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61. Linguistic signals of addressee-orientation. Cognitive mechanisms of their formation and functioning, their typology.

Linguistic signals of addressee orientation (SAO) are textual elements of any rank (from grapheme to paragraph) that trigger the reader’s cognitive and emotional text processing in line with the in-text interpretation pattern. There 2 facets: verbal and cognitive. Verbally, SAO emerge due to the interaction of textual indeterminacy and determinacy (global, local, localized) that give rise to receptive hindrances (anomalies and lacunas) and clues which are foregrounded in literary texture. Cognitively, the emergence of SAO is regulated by the principle of highling/shadowing. Due to these properties of SAO, their identification in a literary text depends much on the reader’s and author’s shared knowledge.


1) functional specificity

- specialized (direct address, you-phrase)

- non – specialized (indirect address, implicit triggers) (с помощью foregrounding)

2) distribution and range:

- single/global (one textual element)

- multiple/local(в отдельных местах) (many textual elements)

- convergent (их много и они в одном месте)/localized (их много и они в 1 месте)


- GRAPHICAL(multiplication, graphons, spacing)

- Syntactical (parenthesis, punctuation)

- Discursive (isotopic chains, i.e. повтор на семантическом уровне, с одним семантическим значением, например автор использует слова с негативными коннотациями для характеристики персонажа) wife – she – Am.girk – the girl- his wife

- Compositional – strong(salient) positions: TITLE, BEG &END, epigraph, microparagraphs

- Lexical

- Combination

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