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Revision test 3

  1. Match the words in the left-hand column with the definitions on the right.


not to be able to pay money that you owe

to default on a debt

a period of time during which there is less trade, business activity than usual

to derive revenue

land, buildings or equipment that a

business owns and uses

fixed assets

to remove the government taxes on import

to eliminate duties

the act of getting control of a company by buying most of its shares


the system by which a country’s money

and goods are produced and used, or a country considered


to gain profit

  1. Translate the following into Russian.

1. Because of the terrorist attacks in New York the Dow Jones Industrial Average has been very unstable.

2. The government had to backtrack on the reforms, as they had caused the stagnation.

3. This joint venture was on the edge of bankruptcy 2 years ago, but now it’s solvent and has already restored investors’ confidence.

4. The company was fined $10000 for anti-competitive marketing practices.

  1. Translate the following into English.

1. После многочисленных забастовок рабочих правительству пришлось выплатить задолженность по пенсиям и зарплате.

2. Кризис 1998 года в Росси заставил экспертов срочно принять меры по оздоровлению национальной экономики.

3. Слияние компаний приводит, как правило, к потере рабочих мест.

4. После введения таможенным союзом запретительных тарифов ситуация изменилась к лучшему.

5. Доходы всех студентов, которые работают в США по визе J-1, облагаются федеральным налогом и налогом штата.

6. Компания долгое время терпела убытки, и если бы не заем под залог недвижимости, она наверняка бы обанкротилась.

Unit VI. Natural Disasters

1. Focus on Vocabulary

1.1. Give the definitions to the following extreme weather events. Add other words you know referring to the topic.

gale, storm, hurricane, tornado, typhoon, flood (syn. deluge), heatwave, earthquake, torrential rains, blizzard, drought

1.2. Explain the meaning of the word-combinations.

climate disruption, greenhouse emissions, weather front, earthquake registering 6.5 on the Richter scale, body-detecting dogs, aftermath of the earthquake, evacuee, death toll, to claim lives

1.3. Translate into Russian/Belarusian paying special attention to the italicized expressions.

  1. Hundreds were missing yesterday in addition to the official death toll of at least 600 after a week of torrential rains and floods in Mexico.

  2. Dammed waters reached the bursting point threatening to flood nearby villages.

  3. Rescuers in Turkey scrambled to free thousands of people buried by an earthquake that struck the industrial northwest of the country.

  4. This is thought to be the worst loss of life in the week of flooding and landslides.

  5. Troops were operating soup kitchens.

  6. The tremor set off a fire at the country's biggest oil refinery.

  7. The environmental agency spokesman said that the floods had been caused by a combination of gale-force winds, low pressure and an equinox tide.

  8. Agency workers were trying to shore up sea defenses at Medteny before the high tide last night.

  9. Flying debris claimed several lives.

  10. Typhoon York left a trail of destruction as it scored a direct hit on Hong Kong yesterday, killing at least one person and injuring 466 others.

  11. British search and rescue teams working in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake in the western Turkey pulled two survivors from the rubble.

  12. The poor were hit hardest by Mexico’s deluge.

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