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Speaker's Bureau Reaches a Diverse Audience

An effective tool for community outreach is a speaker's bureau. Employees, who are often volunteers, are trained to present the company or organization's story to a variety of audiences.

An outstanding example of a speaker's bureau is one organized by Southern California Edison, which saw a vital need for company speakers with multilingual ability. For example, the utility serves 3 million Hispanic customers. One-fourth of them do not speak any English, and more than three-fourths speak their native lan­guage at home. It also serves 600.000 Asians customers; 16 percent do not speak English, and 70 percent speak their native language at home.

The speaker's bureau has 11 company employees who are fluent in English and one other language - Spanish, Mandarin, Cantonese, Cambodian, or Vietnamese. They are available to community groups, neighborhood associations, schools, churches, and various civic groups free of charge.. The most frequent topics request­ed from groups include energy conservation, earthquake preparedness, electric safe­ty, and consumer service.

Southern California Edison promotes its speaker's bureau with advertisements in ethnic newspapers, flyers, and public service announcements on ethnic radio sta­tions.


Mandarin - the official language of China, spoken by most educated Chinese people - мандаринское наречие китайского языка

Cantonese - кантонский диалект китайского языка (Canton - Кантон, Гуанчжоу)

Hispanic – латиноамериканский

15) Render the following text in English:

Частично наши решения относительно одежды зависят от того общего впе­чатления, которое мы желаем произвести. Ваша цель как представителя орга­низации - выглядеть авторитетно и вызывать доверие.

При выборе одежды для телеинтервью помните о другой цели - зрителю на­до не смотреть на вас; ему надо слушать вас.

Одежда должна быть консервативной и удобной и не отвлекать внимание аудитории от ваших слов, а привлекать его к вашей внешности.

Благодаря освещению температура в студии повышается, а напряжение, вы­званное тем, что вы предстаете перед глазами зрителей, еще более «накаляет обстановку». Поэтому одежда должна быть как можно легче, а ее цвет - одно­тонным, без всевозможных рисунков, клеток, полос, горошка и т.д.

Лучше всего подойдут средние тона синего, серого и коричневого цветов. При очень темной одежде на телеэкране теряются ее детали. Следует также из­бегать большого количества черного и белого цветов. Яркие оттенки красного цвета часто выглядят очень резкими.

Text F

Interview Tips

Speeches, panels, and debates usually have a definite structure. By contrast, interviews may go far off the expected track. To get the best results from an interview, a speaker should remember these tips:

• Most reporters may merely want information, but some will be looking for head­lines. To appreciate this, just watch a presidential press conference. Note the kinds of questions asked and visualize the headlines that might result from an injudicious reply.

• Conversely, it may be desirable to make headlines. If you do want to see special attention paid to something, say it in a way that can be quoted or even headlined.

• Watch for loaded questions. Take time to think. Don't repeat a derogatory remark, shift to another subject.

• Prepare for the worst. Think of every question that might possibly be asked, rea­sonable or unreasonable. Then prepare an answer for each.

• Be sure to state your key points early in the interview. Use examples and anec­dotes. Don't tell half truths. Don't exaggerate. Don't brag about your organization or its products or services'.

• Watch your attitude. Don't be arrogant, evasive, or uncooperative. Don't argue. Admit mistakes - and tell how you have corrected them. Don't use jargon. Don't lose your temper.

• Don't memorize your statements, but do use notes for reference. Speak from the public viewpoint, it's the public's interest that is important. Look at the interviewer when he or she is asking a question, but face the audience or the television camera when you are answering.

• Be cooperative, but don't surrender. Watch for presumptive questions: "Why are you resisting the efforts to control pollution?" "Why do you charge such outrageous prices?" Deny the statement and shift to another topic.

• If a question is unfair or too personal say so and refuse to answer. You aren't required to answer any question. Decline with a smile, but don't say "no comment".

• Never speak "off the record". Anything you say is on some sort of record - video­tape or the reporter's notes.

• Don't challenge figures unless you know they are wrong. Remember that there are many ways to cite statistics.

• Be as relaxed and informal as possible. A humorous remark may be used if it is appropriate, but don't be facetious, you might be misunderstood.


tip - совет

merely - просто

headline - заголовок

visualize - представить себе

injudicious - неблагоразумный, неразумный

conversely - наоборот

loaded question - провокационный вопрос

derogatory - пренебрежительный

shift to another subject - перейти к другой теме

exaggerate - преувеличивать

brag - хвалиться

arrogant - высокомерный, надменный

evasive - уклончивый

surrender - сдаваться, уступать

presumptive - предполагаемый

resist - сопротивляться

charge a price - установить цену

outrageous - возмутительный

deny - отрицать

decline отклонить

challenge - оспаривать

facetious - неуместно шутливый


1) Find the English equivalents in the text. Use them in sentences of your own:

иметь определенную структуру; явиться результатом чего-либо; желательный; обратить внимание на что-либо; быть процитированным; остерегаться чего-либо; основные вопросы; использовать жаргон; признавать ошибки; терять самообладание; приводить статистические данные; быть уместным.

2) Find the words in the text which describe or mean the following:

1. a helpful piece of advice -

2. to form a picture of someone or something in your mind -

3. insulting and disapproving -

4. very shocking because it is unfair -

5. based on a reasonable belief about what is likely to happen or be true -

6. to question whether something is right, fair, or legal –

3) Match the words. Use them in the sentences of your own:





to make






4) Translate the following sentences into Russian:

The pamphlet offers several tips on how to find a job.

2. She accused him of telling outrageous lies.

3. Today people want more from working life than merely a paycheck.

4. Scandinavian cruises are very popular in I he summer; conversely the Caribbean is most popular in the winter.

5. A witness heard his bragging that he was responsible for all three murders.

6. Many doctors have challenged the accuracy of his findings.

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