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1) What car caused the accident

a) the red van

b) the black van

c) the taxi

2) Who was very angry

a) the reporter

b) the taxi driver

c) the red van driver

d) the black van driver

c) Listen to the recording again and complete the sentences.

A: I’m a reporter from the “Hendon Standard”. Were you present when (1)________________________________?

B: Yes, I was standing at the end of Elm Avenue, (2)__________________ .

A: What happened?

B: There was a red van travelling west and (3)________________________ .

A: Was the red van (4)____________________?

B: No. The driver kept glancing at a map on his lap. Then a black taxi started to (5)________________________ .

A: Was that the cause of the accident?

B: It wasn’t (6)_____________ that caused the accident. It was (7)________________. The van driver (8)_________________ and crashed into (9)____________ .

A: What happened then?

B: The taxi smashed into a lamppost. The taxi driver wasn’t badly hurt, but he (10)____________________ .

Task 50. a) Read the words and make sure that you know them.

  1. reason /rJzn/ - причина, оправдание

  2. to blow /blqV/ - дуть

  3. probably /'prPbqbli/ - вероятно

b) Listen to the conversation and answer the questions.

  1. What did the driver do?

  2. What reason did he give to the police officer for not doing that?

  3. What do you think was the last set of traffic lights?

  4. What did the police officer ask the driver to do?

  5. Why did he ask him to do that?

Task 51. a) Read the words and make sure that you know them.

  1. brakes /breIks/ - тормоза

  2. to skid /skId/ - заносить (об автомобиле)

  3. to collide /kq'laId/ - сталкиваться

  4. to be helpful /'helpfVl/ - быть полезным

b) Read the dialogue between a policeman and a witness of a car accident and fill in the words from the box.

traffic lights brakes skidded

collided crashing speeding

P: Now, sir. I’d like to ask you a few questions. What is your name?

W: My name is Brad Richards.

P: Where do you live, Mr. Richards?

W: I live just round the corner, on Maple Street.

P: What were you doing at the time of the crash, sir?

W: I was on my way home from work.

P: What did you see, Mr. Richards?

W: Well, I saw a red car (1)_______________ down the street just as a blue car was turning the corner. The blue car’s driver put on (2)___________ and then the car (3)_______________ . The two cars (4)____________ with a horrible (5) _____________ noise.

P: Just one more question, sir. Were the (6)__________________ on the corner red or green?

W: Oh, I am sorry. I can’t remember.

P: Thank you, Mr. Richards. You’ve been most helpful.

Task 52. a) Read the words and make sure that you know them.

  1. huge /hjHG/ - огромный, громадный

  2. tablet /'txblqt/ - табличка, дощечка с надписью

  3. torch /tLC/ - факел

  4. copper /'kPpq/ - медь

  5. steel /stJl/ - сталь

  6. support /sq'pLt/ - опора

  7. gift /gIft/ - подарок

  8. to celebrate /'selqbreIt/ - праздновать

  9. anniversary /"xnI'vE:sqri/ - годовщина

  10. to ship /SIp/ - отправлять (груз)

  11. to reassemble /"rIq'sembl/ - заново смонтировать, собрать

  12. to admire /qd'maIq/ - восхищаться

  13. exhibit /Ig'zIbIt/ - экспозиция

  14. to amaze /q'meIz/ - изумлять, поражать

b) Listen to the recording and complete the information.

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