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Unit VIII. Jobs. Careers.

Task 58. a) Read the words and make sure that you know them.

  1. seldom /'seldqm/ - редко

  2. nearly /'nIqli/ - почти

  3. to sail /seIl/ - плавать, идти под парусами

  4. to offer /'Pfq/ - предлагать

b) Listen to the recording and correct the statements.

  1. Mary Williams was not a very good worker, because she liked to rest much more than to work.

  2. At weekends she often went out and danced till the early hours of the next morning.

  3. Mary’s friend Jill liked her job very much and she always arrived at her office early and left late.

  4. It was Mary who invited Jill and her husband Len to go for a holiday together.

  5. Next summer they again had their holiday together.

c) Listen to the recording again and answer the questions.

  1. What job did Mary Williams have?

  2. Why did she need that job?

  3. What was Mary’s attitude to her job?

  4. What did she do at weekends?

  5. What did Mary’s friend Jill think about getting a job?

  6. How did Jill and Len spend their free time?

  7. How long a holiday did the friends have together?

  8. How did Mary feel after the holiday?

  9. Did Mary agree to spend her next holiday together with the friends?

  10. Why did she say that she didn’t need a holiday, she needed a rest?

Task 59. a) Read the words and make sure that you know them.

  1. to earn /E:n/ - зарабатывать

  2. to deliver /dI'lIvq/ - доставлять, разносить

  3. proper /'prPpq/ - подходящий, должный

  4. manager /'mxnIGq/ - управляющий, директор

  5. pound /paVnd/ - фунт стерлингов

  6. to count /kaVnt/ - считать

  7. lazy /'leIzi/ - ленивый

b) Listen to the recording and choose the right answers.

  1. Before he left school Bill … .

a) didn’t work.

    1. delivered newspapers.

    2. worked in a bank.

  1. It was Bill’s … who worked in a bank.

a) aunt

b) father

c) uncle

  1. Bill didn’t get a job in the same bank because… .

a) the work was not easy.

b) there were no jobs there.

c) the manager didn’t like him.

  1. Bill had to work for … before he could stay in the bank.

a) a week

b) a month

c) a year

  1. Bill was trained by … .

a) the manager

b) Mr. Unwin

  1. One day Bill was asked to count one pound notes … .

a) to be certain that there were one hundred

    1. to try not to make a mistake

c) Listen to the recording again and answer the questions.

  1. When did Bill start earning money?

  2. What job did he choose after leaving school? Why?

  3. What sort of person was Bill?

  4. Who was Mr. Unwin?

  5. How did he treat Bill?

  6. Why did Mr. Unwin ask Bill to count one pound notes?

  7. What part of this work did Bill do before he felt tired?

  8. Was Bill right when he said, “If they are correct up to here, they will all be correct.”? Why?

Task 60. a) Read the words and make sure that you know them.

  1. to complain /kqm'pleIn/ - жаловаться, выражать недовольство

  2. wedding /'wedIN/ - свадьба, бракосочетание

  3. to fix /fIks/ - назначать (срок)

  4. assistant /q'sIstqnt/ - помощник

  5. editor /'edItq/ - редактор

  6. to mind /maInd/ - возражать, иметь что-либо против

  7. band /bxnd/ - оркестр

  8. all the year round - круглый год

b) Listen to the recording and fill in the missing information.

I: When were you born?

A: On the 23d of (1)_______________ 1976. It was a (2)______________ .

I: How long have you worked here?

A: For nearly (3)_____________. Before that I worked for a Japanese (4)__________________________ .

I: Do you like your job?

A: Yes, I do. The pay is good and the people I work with are really (5)____________. It’s like one big (6)______________ family here.

I: How much do you earn?

A: I’m sorry, but that’s my business, but it’s certainly (7)______________

________________, so I am not complaining.

I: Are you married?

A: No, not yet, but I will be (8)_______________ next year. The wedding is fixed for (9)_________________.

I: What does your girlfriend do?

A: She is an assistant editor on the local newspaper.

I: What does she look like?

A: She is (10)_____________________ with dark hair and she sometimes wears glasses.

I: Are you planning to have any children?

A: Sorry, I’d rather not answer that if you don’t mind. It’s too far in the future. Let’s just say neither of us is quite ready yet.

I: What do you do in your spare time?

A: I play the bass guitar in a rock band, I go to concerts, the cinema. I do all kinds of things, erm – I’m quite (11)_______________ sport.

I: Do you do any sports yourself?

A: Yes, I do. Tennis (12)____________________ and basketball all the year round.

c) Why do you think the speaker doesn’t want to answer some questions? Would people in this country answer such questions? Are there any other questions they wouldn’t answer?

Task 61. a) Read the words and make sure that you know them.

  1. to mean /mJn/ - значить, иметь значение

  2. to bother /'bPDq/ - беспокоить

  3. milkman /'mIlkmqn/ - продавец или разносчик молока

  4. pint /paInt/ - пинта (= 0.57 литра в Англии

и 0.47 литра в США)

  1. briefcase /'brJfkeIs/ - портфель

  2. boring /'bLrIN/ - скучный

  3. repetitive /rI'petItIv/ - повторяющийся

  4. to sort /sLt/ - сортировать

  5. to shout /SaVt/ - кричать

  6. to shut /SAt/ - закрывать, затворять

  7. it’s a shame /SeIm/ - досадно; жаль; неприятно

  8. to be terrified /'terIfaId/ - испытывать ужас

b) Listen to the recording and say which of the mentioned below Les Mickleby really likes:

  • to get up early

  • fresh air

  • to finish the work late

  • to go to the pub

  • to walk on the garden

  • to shout at the people

  • to play with dogs

  • to know about the people’s problems

c) Listen to the recording again and answer the questions.

  1. What sort of person is Les Mickleby?

  2. Does he think his work is boring or repetitive?

  3. What does he do? Is he a milkman, a postman or a gardener?

  4. What does he have to know well in order to do his job?

  5. What doesn’t he like about his job?

  6. What is his attitude to the job in general?

Task 62. a) Read the words and make sure that you know them.

  1. kid /kId/ - ребенок

  2. smartly /'smRtli/ - нарядно, модно

  3. impression /Im'preSn/ - впечатление

  4. suit /sHt/ - костюм

  5. female /'fJmeIl/ - женщина

  6. tights /taIts/ - колготки

  7. knee-length /'nJ"leNT/ - длиной до колен

  8. skirt /skE:t/ - юбка

  9. tailored /'teIlqd/ - выполненный в строгом стиле

(о женской одежде)

  1. casual /'kxZuql/ - небрежный, повседневный

  2. desire /dI'zaIq/ - желание

  3. cafeteria /"kxfI'tIqriq/ - кафетерий

  4. to ban /bxn/ - запрещать

  5. flexible /'fleksIbl/ - гибкий

b) Look through the statements below, then listen to a lawyer talking about his work and correct the information if necessary.

  1. Working hours are flexible, but generally they start working at 9.

  2. They are supposed to work a 48-hour week, but actually work less.

  3. To give a good impression they are supposed to dress smartly for work.

  4. Female lawyers are not allowed to wear trousers, but they may wear skirts of any length.

  5. On Fridays they may wear casual clothes.

  6. They are allowed to have lunch in the office.

  7. There are places for smokers and non-smokers in the cafeteria.

  8. Smoking is banned for lawyers.

c) Listen to the recording again and answer the questions.

  1. What time does the speaker start work?

  2. When does he finish work?

  3. What does “a weekly dress-down day” mean?

  4. What is the speaker’s attitude to this American idea?

  5. Does the speaker like to come into work wearing jeans and a T-shirt?

  6. Why does he think people should dress smartly for work?

  7. What is the speaker’s attitude to smoking?

  8. What is your attitude to smoking in public places?

Task 63. a) Read the words and word combinations and make sure that you know them.

  1. management /'mxnIGmqnt/ - управление, умение

  2. to manage time /'mxnIG/ - управлять временем

  3. efficiency /I'fISqnsi/ - эффективность

  4. civil servant /"sIvIl'sE:vqnt/ - государственный гражданский

служащий, чиновник

  1. range /reInG/ - диапазон

  2. punctuality /"pANkCu'xlIti/ - пунктуальность, точность

  3. to be aware /q'weq/ - знать, осознавать

  4. to expect /Ik'spekt/ - ожидать, надеяться, рассчитывать

  5. to adapt /q'dxpt/ - приспосабливаться

  6. circumstances /'sE:kqmstxnsIz/- обстоятельства

  7. to some extent /Ik'stent/ - в какой-то степени

  8. to set limits /'lImIts/ - устанавливать границы

  9. to make an effort /'efqt/ - приложить усилия

  10. harsh /hRS/ - суровый, резкий

  11. constantly /'kPnstqntli/ - постоянно

  12. persistent /pq'sIstqnt/ - постоянный

  13. to constitute /'kPnstItjHt/ - составлять

b) Listen to the recording and answer the questions.

  1. What do time management consultants do?

  2. Who are the clients of time management consultants?

  3. How important is punctuality in organizing one’s time?

  4. What cultural differences concerning the attitude to punctuality can you mention?

  5. What advice does Roberta Wilson give to Paul on how to make persistent latecomers arrive on time?

  6. What does the proverb “When in Rome, do as the Romans do” mean?

  7. What is the Russian equivalent for this proverb?

c) Have your say on

  • how punctual you are,

  • whether you usually arrive late, early or on time,

  • whether you take it easy when other people arrive late.

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