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Harry, a long-term prisoner

Crime: (1)_______________________ with violence.

Sentence: (2)_____________________ imprisonment.

Life story: - grew up in (3)_____________________;

- parents:

mother (4)________________________;

father (5)_________________________;

- friends: the kids from (6)__________________________;

- free time activities: (7)____________________ the coffee bar; (8)_______________________ the juke box;

- started getting into trouble at the age of (9)________________;

- Types of committed crimes: (10)______________; (11)__________________; (12)_______________________.

Time spent in prison for the last crime: more than (13)________________. Intentions for the future life: to go (14)__________________; to qualify as a (15)___________________.

Plans for future work: to work for (16)____________________ at a motor-bike shop.

c) Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

shoplifting hang around market going to bed

coffee bar beat up cinema getting up rob

  1. Harry’s mother used to work in the … .

  2. All the kids from the street used to meet up at the … .

  3. They used to … the bar all day.

  4. They never used to go to the … .

  5. Harry’s friends used to go … .

  6. Harry used to … and … old ladies.

  7. Harry cannot get used to … at 5.30.

  8. He cannot get used to … at 8, either.

d) Listen to the recording again, check yourself, then translate the sentences into Russian.

e) Think back to your childhood. Ask and answer these questions in pairs and report the information to the group.

1. Where did your father use to work?

2. Where did your mother use to work?

3. What did you use to like doing?

4. What did you use to dislike doing?

5. Where did you use to spend your summer holidays?

6. What did you use to do in your spare time?

7. What books did you use to read?

8. What subjects did you use to like studying?

9. What did you use to dream about?

10. What plans did you use to make for the future?

Task 87. a) Read the words and make sure that you know them.

  1. Night Noise Law /"naItnOIz'lL/- Закон о шуме в ночное время

  2. to uphold /Ap'hqVld/ - поддерживать, защищать

  3. to complain /kqm'pleIn/ - выражать недовольство,


  1. complaint /kqm'pleInt/ - жалоба

  2. to flush /flAS/ - спустить воду (в туалете)

  3. to warn /wLn/ - предупреждать,


  1. celebrations /"selq'breISnz/ - празднования, торжества

  2. incredible /In'kredIbl/ - неслыханный, невероятный

  3. Geneva /Gq'nJvq/ - Женева

  4. to blame /bleIm/ - считать виновным

  5. irritation /"IrI'teISn/ - раздражение

  6. rage /reIG/ - гнев, ярость

  7. irate /aI'reIt/ - разгневанный, сердитый

  8. disturbing /dI'stE:bIN/ - нарушающий (покой)

  9. alarm /q'lRm/ - сигнализация

  10. concern /kqn'sE:n/ - забота, беспокойство

b) This is a list of the Top Ten noises British people complain most about. How do you react to these noises? Rank them from 1 (the most annoying) to 10.

barking dogs road work

noisy neighbours car alarms

pubs and restaurants airplanes

building sites traffic noises

noisy parties radios or personal stereos in public places

c) Listen and make a list of noises mentioned in the recording.

d) Listen again and answer the questions.

  1. What Law did the owner of the house break?

  2. What did the police officer ask him to do?

  3. What country with strict anti-noise laws is mentioned in the conversation?

  4. Why are all foreigners told the same story of the party as soon as they arrive in Switzerland?

  5. Are the anti-noise laws enforced by the police in Holland in the same way as in Switzerland?

  6. How are the police and the people in Holland different from the Swiss?

  7. What powers do the police in Scotland have in this area?

  8. Do the police in Great Britain have the same responsibilities?

  9. What responsibilities do the environmental health officers have in Great Britain?

  10. Why do you think complaints about noise have been rising steadily?

e) Have your say:

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