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Can you guess what characteristics these facial features spell out? Try to match the two columns:

  1. forehead

  2. eyebrows

  3. eyes

  4. nose

  5. lips

  6. chin

  7. ears

    1. health

    2. how you interact with others, leadership qualities

    3. sensuality, communication, love & affection and how you express yourself

    4. level of assertiveness

    5. ambition and courage and relationship to money

    6. way of thinking, learning style & knowledge

    7. intimacy; how open you are to life and experiences

*make use of different synonyms to the verb to show (to indicate, to exhibit, to reveal, to spell out, to attest to, testify, disclose, point to, reflect, etc)

Read the text .

Physiognomy, the art of judging human character by facial features is both an ancient art and a modern study. Physiognomy is also referred to as Face Reading, Personology and Characterology. It is believed the most important aspect of physiognomy is that it gives us understanding of humanity and human nature.

In ancient India Physiognomy was called "Mukha Lakshana Shastra". i.e science of reading the face. In this "Lalata Rekhas" i.e lines on forehead where most important as they are interlinked with the planet. Indian saints were experting in reading the lines on forehead, and predicting about future through the glorious course of planet.

Physiognomy has been in development for over five thousand years in both eastern and western culture. Hippocrates, Aristotle and Plato gave credence to physiognomy in their writings. Later, in England, so did Chaucer and Roger Bacon. Johann Kasper Lavater, considered the father of physiognomy, in 1775, advanced the subject with the publication of Essays on Physiognomy. As a leader in physiognomy, many followed. It was common to mix scientific studies with prevailing sentiments and prejudices.


In the 20th century physiognomy has struggled to become a scientifically based study. Although it has been tested in numerous studies there is no clear path to trace that proves its validity. I consider it a time-tested science.

There is an intimate connection of body, mind and spirit. Caroline Myss says it best, ' Your biography becomes your biology '. This idea is best reflected in our wrinkles. Wrinkles are emotion etched in our face over time. There are lines that tell how deeply we grieve those we have lost, if we have a love of reading, if we are visionary, and more.

Face Readers are used in many ways today. Attorneys hire them to help pick juries. Businesses use them to assist in hiring the right people for the right position and to do team building. Casting Directors use Face Readers to match the part with someone who would appropriately fit the character. Authors do the same with the characters in their stories. On a more personal basis Face Reading is used to give one insight into their own character or to build understanding between couples and families.

To etch- запечатлевать; оставлять след

To give credence to - поверить кому-л.; доверять;

In pairs discuss the following questions:

  1. What have you learnt about physiognomy? Do you think this theory can be considered valid? Why is physiognomy sometimes called Face Reading, Personology and Characterology?

  2. In what way do you think physiognomy can be used in businesses? What other spheres can benefit from the use of physiognomy? Can it be applied on a personal level?

  3. What do you pay attention to when you meet a person for the first time? Does his/her appearance matter?

  4. Do you agree with the saying “Appearances are deceitful”?

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