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Law and Science.doc
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2. Read the text:

Forensic science dates as far back as 212 BC, and the earliest account of using fingerprints for the purpose of establishing identity, as far back as the 7th century.

During the Roman Empire, a criminal charged had to plead their case before a group of their public peers. Both the accuser and the accused would give their side of the story. The individual with the best debate (argumentation and delivery) skills would determine the case's outcome. The person with the best forensic skills won, much like lawyers and attorney do, today.

The first written account of combining entomology and medicine for acquiring an analyzing criminal evidence to solve cases has been attributed to a Chinese book, written in 1248, by Song Ci which translated in English to "Collected Cases of Injustice Rectified".

In one account, the case of a sickle murder was solved by a forensic science investigator of the time who instructed everyone to bring their sickles to a specific location. Flies gathered on the sickle with the blood, and ultimately the killer confessed and was brought to justice.

Note: a sickle – серп

1. Determine if the following statement is:

The earliest report on the application of special knowledge in medicine and entomology for investigation of crimes was given in a Chinese book, written in 1248.

  1. true

  2. false

  3. there is no information in the text.

2. Determine the main idea of the text:

a) There are a lot of historical examples proving the fact that forensic science can help in solving crimes.

b) Forensic science has a long history.

c) The word “forensic” originated from Latin.

3. Read the text and replace Russian words in brackets with their English equivalents:

In the ancient Roman Empire, the Senate used to conduct its meetings in (1. общественном месте) called the forum. Anyone who wanted could listen to the great (2. дебаты) of the day and watch government in action. The term (3. судебный) means "of the forum." In the broadest sense, then, (4. судебная наука) can be defined as the methods of science applied to public matters. Today we use the term to mean the methods of science applied to matters involving (5. система правосудия). In the United States and most other countries, the justice system deals with either (6. вопросами уголовного или гражданского правосудия). Forensic science has its most important applications to the (7. системе уголовного правосудия), and this has been the fuel for the current media type seen in books, TV shows, and movies.


1. Forensic science - юр. судебная наука

Forensic science laboratory - лаборатория судебно-медицинской экспертизы

British Academy of Forensic Science - Британская академия судебных наук

Forensic Science Center - экспертно-криминалистический центр

Forensic Sciences Foundation - Фонд судебных наук

Office of Forensic Sciences - экспертно-криминалистическое бюро

2. forensics - криминалистика; судебная медицина

computer forensics - компьютерно-техническая экспертиза

forensics analyst - эксперт-криминалист

Internet Forensics - криминалистическая компьютерная экспертиза следов пребывания в


Windows Forensics - электронная криминалистическая экспертиза данных под операци-онной системой Windows

nuclear forensics capabilities - система судебного разбирательства в ядерной области

3. forensic (a) - судебный; аналитический

forensic accounting expert examination - судебно-бухгалтерская экспертиза

forensic analysis - криминалистический анализ

forensic anthropologist - судебно-медицинский антрополог

forensic audit - судебно-бухгалтерская экспертиза (процессуальное действие, в ходе которого эксперт-бухгалтер по заданию следователя или судьи изучает первичные бухгалтерские документы для установления фактов, связанных с рассматриваемым делом)

forensic engineer - инженер в области криминалистики

forensic examination - судебная экспертиза

forensic expert - судебный эксперт

forensic expert institution - судебно-экспертное учреждение

forensic facial reconstruction - судебно-экспертная реконструкция лица

forensic information - данные для экспертного анализа

forensic inquiry - судебная экспертиза

forensic laboratory - лаборатория судебной экспертизы

forensic pathology - судебная патологоанатомия

forensic photography - судебная фотография

forensic psychiatric examination - судебно-медицинская экспертиза

forensic psychiatric expert examination - судебно-психиатрическая экспертиза

forensic psychiatry - судебная психиатрия

forensic psychology - судебная психология

forensic report - заключение судебной экспертизы

forensic science laboratory - лаборатория судебно-медицинской экспертизы

forensic statistics - судебная статистика

forensic testimony - показания судебного эксперта

forensic-medical laboratory - судебно-медицинская лаборатория

computer forensic analysis - компьютерно-техническая экспертиза

Central Forensic Customs Administration Центральное экспертно-криминалистическое таможенное управление

4. generalist - универсал; эрудит; человек с широким образованием и кругом интересов,

специалист широкого профиля; эксперт широкого профиля; (мед) - врач общей практики; семейный врач; врач общего профиля

5. impression – юр. восприятие; мнение; представление; след

case of the first impression - дело, по которому не имеется прецедентов

case of the first impression - дело, ставящее новый вопрос права

first impression - рассмотрение дела при отсутствие прецедентов

impressions of traces - оттиски следов

6. physical evidence - вещественное доказательство, физическая улика

tampering with or fabricating physical evidence - фальсификация или фабрикация вещественных доказательств

7. record – (юр) учёт; документ (оформленный надлежащим должностным лицом и служащий доказательством зафиксированного в нем правового акта, сделки, права); досье; отчёт

8. technician – лицо среднего технического персонала

Engineering-technician - инженерно-технический работник

Legal technician - знаток юридической техники

9. trace evidence - следовая улика; трасологическая улика, трасологические доказательства

10. sample – образцы, пробы

blood sample - образец крови

by sample - по образцу




Read and translate the text.


A person's handwriting has long been recognized as a form of human identification. Handwriting, like fingerprints, contains a combination of characteristics. One of the first things the forensic scientist looks for is the way the lines form the letters. He looks at strokes, pressure, slants, heights, loops, letter spacing, dotted "i's" and crossed "t's" etc. When analyzing writing style, the forensic scientist looks at the handwriting in general, much like you would look at a painting. Make mental notes of the most outstanding traits and try to get a general feeling of the writer. Then, determine the emotional energy of the writer. This is the most important factor of the personality of the writer. A forensic scientist also looks to see if people make ornaments such as circles etc. The scientist also looks at spelling, punctuation, and grammar. All of these characteristics are useful in identifying the writing of a letter or a document. The examiner must be cognizant of the differences between "class characteristics" and "individual characteristics". Class characteristics are those which are common to a group such as a particular writing system, family grouping, foreign language system, or professional group. Individual characteristics are those which are personal or peculiar letters or letter combinations, which, taken together, would not occur in the writing of another person.

When a forensic scientist suspects a person in a forgery case, one of the first things he does is to get a handwriting sample from that suspect - an exemplar. Usually, the scientist tries to get the suspect to write the same text as the suspected forged document with the same type of writing instrument as the forgery (pencil, ballpoint pen, fountain pen, marker, etc.). If the forensic scientist has enough handwriting samples from the suspect, he can usually determine whether or not the suspect has written certain documents.


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