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The statue of liberty


  • Statue of Liberty in (1)______________;

  • a huge statue of a woman holding a tablet in (2)_________________ and a torch in (3)____________________;

  • seven points of her crown represent the seven (4)____________ and (5)________________ of the world;

Historical Facts

  • designed by Frederick-Auguste Bartoldi;

  • was started in (6)___________ and finished in 1884;

  • made of copper with steel (7)__________________;

  • a gift to the Americans from (8)______________ to celebrate the (9)__________ anniversary of American Declaration of Independence;

  • the statue was made in sections, in (10)____________ 1885 it was put into 214 boxes and shipped to (11)_______________;

  • reassembled in four (12)_____________;

  • declared (13)______________________________ in 1924.

Things to See/Do There

  • climb 354 steps to reach the crown, admire the view from 25 (14)______________;

  • visit the Statue of Liberty (15)________________ (museum objects, photographs, prints, videos).


  • be amazed by the Statue – not to be missed.

c) Listen to the recording again and tell about the Statue of Liberty.

Task 53. a) Read the words and make sure that you know them.

  1. to approach /q'prqVC/ - приближаться

  2. steam /stJm/ - пар

  3. engine /'enGIn/ - двигатель

  4. underneath /"Andq'nJT/ - под

  5. Gothic /'gPTIk/ - готический (о стиле)

  6. royal /'rOIql/ - королевский

  7. bell /bel/ - колокол

  8. unbelievable /"AnbI'lJvqbl/ - невероятный

  9. to chime /CaIm/ - отбивать (часы)

  10. majestic /mq'GestIk/ - величественный

  11. duke /djHk/ - герцог

в) Read the notes.

  1. Tower Bridge - Тауэрский мост (разводной мост через р. Темзу; назван по Тауэру, находящемуся рядом)

  2. the Tower of London - Тауэр (старинная крепость на берегу р. Темзы в Лондоне)

  3. William the Conqueror - Вильгельм Завоеватель (герцог Норманнский, завоевавший Англию в 1066 г.; стал английским королем Вильгельмом I)

  4. Crown Jewels - Королевские регалии ( короны, скипетры, державы и др. драгоценности)

  5. Buckingham Palace - Букингемский дворец (главная королевская резиденция в Лондоне)

  6. the Royal Standard - Королевский штандарт (личный флаг монарха; вывешивается над Букингемским дворцом, когда монарх находится в Лондоне)

  7. changing of the guard - смена караула королевских гвардейцев (торжественная церемония; проводится ежедневно утром во дворе перед Букингемским дворцом)

с) Listen to the recording and fill in the missing words.

  1. Tower Bridge

  • built between (1)_________ and 1894 by Sir Horace Jones;

  • steam (2)______________ were used to raise the bridge so that (3)________________ could pass underneath;

  • impressive twin Gothic (4)________________ .

  • The Tower of London

    • built during the (5)______________ century by William the Conqueror;

    • was the Royal Residence until the (6)______________ century;

    • has 19 (7)______________;

    • see the Crown Jewels in the (8)_____________________.

    1. Big Ben

    • installed in (9)_________________;

    • the largest (10)_________________ in Britain;

    • the bell weighs (11)____________ tons;

    • the name “Big Ben” refers to the (12)______________, not to the clock itself.

    1. Buckingham Palace

    • Built in 1703 by the (13)_______________________;

    • (14)________________ was the first queen to live there;

    • Royal Standard is flying when the (15)_________________ is in residence;

    • Every morning a changing of the guard ceremony (16)__________________________.

    d) Listen to the recording again, then use the information to tell about the sights of London.

    Task 54. a) Read the words and make sure that you know them.

    1. to mention /menSn/ - упоминать

    2. environmental /In"vaIqrqn'mentl/- относящийся к окружающей среде

    3. issue /'ISH/ - проблема, спорный вопрос

    4. lack of something /lxk/ - отсутствие, нехватка чего-то

    5. disease /dI'zJz/ - болезнь, заболевание

    6. to dump /dAmp/ - сбрасывать

    7. waste /weIst/ - отходы

    8. oil /OIl/ - нефть

    9. to suffer /'sAfq/ - страдать

    10. stomach /'stAmqk/ - желудок

    11. destruction /dI'strAkSn/ - разрушение, уничтожение

    12. extinct /Ik'stINkt/ - вымерший

    13. oxygen /'PksIGqn/ - кислород

    14. to breathe /brJD/ - дышать

    b) Look through the chart, then listen to the recording and fill in the missing information.





    Lack of (1)_____________.

    Streets are (2) ___________; people catch (3) ____________.

    Air pollution

    Factories and (4)________ pollute the air.

    It causes serious (5)______________; trees and (6) ____________ are damaged.

    Water pollution

    Factories dump waste into

    (7) ______________; sea is polluted with (8)_________ from tankers.

    People (9)__________ stomach problems; fish are (10) _______________; rivers are contaminated.

    Destruction of forests

    People cut down or (11)____________ forests.

    Animals and plants lose their (12) ___________; animals may even become extinct; people have less (13)______________ to breathe.

    c) Listen to the recording again, then talk about the environmental problems, causes and effects mentioned.

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