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1.7. Read the four texts to follow and identify the natural disasters discussed. Write out the words and phrases that helped you identify the phenomena.

Zambia declares national food emergency

Zambia is declaring its food crisis a national disaster and is appealing for urgent international aid to help the four million people threatened with starvation. Poor rainfall has decimated the harvest and threatens to dry up village wells and dams. This follows a 360,000 ton grain deficit from last year that was also blamed on bad weather. Zambia's hunger crisis stems from a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that is affecting many southern African farmers this year. In Malawi, Zimbabwe, Lesotho and Swaziland, about 10 million people are on the brink of starvation, two UN food agencies confirm.

Ananova 30th May 2002

Four Austrian skiers missing after ­­_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in French Alps

Four skiers are missing after an _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the French Alps. At least two of the people missing after the snow fall near Chamonix are believed to be Austrian. Authorities fear the skiers have been buried under blocks of ice. The four were believed to be wearing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ beacons, devices that emit signals to help rescuers pinpoint a buried skier's location. A fifth person who was with the group was found by rescuers shortly after the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and was flown by helicopter to a hospital in Chamonix with serious injuries. "There is an enormous amount of wind and the sky is overcast," said Captain Blaise Agretsy, commander of the High Mountain Squad in the eastern French resort city Chamonix.

Ananova 20th April 2002

Taiwan _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ death toll reaches four

The number of people killed by the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in Taiwan has risen to four. More than 200 people have been injured. The people were killed when two cranes fell from the 60th floor of a building under construction in Taipei, police say. State radio says a crane operator and three other building workers have been killed. About 10 others have been hurt by steel rods and other objects that rained down from the building site.

Ananova 31st March 2002

40,000 Evacuated by Denver ­_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

A wind-whipped _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _prompted authorities to order the evacuation of up to 40,000 people Monday from their homes along the southwestern edge of the Denver metropolitan area. The 61,000-acre ­_ _ _ _ roared to within 10 miles of residential neighborhoods. _ _ _ _fighters were pulled off the lines because it was too dangerous, and a mandatory evacuation was ordered from homes near Roxborough State Park, the U.S. Forest Service said. The _ _ _ _ was started by an illegal camp_ _ _ _ Saturday in Pike National Forest 55 miles southwest of Denver.

AP 10th June 10 2002

1.8. Translate into English using the following words and word combinations.

to collapse, to burst banks, to rescue from the rubble, emergency shelter, to rip off, to be left homeless, in living memory, to be reported dead, gale warnings, official death toll, rescue work, to declare (impose) a curfew, epicenter

1 . Спасательная бригада, работающая в эпицентре землетрясения, вытащила из-под обломков 40-летнего мужчину.

2. По официальным данным, число погибших составляет более 2 тысяч человек.

3. Лавина грязи накрыла школу, которая использовалась в качестве аварийного укрытия.

4. Многие районы выглядели так, будто они подверглись бомбардировке: оползни разрушили скоростные дороги, реки вышли из берегов.

5. Более сотни человек осталось без крова.

6. Полиция города объявила комендантский час с 7 вечера до 7 утра.

7. Спасательные работы продолжались всю ночь.

8. На побережье были установлены знаки, предупреждающие о надвигающемся шторме.

9. Ветер ураганной силы сорвал крыши домов и обрушил на побережье больше воды, чем все предыдущие штормы, которые все еще живы в памяти людей.

10. По уточненным данным, в результате разрушительного землетрясения, произошедшего на северо-западе китайской провинции Синьцзян, погибли, как минимум, 257 человека, сотни получили ранения.

11. В селении, расположенном в непосредственной близости от эпицентра, разрушены более 1000 домов. Сейсмологи утверждают, что за основным ударом силой в 6,8 баллов по шкале Рихтера последовали еще несколько толчков слабее. Самый сильный из них составил пять баллов.

12. Эксперты полагают, что количество жертв будет увеличиваться. В район землетрясения прибывают дополнительные отряды спасателей из других регионов.

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