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Revision test 2

  1. Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right.


an agreement to stop fighting


a meeting of chiefs of governments or other high officials


the weapons and military equipment used in an army


an official order stopping trade with another country


a person or thing identical to or closely resembling another


a formal agreement between two or more countries or governments

  1. Delete one odd word.

  1. dispute, conflict, clash, contest, adversary;

  2. assistance, cure, help, aid, relief;

  3. to guide, to monitor, to check, to examine;

  4. to promote, to foster, to encourage, to stimulate, to maintain;

  5. aim, object, end, goal, purpose, subject;

  6. assembly, talks, parley, negotiations.

  1. Match antonyms.

arms race










  1. Make as many collocations using the headword as possible.

  1. visit: gl; r; t; w;

  2. cooperation: l; all r; bu;

  3. talks: m; s;

  4. session: a; r; s; e;

  5. forces: p-k;

  6. assistance: f; h.

Unit V. Economy Matters

1. Focus on Vocabulary

1.1. Choose the best variant.

  1. Zimbabwe’s government, in a last-ditch bid to restore/renovate/fix investor confidence, issued stringent proposals for economic reform after missing/failing/underachieving macroeconomic targets.

  2. An all-American $4.4 billion takeover/merger/bid between Alcoa and Reynolds, to create the world’s largest aluminium concern, has excited the interest of Europe’s competition guardians/monitors/watchdogs. Although most of the amalgamated group’s interests would be outside the EU, the company’s market power/ability/force could have competition repercussions in Europe.

  3. In another setback in Europe for the soft-drink giant, Italian competition authorities/government/management fined Coca-Cola Italia and its bottling operation 30.6 billion lire ($15.9m) for anti-competitive marketing customs/practices/routine after an 18-month investigation. Coca-Cola said it would appeal.

  4. BP Amoco appeared to have reached a decision/settlement/conclusion with TNK, a Russian oil company, after the American government had suspended approval of a $500m loan to TNK, purportedly because of Chechnya and Russia’s economic mess.

  5. SK Telecom, South Korea’s largest mobile-phone operator, acquired Shinsegi, the country’s third-largest, giving it a market share/contribution/division approaching 60%. A wave of similar mergers is expected to follow.

  6. Cisco Systems, an American data-networking company, is reported to be considering a joint risk/venture/business with Pirelli, an Italian company (better known for its tyres) which now derives/collect/extract well over half its revenue from fibre-optic equipment. Pirelli’s expertise would help Cisco to provide telecoms facilities to its clients.

  7. Shares in Tokyo rose to their highest in over a year. So far this year Tokyo has outperformed/outnumbered/outdistanced other major stock markets. London and New York both hit new records, buoyed by good economic news. The European Central Bank cut interests ratios/proportions/rates by half a point, more than expected, to 2.5%, after a quarter-point cut by the Bank of England.

  8. America revealed a hit/strike/damage list of EU goods that will incur/arouse/make tariffs as a result of a trade dispute over hormone-treated beef. The WTO-imposed punishment allows America to impose tariffs of $117m a year.

  9. Germany's chancellor, Gerhard Schröder, unveiled a package/packet/pack of reforms that included proposals to cut unemployment privilege/benefit/allowance, loosen job protection, squeeze non-wage costs and help small companies.

  10. Halliburton, the Texas oil services company, has agreed to pay $6m to settle shareholder/shareowner/sharepusher lawsuits alleging questionable accounting practices while US vice-president Dick Cheney regulated/ran/operated the company.

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