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Unit 13.

Food and meals (II).

Text: American Food.

Grammar: Construction “To Be Going To”.

Практические цели: Обобщение лексического материала по теме: "Food and Meals". Закрепление лексики в устной и письменной речи, развитие умений и навыков разговорной речи по теме. Ознакомление, тренировка с грамматическим материалом.

American Food.

Americans have to wider assortment of foods to choose from than consumers in any other country. Meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts, cereals from various parts of the nation are available throughout the country during any season of the year. Frequently, the problem for the consumer is not the lack of variety of brands of food, but rather the bewildering assortment from which one must choose. In addition, the consumer can choose from foods that are fresh, frozen, caned and cooked or uncooked. Currently, virtually all food stores have available a wide array of frozen foods especially prepared to be heated or cooked in a microwave oven.

The microwave oven has revolutionized the home preparation of meals. It, along with the supermarket, where virtually any kind of foods are available, make the preparation of food the most time-efficient in the world. A family can make only one trip a week to the supermarket to purchase its food needs for an entire week. Before the turn of the century Americans will have access to computer-based shopping enabling them to make their buying decisions at home and picking up their purchases at the store or having them delivered to their homes.

Since the 1950s fast-food and take-out restaurants have had a phenomenal proliferation, first in the US, and more recently throughout the world. The first fast-food chains like McDonalds, Burger King, Arby's and Wendy's which offer sandwiches, hamburgers, French-fried potatoes, hot dogs, pizzas, pancakes, chili and fried chicken, have been joined by other chains some of which offer Mexican, Chinese and other ethnic foods. The cost of the foods in such restaurants are frequently cheaper than in one were to prepare similar food in one's kitchen. Consequently, an entire family may frequently go to eat at fast food places for convenience and economy.

A more recent development in the American food industry has been the demand for healthier foods. The food industry has made available a wide variety of low-fat diary and meat products. Animals are now being scientifically bred to produce lean meat. Even low fat cheeses and ice-creams are being produced. Vegetables, fruit and cereal consumption are increasing. A second demand is for foods grown and produce free of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides. This has led to the development of the “organic food” industry. Of course, the cost of organic foods is substantially higher than for nonorganic food. The market for organic food has nevertheless been expanding.

Topical vocabulary.

  1. wider assortment широкий ассортимент

  2. consumers потребители

  3. nuts орехи

  4. cereals крупяные изделия

  5. available доступный

  6. bewildering сбивающий с толку

  7. frozen замороженный

  8. canned консервированный

  9. microwave oven микроволновая печь

  10. home preparation домашнее приготовление

  11. to purchase приобретать

  12. to deliver доставлять

  13. take-out restaurants ресторан обеды на дом

  14. convenience удобство

  15. food industry пищевая промышленность

  16. low-fat низко-калорийный

  17. lean meat постное мясо

  18. free of fertilizers без удобрения

  19. organic food органическая пища

  20. to expand расширяться

Ex. 1. Read and retell the text.

Ex. 2. Answer the questions.

  1. What problem do American consumers face when buying food?

  2. How often does the family visit a supermarket to purchase its food for a week?

  3. What will enable Americans to make their buying decisions right at home?

  4. What is the secret of success of fast-food and take-out restaurants?

  5. What is more recent development in the American food industry?

  6. Which food items are very popular now in America?

Ex. 3. Find in the text equivalents to the following words and phrases.

Потребители, изделия из дробленного зерна, типы продуктов, консервированный, полуфабрикат, духовка, подавать на стол, запеченная рыба, вегетарианский стол, “быстроешки”, постное мясо, ресторан, “обеды на дом”.

Ex. 4. Make up questions to which the following sentences might be the answers.

  1. Meats, fish, fruit, vegetables etc. are available throughout the country during any season of the year.

  2. Now virtually all food stores have a wide choice of frozen foods specially prepared to be cooked in a microwave oven.

  3. The microwave oven has revolutionized the home preparation of meals.

  4. Since the 1950s fast-food and take-out restaurants have had a phenomenal proliferation in the U.S.

  5. An entire family can often go to eat at fast-food place for convenience and economy.

  6. Animals are now being scientifically bred to produce lean meat.

  7. A demand for foods grown and produced free of fertilizers has led to the development of an “organic food” industry.

Grammar: Construction “To be going to”.

going to (do)” is used

  • when one says what one intends to do in the future.

- Are you going to watch the ten o'clock news?

- No, I am too tired, I am going to have an early night.

  • when the speaker knows something is about to happen. Usually there is something in the present situation that makes the speaker sure about what will happen:

- Look at that little boy at the puddle. He is going to fall into it.

The sky is overcast with black clouds. It is going to rain.

Ex. 5. Say when you are going to do something.

  1. Have you spoken to the manager? (after lunch)

  2. Have you made the tea? (gust)

  3. Have you bought a car? (soon)

  4. Have you done your homework? (just)

Ex. 6. Write questions with going to.

1. It is unexpectedly hot today. (what/you/wear)

2. Vlad has given me his latest painting. (where/you/hang it)

3. I've decided to sell the house. (what/you/buy/instead)

Ex. 7. Answer the questions using was/were going to.

1. Did you ask Melany to help you?

No, I … but I changed my mind.

2. Did they visit the Tate Gallery?

No, they … but they changed their mind.

3. Did he attend the meeting?

No, he … but he changed his mind.

Ex. 8. You have to say what you think is going to happen in these situations.

  1. You are my best friend. We have been friends for many years. Now you are going away. (miss)

  2. The children went to the woods all by themselves. They don't know the area well. (get lost)

  3. There is a hole in Tom's jacket pocket. He's put some small change in it. (lose)

Ex. 9. Translate into English.

  1. Ты почистил машину? - Нет еще. Я почищу ее завтра.

  2. Вы уже пообедали? - Нет еще. Мы как раз собираемся сделать это.

  3. Небо такое голубое. Будет чудесный день.

  4. Я решила устроить званый вечер. - Кого ты собираешься пригласить?

  5. Твои друзья ездили в отпуск в Испанию? - Нет они собирались, но передумали.

  6. Экзамен завтра. Ты совсем не занимался. Ты провалишься.

Методические указания по изучению данного раздела:

1. Дать необходимую фоновую информацию предложенного текста.

2. Лексические задания направлены на актуализацию словарного запаса по теме, поэтому необходимо формировать умения определять смысловую релевантность английских слов.

3. Извлекать необходимую информацию и структурировать ответ и формулировать свою точку зрения;

уметь рассуждать логически, используя необходимые лексические выражения.

4. Формирование грамматических навыков пройденного материала