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Времена глаголов в действительном залоге






I write letters to my mother every day. (He writes)

Регулярное действие в рамках настоящего (usually, seldom, often, sometimes, always, every day, every week).

V-ed / V2

I wrote 2 letters yesterday.

I called him yesterday.

Действие совершено в прошлом, время указано (yesterday, last year, last month, last week, 2 days ago).

Will(shall) + V

I shall (will) write it tomorrow.

He will call me next week.

Действие будет совершено когда-то в будущем (tomorrow, next year, next month, next week, in 2 days).


Am (is, are) + V-ing

I am writing a letter now.

Действие происходит в данный момент (now, at this moment, at present).

Was(were) + V-ing

I was writing a letter when you called.

We were writing a test at 5 yesterday.

Действие совершалось в определенный момент в прошлом (по контексту или указан).

Will (shall) be + V-ing

Don’t call me after dinner. I shall (will) be writing letters then.

Действие будет совершаться в определенный момент в будущем.


Have (has) + V-ed / V3

I have already written 5 letters.

She has just called me.

Действие совершено к данному моменту; важен результат совершения действия, а не когда и где оно совершено (just, already, yet, ever, never, lately).

Had + V-ed / V3

I had written 5 letters by the time you came.

He had finished his work by 6 o’clock yesterday.

Действие совершено к определенному моменту в прошлом.

Will (shall) have + V-ed / V3

I am busy with the letters now but I think I shall (will) have written them by noon.

Действие будет закончено к определенному моменту в будущем.

Настоящее неопределенное время


Утвердительная форма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицательная форма

I walk


She walks



You walk


Do I walk?


Does she walk?



Do you walk?


I do not walk (don’t)

He does not

She walk

It (doesn’t)

We do not

You walk


Типичные обстоятельства: always, usually, often, seldom, sometimes, every day

They play football every day. – Они играют в футбол каждый день.

Kate usually goes to school by bus. – Кейт обычно ездит в школу на автобусе.

Do they play football every day? - Does Kate usually go to school by bus?

They do not play football every day. – Kate does not usually go to school by bus.

Ex.1. Определите в каком лице и числе стоят глаголы.

He studies; they live; my friend reads; the students learn; his sister doesn’t write; Nick translates; do you know?

Ex.2. Проспрягайте следующие глаголы:

to live, to read, to write, to translate, to ask, to learn, to answer.

Ex.3. Употребите вспомогательный глагол do или does.

1. … you live in Moscow? 2. … Pete work in militia? 3. … they know about it? 4. … your sister go to school? 5. … you read newspapers? 6. … your friend study in your group? 7. … the students translate texts? 8. … you do many exercises? 9. … your mother work? 10. … your group learn English? 11. … your friend help you?

Ex.4. Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицатель-

ную форму.

1. Her sister studies at an Institute. 2. My mother usually comes home at 6 o’clock. 3. We often go to school together. 4. Tom and Nick play football very well. 5. His brother finishes his work at 6 o’clock. 6. I meet Jane every day. 7. They usually spend their holidays in the Caucasus. 8. His friend lives in Paris. 9. I get up late on Sundays.

Ex.5. Измените высказывание, как показано в образце.

Model:They live in a large flat. Tom … -Tom livesin a large flat.

1. I keep my files on that shelf. My colleague … 2.I get up at seven. Jim … 3.My sons go to a music school. His daughter … 4.I teach Spanish. Alex … 5.They do such work in the office. My assistant … 6.I often say that. He … 7.They call us sometimes. She … 8.I go to college on the sixteen bus. Ann … 9.They live next door to us. He …

Ex.6. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Indefinite.

1. He (speak) to us every morning. 2. He often (write) to us. 3. They seldom (eat) any oranges. 4. Mr. Smith always (pay) his bills? 5. It (rain) every week. 6. They often (send) us parcels. 7. We always (meet) him on Mondays. 8. They always (have) eggs for breakfast. 9. They seldom (go) to the movies? 10. He often (ask) me to dinner. 11. They often (not come) here. 12. I (not play) football.

Ex.7. a) Прочитайте текст и переведите его.

b) Расскажите о Майкле. Начнитетак:His name is Michael. He lives …

My name is Michael. I live in London. I’m a student – I study medicine at a medical school. I get up at seven, have some coffee and toast, say good-bye to my Mum and go to the bus stop. I take a fifteen bus and get to college in good time (заблаговременно). Classes begin at nine and finish at four. I have lunch at college and stay till half past four. I get back home at five and then, on Tuesdays and Saturdays, I go to the park to play tennis. I go to bed at eleven.

Ex.8. Составьте предложения по образцам.

Model 1: My mother cooks well. – Who cooks well?

1. My friends study at the university. 2. They work at a firm. 3. She never eats chocolate. 4. He doesn’t live with his parents. 5. I never miss classes. 6. Sometimes her father spends a whole night at work, preparing his reports. 7. He knows several foreign languages. 8. Employers need young and energetic employees. 9. My friend’s children usually ask many questions. 10. I love to listen to the latest news on the radio.

Model 2: She speaks English. – She speaks English, doesn’t she?

He doesn’t work here. – He doesn’t work here, does he?

1. She never smokes. 2. They don’t live in the centre of the city. 3. Her husband drives a lorry. 4. His girl doesn’t wear short dresses. 5. You speak Chinese. 6. His children don’t like apples. 7. She starts her work at 9:00. 8. These boys don’t play football. 9. Your aunt often walks in the park. 10. You translate texts regularly.

Ex.9. Составьте предложения, поставив слова в правильном порядке.

  1. brothers / a / my / company / work / at / electronics / big

  2. go / Academy / they / the / generally / to / bus / by

  3. school / him / takes / minutes / to / five / it / get / to

  4. hard / English / work / we / our / at

  5. likes / she / time / spare / to / when / friend / my / dance / some / has

  6. sisters / always / do / so / work / late / your / finish?

  7. like / but / meat / vegetables / they / not / do / like

  8. students / are / teacher-training / we / of / the / college

  9. know / use / do / a / how / you / computer / to?

Ex.10. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя Present Indefinite.

1.После ужина они иногда гуляют. 2. Он редко ходит в театр. 3. Она часто читает вслух (aloud). 4. Мой друг обычно работает здесь. 5. Я иногда хожу работать в библиотеку. 6. Моя сестра иногда читает немецкие журналы. 7. Я редко смотрю телевизор. 8. Мама обычно готовит завтрак для нашей семьи. 9. Я читаю газеты каждый день. 10. Она хорошо играет на пианино. 11. Они не ходят в эту библиотеку. 12. Мой брат играет в теннис. 13. Она не любит кофе с молоком.

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