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5.4 Homophony and Polysemy

Homophonous words have identical pronunciations but different, not obviously related meanings: bank "side of a river" versus bank "financial institution." In contrast, a polysemous word is a single word that has several closely related meanings: heart "(l) organ that supplies blood to the circulatory system; (2) innermost area."


Indicate whether each word below is an instance of homophony or polysemy. Defend your answer in each case by discussing the meanings of the word(s). If the relation is one of polysemy, discuss in what ways the various meanings can be related.

1.accommodation (lodging; anything that meets a need)

2.nail (fingernail or toenail; carpenter's nail)

3. admission (confession; entrance fee)

4. plane (aircraft; flat or level surface)

5. fire (as in forest fire; cause someone to become unemployed)



5.5 Evaluative and Emotive Meaning

A word may be associated with more than its literal meaning; it may have emotional connotations as well. Bertrand Russell once offered the following paradigm to illustrate this distinction:

I am firm.

You are obstinate.

He is a pig-headed fool.

The same person might be correctly described by all three terms, but their emotional effects are quite different.


A.The following triples are further examples of "emotive conjugations." In each case, first state the literal meaning shared by the words and then discuss how they differ in terms of expressed evaluation and emotional impact. Choose three of the following examples to discuss.

1.tavern, bar, dive

2. fairer sex, female, broad

3. resign, quit, throw in the towel

4. release, discharge, fire (from a job)

5. meticulous, fussy, nit-picking

6. car, jalopy, heap

7. between jobs, out of work, on the dole

8. separate from, walk out on, desert

9. discriminating, exclusive, snobbish

10. nonsense, baloney, a crock

11. father, dad, old man

12. dead body, corpse, stiff

B. Provide three more sets of examples of "emotive conjugations."

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