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Unit VII. Education

Task 55. a) Read the words and make sure that you know them.

  1. to refuse /rI'fjHz/ - отвергать, отказывать(ся)

  2. to fail /feIl/ - потерпеть неудачу,

провалиться (на экзамене)

b) Listen to the recording and correct the statements where necessary.

  1. In Britain school leavers usually apply to one or two universities.

  2. Every applicant must be interviewed.

  3. The speaker has already applied to the university.

  4. The speaker has heard from two universities.

  5. The speaker has got an interview tomorrow.

Task 56. a) Read the words and make sure that you know them.

  1. achievement /q'CJvmqnt/ - достижение

  2. maths /mxTs/ - математика

  3. GCSE = General - аттестат о среднем образовании

Certificate of Secondary

Education /sq'tIfIkIt/

  1. bottom /bPtm/ - конец, нижняя часть, дно

  2. to take the matter in hand - взять проблему в свои руки,

заняться проблемой самому

  1. to be proud of something - гордиться чем-либо

b) You are going to hear a man talking about his personal achievements. Listen to the recording and answer the questions.

1. What exam did the speaker pass?

2. At what age did she pass this exam?

3. How well did she do at school at maths?

4. Why did she decide to go to evening classes?

5. Who did she go to evening classes with?

6. How long did it take the speaker to get ready for the exam?

c) Have your say:

What are your personal successes? What have you done that you are proud of?

Task 57. a) Read the words and make sure that you know them.

  1. attitude /'xtItjHd/ - отношение

  2. to try /traI/ - пробовать, испытывать

  3. primary school /'praImqri/ - начальная школа

  4. junior high school /'GHnIq/ - младшая ступень средней школы

  5. relaxed /rI'lxkst/ - расслабленный

  6. competitive /kqm'petItIv/ - состязательный; соперничающий

  7. discipline /'dIsIplIn/ - дисциплина

  8. strict /strIkt/ - строгий

  9. row /rqV/ - ряд

  10. to bow /baV/ - кланяться

  11. politeness /pq'laItnIs/ - вежливость

  12. respect /rI'spekt/ - уважение

  13. rude /rHd/ - грубый, невоспитанный

  14. extra /'ekstrq/ - что-то дополнительное,

сверх программы

  1. to be bored - скучать, изнывать от скуки

b) Listen to the recording and correct the statements.

  1. Graham Grant was asked to tell about teaching Japanese at schools in Japan.

  2. The Japanese attitude to jobs is the same as in other countries.

  3. In Japan people try a lot of jobs until they find the right one.

  4. Japanese schools are known for their relaxed atmosphere.

  5. In Japan children go to school every day of the week, including Saturday and Sunday.

  6. English and Japanese schools are so much alike.

c) Listen to the recording again and answer the questions.

  1. What did Graham Grant do in Japan?

  2. Why is education more important in Japan than in many other countries?

  3. What is the Japanese attitude to jobs?

  4. Why is it so important for Japanese children to do well at school?

  5. What happens to a Japanese child when he moves to junior high school?

  6. Why don’t Japanese children ask questions in class?

  7. What do they do in the evening?

  8. Do Japanese children like school? Why?

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