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20 Read the passages from Builder’s Foundation Handbook (by John Carmody, Jeffrey Christian, Kenneth Labs), find additional information to each point given in bold and discuss them:

The foundation of a house is a somewhat invisible and sometimes ignored component of the building. Good foundation design and construction practice means not only insulating to save energy, but also providing effective structural design as well as moisture, termite, and radon control techniques where appropriate.

Factors affecting the choice of foundation type and construction system include site conditions, overall building design, the climate, and local market preferences as well as construction costs. These factors are discussed below.

Site Conditions.The topography, water table location, presence of radon, soil type, and depth of bedrock can all affect the choice of a foundation type.

Overall Building Design.The foundation type and construction system are chosen in part because of appearance factors. Although it is not usually a major aesthetic element, the foundation at the base of a building can be raised above the ground plane, so the foundation wall materials can affect the overall appearance. A building with a slab-on-grade foundation has little visible foundation; however, the foundation wall of a crawl space or basement can vary considerably from almost no exposure to full exposure above grade.

Climate.The preference of foundation type varies with climatic region, although examples of most types can generally be found in any given region. One of the principal factors behind foundation preference is the impact of frost depth on foundation design. In a southern climate the incremental first cost of creating a basement is greater when compared with a slab-on-grade with no significant required footing depth. Buildings with very shallow foundations can be used in cold climates if they are insulated properly.

Local Market Preferences and Construction Costs.The foundation type and construction system are also chosen based on cost and market factors that vary regionally or even locally. These costs reflect local material and labor costs as well as the availability of certain materials and the preferences of local contractors. More subjective factors that influence a designer’s choice of foundation type and construction system are the expectations and preferences of individual clients and the home-buying public. These more subjective market factors and regional preferences tend to increase the availability of materials and contractors for the preferred systems, which in turn makes these systems more cost-effective choices.

21Topics for projects and presentations:

  1. Shallow foundations.

  2. Deep foundations.

  3. Fundex piles.

4. Socket-type foundation.

5. Modern tendencies in foundation laying.


concrete strip

foundation бетонный ленточный фундамент

deep strip foundation

ленточный фундамент глубокого заложения

raft foundation

сплошной фундамент

piled foundation

свайный фундамент

strip foundation

ленточный фундамент

pad foundation

столбчатый фундамент

stepped strip foundation


distribute, v


structural load

нагрузка на конструкцию

bearing area

плоскость опоры; несущая поверхность

bearing capacity

несущая способность

failure, n


expand, v


frost zone

глубина промерзания (грунта)

ground level

уровень грунта

stability, n


drought, n


excavation, n

выемка грунта; рытьё котлована; экскаваторные работы; земляные работы

dead load

собственный вес; постоянная нагрузка

fixed part

неподвижная часть/деталь

plumbing, n

слесарно-водопроводные работы

live load

временная нагрузка; рабочая нагрузка

wind load

ветровая нагрузка

soil, n

грунт; почва;

spread, v


depth, n


distance, n


water table

уровень грунтовых вод

total weight

общий вес

adjust, v

регулировать, выверять

pour, n

бетонирование, укладка бетонной смеси

load-bearing wall


projection, n

выступ, выдающаяся часть

angle, n


trench, n

котлован; траншея

backfill, v

засыпка выемки


бетонная плита

mesh, n

арматурная сетка

strength, n


brick pier

кирпичный столб

isolated foundation

отдельный фундамент

sloping site

местность с уклоном

expense, n

расходы, траты

measure, v

измерять, мерить

brick course

ряд кирпичной кладки

trial hole

контрольное отверстие

strengthen, v упрочнять

bored pile

буронабивная свая

concrete core

железобетонный каркас; цилиндрический образец бетона (вырезаемый из толщи бетонной конструкции - для испытаний)

driven pile

забивная свая

tree trunk

ствол дерева

flint, n

галька, галечник, кремень; мелкозернистый песчаник

tree roots

корни деревьев

auge, n

бур, бурав

geological investigations

напорнаянагрузка геологическиеисследования

pressure loading

плита, уложенная вровень


плита, уложенная вровень

frost depth

глубина промерзания

shallow foundation

фундамент мелкого заложения

contractor, n


A good designer isn’t afraid to throw away a good idea.

Being process-oriented, not product-driven, is the most important and difficult skill for a designer to develop”.

Matthew Frederick (architect)

Unit 9

Лента лицом вверх 228

Figure 9.1 Pitched Roof Structure