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1.5. Translate into English.

  1. Устав ООН воплотил в себя наиболее передовые демократические принципы международной жизни — равноправие и самоопределение народов, суверенное равенство государств и уважение к правам человека и основным свободам для всех без различия расы, пола, языка и религии.

  2. ООН была создана 24 октября 1945 г. 51 страной, которые были преисполнены решимости сохранить мир посредством развития международного сотрудничества и обеспечения коллективной безопасности.

  3. Эта кампания, в рамках которой проводились самые различные мероприятия — от эмбарго на поставки оружия до принятия конвенции против сегрегации в спорте, — была важным фактором, содействовавшим тому, что в апреле 1994 г. в результате свободных выборов к власти пришло демократически избранное правительство.

  4. ООН представляет средства, которые помогают урегулировать международные конфликты и разрабатывать политику в вопросах, касающихся всех нас.

  5. В ООН все государства-члены — большие и малые, богатые и бедные, придерживающиеся различных взглядов и социальных систем, — имеют право голоса и участвуют в голосовании.

  6. Одной из главных целей для ООН является мир, который достигается путем скорейшего урегулирования конфликтов при помощи проведения миротворческих операций и посредничества.

  7. Управление Верховного комиссара по делам беженцев оказывает гуманитарную помощь, устанавливая подвижные лагеря для беженцев.

  8. Прекращение гонки вооружений и уничтожение, в конечном счете, всего оружия является главной задачей ООН.

1.6. Fill in the blank spaces to complete the news story. Do not use the prompts unless necessary. Annan says world leaders aren't living up to their millennium pledges

1. UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan says world leaders aren't … up to the promises they made for the millennium. Annan's comments come in his first report since the UN Millennium Summit where 189 countries signed a pledge to give billions of people a better life by 2015. Annan says world leaders are not moving fast enough to … poverty, ... education, … child mortality and … Aids.

2. He says they also aren't doing enough to … the environment and to … peace, security, disarmament, human rights and … for women.

3. Annan said: "The record of the … community in the first two years of implementing the Millennium Declaration is, at best, mixed. In the remaining 13 years, … must be made on a much broader front. Otherwise, the ringing words of the declaration will serve only as grim reminders of human needs neglected and promises unmet."

4. In the declaration, the leaders promised major changes and set tough … - to cut in half the proportion of people living on less than one dollar a day, and the number of people who do not have safe … water, by the year 2015.

5. By that date, they also pledged that boys and girls everywhere will be able to complete primary school, and that the … of HIV/Aids and the … of malaria and other major diseases should be halted and reversed.

6. In his report, Annan says, East Asia and parts of South Asia could … many or all of the goals if current progress continues. "Yet progress in parts of Latin America is slow, while much of sub-Saharan Africa and large parts of Central Asia are hardly … at all - or even worse, are falling back dramatically," he says.

Ananova.com, 27 August 2002


1) living, cut, improve, reduce, fight; 2) protect, promote, equality; 3) international, progress; 4) targets, drinking; 5) spread, scourge; 6) meet, advancing

1.7. Work in pairs. Choose either text 1 or text 2, then read it using suitable words to fill in the blank spaces. After you are through, work together with your partner to reconstruct the original story.

Text 1. EARTH SUMMIT Sustainable development declaration adopted

World … have adopted a "Johannesburg … on Sustainable Development", which South African President Thabo Mbeki, chairing the session, said had gone through numerous revisions.

Here are extracts from the declaration:

"We, the Heads of State and Government assembled at the ... … on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, South Africa, from 2 to 4 September 2002, … our commitment to build a human and caring global society in pursuit of the goal of … dignity for all...

"If we do nothing, we risk the entrenchment of a global form of apartheid. Unless we act in a manner that … changes their lives, the poor of the world may … confidence in the democratic systems to which we are committed, seeing their representatives as nothing more than sounding brass or tinkling cymbals...

"Ten years ago at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, held in Rio de Janeiro, we agreed that the … of the environment and social and economic development are the three inseparable pillars of sustainable development... We acknowledge that the goals we set ourselves at the Rio Earth Summit have not been met...

"The most pressing challenges of our time remain poverty, underdevelopment, … degradation, and social and economic inequalities within and among countries... the ever-increasing … between the developed and developing worlds poses a major … to global prosperity, security and stability.

"We recognise that democracy, … of law, … for human rights and freedoms, and the achievement of peace and security are essential for the full achievement of sustainable development. Together, these objectives are indivisible and mutually reinforcing...

"Water is essential for life... Adequate … of water and sanitation, given rapid rates of urbanisation and the needs of the rural poor, are therefore central to the … of the objective of sustainable development...

"Human beings are entitled to healthy and productive lives in harmony with nature... as a result of poverty, underdevelopment, inadequate shelter, adverse environmental conditions, the unavailability of affordable medicines and vaccines and weak health infrastructure, billions of people continue to be … to avoidable illnesses and suffer early … particularly from communicable diseases, such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and a variety of childhood illnesses...

"We accept that various energy uses lead to such environmental consequences as desertification, acidification, air pollution and climate change. We therefore commit ourselves to implementing all existing international … relating to these matters, as well as to continuing the search for a global long-term commitment to address climate change...

"We agree to protect and restore the integrity of our planet's ecological system, with special emphasis on preserving biological … and the natural processes that sustain all life on Earth, as well as addressing the process of desertification...

"The process of globalisation is accompanied by the emergence of leading private-sector corporations, which have a responsibility to contribute to the evolution of equitable and sustainable communities and societies, even as they … their legitimate activities. We therefore agree that there is a need for the private sector to operate within a transparent and stable regulatory environment...

"We recognise the central place of women in human society and their key role in promoting sustainable development...

"We affirm that … conflict and warfare are inherently inimical to sustainable development. We agree to combat terrorism, organised crime and corruption, singly and collectively...

"We reaffirm our commitment to the principles and purposes of the Charter of the United Nations and international law, as well as the strengthening of multilateralism. We support the leadership role of the United Nations as the most universal and representative organisation in the world, which is best placed to promote sustainable development...

"We call on the United Nations … Assembly, as the world's foremost multilateral forum, to institute a follow-up mechanism to facilitate, evaluate and monitor the implementation of the outcomes of the World Summit on Sustainable Development ...

"From the African continent, the cradle of …, we declare to the … of the world that we are determined to ensure that our collective hope for sustainable development is realised.

Text 2. EARTH SUMMIT Sustainable development declaration adopted

… leaders have … a "Johannesburg Declaration on Sustainable …", which South African President Thabo Mbeki, chairing the session, said had gone through numerous revisions.

Here are extracts from the declaration:

"We, the Heads of State and Government assembled at the World Summit on … … in Johannesburg, South Africa, from 2 to 4 September 2002, declare our … to build a human and caring global society in pursuit of the goal of human … for all...

"If we do nothing, we risk the entrenchment of a global form of apartheid. Unless we act in a manner that fundamentally … their lives, the poor of the world may lose … in the democratic systems to which we are committed, seeing their representatives as nothing more than sounding brass or tinkling cymbals...

"Ten years ago at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, held in Rio de Janeiro, we agreed that the protection of the … and social and economic development are the three inseparable pillars of sustainable development... We acknowledge that the goals we set ourselves at the Rio Earth Summit have not been met...

"The most pressing challenges of our time remain poverty, underdevelopment, environmental …, and social and economic inequalities within and among countries... the ever-… gap between the developed and developing worlds … a major threat to global prosperity, security and stability.

"We recognise that democracy, rule of …, respect for … … and freedoms, and the achievement of peace and security are essential for the full achievement of sustainable development. Together, these objectives are indivisible and mutually reinforcing...

"Water is essential for life... Adequate supplies of water and sanitation, given rapid … of urbanisation and the needs of the rural poor, are therefore central to the achievement of the … of sustainable development...

"Human beings are entitled to healthy and productive lives in harmony with nature... as a result of poverty, underdevelopment, inadequate shelter, adverse environmental conditions, the unavailability of affordable medicines and vaccines and weak health infrastructure, billions of people continue to be exposed to … illnesses and suffer early death particularly from communicable …, such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and a variety of childhood illnesses...

"We accept that various energy uses lead to such environmental consequences as desertification, acidification, air pollution and climate change. We therefore … ourselves to implementing all existing international agreements relating to these matters, as well as to continuing the search for a global long-term commitment to address climate change...

"We agree to protect and restore the integrity of our planet's ecological system, with special emphasis on preserving … diversity and the natural processes that sustain all life on Earth, as well as addressing the process of desertification...

"The process of globalisation is accompanied by the emergence of leading private-sector corporations, which have a responsibility to contribute to the evolution of equitable and sustainable communities and societies, even as they pursue their legitimate …. We therefore agree that there is a need for the private sector to operate within a transparent and stable regulatory environment...

"We recognise the central place of women in human society and their key role in promoting sustainable development...

"We affirm that armed … and warfare are inherently inimical to sustainable development. We agree to combat terrorism, organised crime and corruption, singly and collectively...

"We reaffirm our commitment to the principles and purposes of the Charter of the United Nations and international law, as well as the strengthening of multilateralism. We support the leadership role of the United Nations as the most universal and representative organisation in the world, which is best placed to promote sustainable development...

"We call on the United Nations General …, as the world's foremost multilateral forum, to institute a follow-up mechanism to facilitate, evaluate and monitor the implementation of the outcomes of the World … on Sustainable Development ...

"From the African continent, the … of humankind, we declare to the peoples of the … that we are determined to ensure that our collective hope for sustainable development is realised.

Ananova.com, 5 September 2002

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