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Op-ed at the Wall Street Journal

The Wall Street Journal offers a prestigious national forum for op-ed articles, and hundreds of writers compete for an opportunity to get published. In the first four months of 1993, for example, the newspaper received more then 1,800 unsolicited manuscripts.

The newspaper's six-person op-ed staff is responsible for reading all the articles and accepting or rejecting them. The staff looks for more than just an opinion piece. "We like thoroughly researched issues so that our readers get more than just a point of view", says Karen Cuddy, submissions editor.

The Wall Street Journal likes articles between 700 and 1,800 words in a double-spaced format. Authors should also enclose a cover letter listing their credentials and a stamped return envelope.

Text В

Op-ed Articles

Commentaries about news events or public concerns run on the page facing the edito­rial page. They are written by a variety of people who have one thing in common: They are perceived as having expertise or special insight regarding the subject being discussed.

The op-ed piece may be a rebuttal to a previously published editorial or just a reac­tion to a series of news events reported by the newspaper.

Corporate executives can get high visibility with op-ed pieces. Think tanks and uni­versities also use them to get recognition for their outstanding scholars.

Op-ed is a newspaper term, but the concept also applies to trade and professional publications. Many companies have an active program of encouraging their engineers and research scientists to write commentaries for specialized publications serving a particular industry.

Writing and placing an "op-ed" article in a newspaper is one of the easiest and fastest ways a writer can get into print.

Op-ed is journalese for the page opposite the editorial page in newspapers. The con­cept was made famous when begun by the New York Times editorial page editor many years ago. The objective was to present views that differed from those of the paper's editorial writers.

Now most newspapers of note run such articles in order to present a variety of points of view.

Getting an article published as an op-ed piece is simple if you know how - and here are some tips.


An op-ed article should concentrate on presenting one main idea. The style and complexity of the writing should match the readership of that particular newspaper. A good rule is to keep it simple and avoid the use of jargon.

Because national newspapers receive many more unsolicited articles than they can use, the subject matter and the point of view should be somewhat unique.

A must for such articles, as in almost any kind of writing, is a good strong lead. The first few sentences have to capture the reader's (and the editor's) attention. The piece should not only be written in a lively and interesting manner, but it also should be informative and educational.

Daily newspapers generally prefer articles of about 700-750 words in length, which is about three typewritten, double-spaced pages. Sunday editorial page sections can use longer articles - about 1,000 to 1,500 words.

□ Vocabulary:

apply to smth. - применить к ч.-л.

capture smb's attention - захватить чье-либо внимание

content - суть, содержание

encourage - поощрять

expertise - компетентность

have smth. in common - иметь ч.-л. общее

insight - понимание, интуиция

journalese - газетный штамп, газетный ярлык

lead - вводная часть

match smth. - соответствовать ч.-л.

must - необходимость, насущная потребность

of note - достойный внимания

perceive - воспринимать

place - разместить

rebuttal - опровержение, возражение scholar - ученый

subject matter - содержание, тема think tank - (разг.) «мозговой центр»

tip - совет

unique - уникальный

unsolicited - представленный по собственной инициативе

visibility - видимость, обзор


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