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Ex. 1. Pronounce correctly:

geology, geologist, geodesy, geography, geographic; general, generally,

image, digital; refer, reference, with reference to;

air, aircraft, airspace, airphotos, area, areas, aerial, aid;

date, dates, update, updated; datum, data, image data; weather data

sense, sensed, sensing, remote sensing, remote sensing equipment;

process, processes, processed, data processing, processing equipment;

earth, earth’s surface, earth’s crust, earth orbiting satellites, earth resources;

source, resource, country’s resources, water supply resources, natural resources;

regeneration, age, large, range, rangeland, vegetation, coverage, damage, region;

Ex. 2. Translate the word combinations with nouns in the function of an attribute:

earth resources exploration; space technology; land and natural wealth; remote sensing equipment; earth resources satellites; satellite data; image data; satellite-based systems; field measurements; production information; timber production; water resources; satellite-based earth observation; basis forest unit; land use; route location planning; city maps, property improvements; the earth’s weather systems; temperature measurements; climate trends; air and sea navigation; weather forecasting and oceanographic studies; sediment content; chlorophyll concentrations; fresh-water environments; water depths; snow depths; wildlife habitat; rangeland condition; dust and sand forms; volcanic eruptions and assessment of typhoon damage.

Ex. 3. Form the pairs of synonyms

a) accurate, modern, to make use of, apparent, predict, throughout, technique, inaccessible, involve, device, to define, section, specific, tiny, information, process, to estimate, current, feature

b) to identify, precise, present, part, up-to-date, obvious, forecast, over, remote (distant), include, data, element, instrument, to use, particular, small, to access, procedure, method

Ex. 4. Translate the following word combinations:

  • resources are becoming more scarce;

  • to make best use of the land and natural wealth;

  • the advantage of collecting information;

  • acquire a near-instantaneous “snapshot”;

  • phenomena that change continuously over time;

  • the only practical data collection method;

  • the data in both digital and photographic images;

  • minerals, petroleum and gas exploration;

  • the management of a wide range of natural resources;

  • to estimate forest losses; to monitor rangeland condition;

  • the detection of changes in land use over time;

  • to identify unrecorded property improvements;

  • to provide valuable predictions of climate trends;

  • most natural resources mapping; images are relayed to ground;

  • a highly sophisticated technology; a variety of sensing equipment;

  • to define a set of characteristics; to compare current production levels;

  • to assess the existing forest resource; identification of details or small target;

  • a valuable cost-effective means of acquiring information about earth resources.

Ex. 5. Give English equivalents to the following Russian word combinations:

собирать и анализировать информацию; без точной информации о земле; фотограмметрические методы; высокоточные технологии; получить снимок практически мгновенно; используя дистанционное зондирование; с развитием технологии дистанционного зондирования; природные явления, которые меняются постоянно; недоступные районы; средство быстрой съемки земли; датчик «видит» определенную часть поверхности земли; оценить наличие ресурсов; огромный массив данных; данные изображения сенсора (AVHRR); влияние деятельности человека на окружающую среду; за последние десятилетия.

Ex. 6. Complete the following sentences:

  1. The world is becoming more crowded and resources…

  2. Space technology is widely applied to…

  3. Cameras are…

  4. Remote Sensing is the technique of…

  5. Remote Sensing techniques involve…

  6. Satellite-based systems can measure phenomena that…

  7. Remote Sensing is now being used as…

  8. As a satellite revolves around the Earth, the sensor…

  9. Three television cameras and a multispectral scanner simultaneously…

  10. Each of the light bands identifies…

  11. Earth resources satellites data are used for…

  12. The analysis of the geology of a region is…

  13. In agriculture the sensor’s AVHRR’S image data are used to…

  14. Satellite-based earth observation provides timely…

  15. Very detailed photographs taken from aircraft are…

  16. Weather satellites provide…

  17. Earth resources satellites data have been used to…

Ex. 7. Useful English (read, translate, learn):

  • to make best use of the land and natural wealth;

  • to make accurate measurements; in addition to;

  • specific feature of; to locate natural resources;

  • in a wide variety of ways; valuate predictions of climate trends.

  • vast amounts of data; analysis of such data;

  • very detailed photographs are useful for many applications;

  • the technique of collecting information about objects and phenomena;

  • over the past decades; at regular intervals; most of the earth’s surface;

  • to collect and analyse information; the only practical data collection method;

Ex. 8. Answer the questions

  1. What is important for making best use of the land and natural wealth?

  2. Why are natural resources becoming more scarce?

  3. Why is space technology very important throughout the whole world nowadays?

  4. What is Remote Sensing?

  5. What do remote sensing techniques involve?

  6. Why is Remote Sensing a highly sophisticated technique?

  7. What is the purpose of digital multispectral scanners (MSS)?

  8. Why are satellite-based remote sensing systems so important?

  9. What are earth resources satellites data used for?

  10. In what way does a sensor (the Advanced very High Resolution Radiometer, AVHRR) help specialists in agriculture?

  11. What purpose is the satellite-based earth observation used for?

  12. Why are very detailed photographs taken from aircraft useful?

  13. What types of data do weather satellites provide?

  14. Why are satellite data important in oceanographic studies?