычный свидетель,

perjured ~ - лжесвидетельство,

swear as a ~ - приводить к присяге,

zealous ~ - свидетель, явно желающий выигрыша той стороне, которая его выставила (при-





Read and translate the text:


The Oxford English Dictionary lists one of the first uses of the phrase "forensic science" to describe "a mixed science." The early days of foren­sic science could certainly be called mixed, when science served justice by its application to questions before the court. Forensic science has grown as a profession from the early 1880s and into a science in its own right in the early twenty-first century. Given the public's interest in using science to solve crimes, it looks as if forensic science has an active, even hectic, future.

Forensic science describes the science of associating places, things and people, involved in criminal activities; these scientific disciplines assist in investigating and adjudicating criminal and civil cases. The dis­cipline has two parts to it divides neatly, like the term that describes it.

Science is the collection of systematic methodologies used to increasingly understand the physical world. The word "forensic" is derived from the Latin forum meaning "public." In ancient Rome, the Senate met in the Forum, a public place where the political and policy issues of the day were discussed and debated; even today, high school or university teams that compete in debates or public speaking are called "forensics." More technically, forensic means "as applied to public or legal concerns." Together, "forensic science" is an appropriate term for the profession which answers scientific questions for the courts.

Forensic science is the application of scientific methods to solving crimes. Any science can be a forensic science if it has an application to the criminal justice system. The larg­est area of forensic science is criminalistics, which includes the physical evidence that commonly occurs at crime scenes. There are about 400 crime labs in the United States. Sev­eral departments in the federal government have forensic science labs. These include the Departments of Justice and the Treasury. Each state has its own forensic science laboratory system. These include labs run by state or local government.

Forensic scientists analyze evidence and testify in court as expert witnesses. They may also go to some crime scenes where especially serious or notorious crimes have been com­mitted. Crime laboratories must be secure so that evidence can be protected. There are many types of labs, but they all have an intake section, an analysis section, and a storage location for evidence.


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