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8) Answer the following questions:

1. Why is it necessary to know as much as possible about the audience?

2. What factors bear on what the audience will find interesting?

3. How should a talk before a professional group be prepared?

4. What should help to prepare a speech that will appeal to the audience?

5. What should the speech be built around?

6. What sort of language should be used?

7. Why aren't vague statements advisable?

9) Can you explain the following?

1. Most audiences have a core of common interests.

2. A vague generality has little or no chance of being understood, let alone remem­bered.

3. This will give you some insight and perhaps even provide you with some quota­tions from leaders in the field.

10) Agree or disagree:

1. People remember only a small part of what they hear.

2. A vague statement has no chance of being effective.

11) Render the following text in English:

Опытные ораторы обычно вырабатывают для себя методику выступления. Она может быть такой.

Начинать подготовку к выступлению следует с определения его общего за­мысла.

Во всех случаях ставится задача завоевать расположение возможного партне­ра или клиента, побудить к сотрудничеству, купить товар и т.д. Эта конкретная цель и вызывает необходимость любого выступления. Но вот говорить с людьми нужно о важном для них и в подходящее для этого время, привычным для них ЯЗЫКОМ, заранее узнав побольше об аудитории, раскрывая перед пей план дейст­вий и делая всех участниками выработки этого плана и последующих решений.

При подготовке текста нужно учитывать, что письменный и разговорный языки различаются и не все красиво выписанное будет столь же удачным в произношении и, напротив, привлекшая внимание удачная и звонкая устная фраза при перенесении на бумагу может выглядеть коряво.

Определенной силой внушения обладают впечатляющие факты, иллюстра­ции, и их нужно старательно искать и подбирать. Хороший эффект может дать использование неизвестной слушателям информации.

Затем подготовка к выступлению продолжается в работе над текстом. Даже если оратор не собирается читать свой текст, текст этот надо записать. Тем более, если это какие-то официальные доклады и сообщения, когда каждое слово имеет значение. При этом в процессе подготовки текста он запоминается и его потом можно и не читать.

Text С

A Speech Must Get a Reaction

If a speech gets no response from the listeners, it is a waste of the speaker's breath and the audience's time. Regardless of the subject, a speech must convey ideas and arouse some emotion in the audience. At least the listeners must feel that they have received new information and insight on a topic that concerns them.

In most cases, the person who is asked to speak is perceived as an expert on a given subject. Consequently, the audience wants the benefit of that person's thinking and analysis. They don't want platitudes or statements that are self-evident. An economist should offer more than the flat statement that the economy is in trouble; he or she should explain why it is in trouble and what the solution might be.

A Speech Must Have an Objective

This is probably the most important requirement of all. There is no point in making speeches unless they accomplish something. In preparing a speech the first step is to determine what you want the audience to know or do, in other words, what attitude do you want the audience to have after listening to the speech?

A speech may inform, persuade, activate, or celebrate. It may also amuse or enter­tain. That particular kind of speech will not be considered here, but this does not rule out the use of some humor in the other kinds of speeches.

An informative speech is one that tells the audience something it does not know or that it does not understand.

A persuasive speech is designed to convince the audience about the merits of some idea. Such a speech could try to convince people that the tamperproof ID card previ­ously mentioned could easily be adopted and implemented. A similar speech could convince people of the need for a higher sales tax or better funding for the police force's crime-fighting efforts.

A persuasive speech appeals to the audience's self-interest. You might mention that more money for police protection will make the listeners families safer.

An activating speech is designed to get the listener to do something. Direct and spe­cific action is suggested and urged. A basic principle of persuasion is that a speaker should provide an audience with a specific course of action to take: write to a congres­sional representative, vote for a candidate, purchase a product, take steps to conserve energy.

A celebratory speech is designed to honor some person or event. Such speeches are often trite and boring, but they don't have to be. If a person is being honored for life­time professional achievement, why not start out with an anecdote that best exempli­fies the feats being honored? This is much better than a chronological account of the person's life as if it were being read from an obituary.

Events like grand openings, anniversaries, and retirements usually have friendly, receptive audience. In such cases, you can be more emotional and get away with some platitudes, which will probably be warmly received. When you prepare such a speech, however, keep it brief. Five minutes should be ample.


waste - пустая трата; растрачивание

regardless of - невзирая на

perceive - воспринимать

platitude - плоскость, банальность

self-evident - самоочевидный

rule out - исключать

persuade – убеждать

implement - осуществить

urge - призывать, настоятельно побуждать

exemplify - иллюстрировать, служить примером

feat - подвиг

obituary - некролог

get away with - сходить с рук

ample - предостаточно

flat - вялый, бесцветный

merits - достоинства

purchase - покупать


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