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1.4. Choose the best variant and translate.

  1. At least 180 people died and thousands were left homeless/roofless/alone as the flood season opened in China, with the north-western Shaanxi province the worst influenced/beaten/hit.

  2. Food shortages/lacks/deficits grew worse in southern Africa, particularly in Zimbabwe, Malawi and Zambia. Aridness/Drought, combined with misgovernment and the confiscation of commercial farms in Zimbabwe, has caused maize output to plunge and left millions in need of food aid.

  3. A huge rescue operation/campaign/drive is underway, including army units specially formed to deal with flood emergencies, but the number of dead is expected to rise.

  4. At least 150 people are related/reported/told dead, 266 are missing/lacking/away and more than 110,000 need catastrophe/emergency aid in Shaanxi province.

  5. Up to 3,000 villagers are preparing to evacuate their northern Papua New Guinea island after a volcano burst /broke out/erupted, raining acidic ash on their homes.

  6. Firefighters and other disaster/emergency/catastrophe workers were placed on high mayday/alert/readiness.

  7. The worst storms in 100 years hit/beat/attacked Chile this week, killing 11 and leaving thousands homeless.

  8. A scope/scale/magnitude-5 quake can damage homes if it occurs close to the earth's surface.

  9. A wind-whipped wildfire prompted authorities to order the evacuation/rescuing/removal of up to 40,000 people Monday from their homes along the southwestern edge of the Denver metropolitan area.

1.5. Translate into Russian/Belarusian paying special attention to the italicized expressions.

  1. Southern Africa’s food crisis grew worse. Donors delivered emergency rations to 2.6m people in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe, and estimated that 20m could need help by the end of the year.

  2. Friday's earthquake struck just before noon and was focused about 30 miles underground, about 50 miles north of Tokyo.

  3. The area has seen a week of torrential rain, and in the worst affected area — south of the city of Xian — close to half a metre of rain fell in two days, in what is normally an arid part of China.

  4. The flooding in Shaanxi alone has washed out 13 bridges, 30 kilometres of highways and railway lines and has wrecked 29 hydropower stations, said a spokeswoman for the Shaanxi provincial flood control centre.

  5. China has been plagued by flooding for centuries, but major floods are becoming more and more frequent — one reason is environmental destruction.

  6. A wildfire in the Rocky Mountains now covers 100,000 acres and has led to several communities being evacuated.

  7. Nearly 920 firefighters are working in shifts tackling the 20-mile blaze in Colorado's foothills.

  8. In Calcutta, a wall collapsed in a storm killing two people and injuring 15 others.

  9. A strong earthquake has jolted Tokyo. There are no reports of serious damage in the Japanese capital.

1.6. Translate into Russian/Belarusian using the vocabulary from the previous exercises.

  1. Немецкая полиция сообщает, что одна женщина сейчас считается пропавшей без вести.

  2. Спасательные и пожарные службы приведены в повышенную готовность.

  3. На этой неделе в Чили прошли сильнейшие за последние 100 лет шторма, в результате которых одиннадцать человек погибли и тысячи остались без крова.

  4. В столице Японии Токио произошло сильное землетрясение. Информации о разрушениях пока не поступало.

  5. Землетрясение силой в пять баллов может вызвать серьезные разрушения в том случае, если оно происходит близко к поверхности.

  6. Лесные пожары стали причиной приказа об эвакуации из пригородов Денвера 40 тысяч человек, — сообщает Associated Press.

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