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5) Match the words which are close in their meaning:











6) Match the words having the opposite meaning:











7) Complete the sentences (conclusion; outline; body; rely on; advisable; jot down):

1. The____of the speech presents the evidence which leads to the_________.

2. Having gathered the material you need, you must prepare an_________.

3. Don't_________your memory.

4. As you think of ideas or examples you want to use,_______them__________somewhere.

5. At this stage, it is_________to start making notes.

8) Explain the grammatical structure of the sentences. Use it in sentences of your own:

1. Having gathered the material you need, you must prepare an outline.

2. The conclusion summarizes the evidence, pointing out what it means to the audience.

9) Insert prepositions where necessary (of; to; on; down):

to rely__________smth. to involve__________smth.

to jot smth._________ to lead___________smth.

to apply____________smth. to be submitted__________smth.

an article____________smth. to go on___________smth.

to contain_________ smth. to be_______________ interest

10) Write the words with correct negative prefixes (in; un; ir):

regular, advisable, successful, appropriate, wise, contemporary.

11) Answer the following questions:

1. What is your next step after determining the objective and the approach?

2. Why is it advisable to start making notes?

3. Why is it useful to clip newspaper articles?

4. What does the process of writing a speech involve?

5. How many parts does the outline for a speech have?

6. What should the opening include?

7. What does the body of the speech present?

8. In what way should the conclusion be written?

12) Can you explain the following?

Many of our best ideas are no more than fleeting mental flashes that are quickly crowded out by more immediate problems.

13) Write down 3 sentences summarizing the contents of the text.

14) Render the following text in English:

Никогда не недооценивайте силу «невербального» общения

Обширные исследования показали, что жестикуляция и мимика доносят наиболее запоминающуюся информацию, которую получает аудитория и которой она верит. В частности:

• слова представляют лишь около 7 процентов того, что запоминает ауди­тория и внушает ей доверие;

• на голос (тон, высота тона и интонация) приходится 38 процентов ваших коммуникационных усилий;

• жестикуляция и мимика обеспечивают 55 процентов вашего потенциала общения.

Хотя это верно для повседневного общения, эффективность и непосред­ственность электронной прессы повышают значимость «невербального» обще­ния, а вместе с ним и его использования.

Жесты и мимика включают позу, то что вы делаете с руками, как жестику­лируете и используете мимику. Полезно проводить различие между тем, как ваше лицо действует буквально в качестве орудия общения и как остальная часть вашей мимики укрепляет (или ослабляет) эффект общения.

Text D


The next step is to write a rough draft for the speaker. The speaker should use this draft to add new thoughts, cross out copy that doesn't seem to fit and rewrite sen­tences to reflect his or her vocabulary and speaking style.

Don't feel rejected if the first, second, or even third draft comes back in tatters. It is only through this process that the speech becomes a natural expression of the Speak­er's personality.

The process just described delineates the ideal. The most successful speakers take the time to work with their speechwriters. Unfortunately, however, too many execu­tives fail to understand this simple concept.

A report prepared by one of public relations agencies discussed several reasons why business people have trouble explaining themselves to the public. The report noted:

All too often the chief executive expects a speech to appear magically on his desk with­out any contribution on his part. He feels too busy to give the speech the attention it deserves. In the end, he becomes the victim of his own neglect. He stumbles through a speech which, from start to finish, sounds contrived. And then he wonders why nobody lis­tened to what he said.

Words. A speech talks to listeners, not at them. Your choice of words can either electrify an audience or put it to sleep. As someone once said, "The best idea in the world isn't worth a damn if it cannot be expressed well".


fit - подходить

reflect - отражать

in tatters - разбитый вдребезги; уничтоженный

delineate - изображать

stumble - запинаться, ошибаться

contrived - неестественный, искусственный

contribution - вклад


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