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Образование форм причастия

  1. Present Participle Active (причастие настоящего времени действительного залога) образуется путем прибавления окончания –ing к глаголу в форме инфинитива (без частицы to):

to read читать reading читающий, читая

to stand стоятьstandingстоящий,стоя

to study изучатьstudyingизучающий,изучая

При образовании Present Participle соблюдаются следующие правила орфографии:

а) Если глагол в инфинитиве оканчивается на немое е, то при прибавлении окончания ing немое е опускается:

to make – making

to give – giving

б) Если односложный глагол в инфинитиве оканчивается на одну согласную с предшествующим кратким гласным звуком, то при прибавлении окончания ing конечная согласная удваивается:

to sit – sitting

to get – getting

Если двусложный или многосложный глагол оканчивается на одну согласную с предшествующим кратким гласным звуком, то конечная согласная удваивается только в том случае, если ударение падает на последний слог:

to permit –permitting

to refer – referring

НО: to open –opening

to order – ordering

в) Если глагол оканчивается на букву l, то она удваивается независимо от того, падает ли ударение на последний слог или нет:

to travel – travelling

to cancel – cancelling

2. Past Participle (причастие прошедшего времени) правильных глаголов образуется так же, как и Past Indefinite правильных глаголов, т. е. путем прибавления окончания ed к глаголу в форме инфинитива:

to ask спрашивать asked спрошенный, спрашиваемый

to order заказывать ordered заказанный, заказываемый

Past Participle неправильных глаголов, как и Past Indefinite, образуется различными другими способами:

to give дать, давать given данный, даваемый

to buy покупать bought купленный, покупаемый

3. Perfect Participle Active (совершенное причастие действительного залога) образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to have в форме Present Participle – having – и смыслового глагола в форме Past Participle:

having written – написав

having asked – спросив

having done – сделав

4. Present Participle Passive (причастие настоящего времени страдательного залога) образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в форме Present Participle – being – и смыслового глагола в форме Past Participle:

being written – будучи написан

being asked – будучи спрошен

5. Perfect Participle Passive (совершенное причастие страдательного залога) образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в форме Perfect Participle having been – и смыслового глагола в форме Past Participle:

having been written – быв написан

having been asked – быв спрошен

6. Отрицательная частица not ставится перед причастием:

not asking – не спрашивая

not having asked – не спросив

Абсолютная причастная конструкция (Absolute Participle Construction)

Обороты, в которых причастие имеет свое собственное подлежащее, называются самостоятельными причастными оборотами или абсолютными причастными конструкциями (Absolute Participle Construction). Они соответствуют в русском языке либо придаточным предложениям, либо самостоятельным предложениям.

The student knowing English well, the examination did not last long. / Т. к. слушатель хорошо знал английский, экзамен продолжался недолго.

Как правило, если абсолютная причастная конструкция стоит в начале предложения, то она переводится придаточным предложением с союзом «так как» (поскольку, ввиду того что, когда, после того как, если).

Ex.1. Переведите предложения на русский язык, назовите форму причастия.

1. Having looked through all the papers and letters received on that day he left his office. 2. Having done all the exercises to the text, he began to work at the text itself. 3. The report being made by professor N. is rather interesting. 4. We see a growing interest in the American literature and art among our young people. 5. He came up looking at me with interest. 6. He gave me the book taken in the library. 7. All the questions discussed at our meeting last week were very important for us. 8. Being poor the man could not buy a watch. 9. Listening to the news we tried to finish the letter. 10. Putting on his coat he left without saying a word. 11. A man living in this street was injured in an accident last week. 12. The pictures hanging here will be sold. 13. The pen lying on the table is mine.

Ex2. Назовите форму причастия:

proclaimed, being punished, entering, having adopted, having been appointed, having developed, being asked, having been protected, taken, published, pronouncing, being studied, having read, expressed, having been founded.


a) Образуйте Past Participle данных глаголов.

Model: to compose – composed (составленный)

to administer, to empower, to appoint, to protect, to adopt, to elect, to direct, to include, to form, to pay, to express, to divide, to change, send, to fill;

b) Образуйте Present Participle:

to approve, to consist, to direct, to develop, to maintain, to defend, to administer, to divide, to represent, to work, to answer, to know, to read;

c) Образуйте Present Participle Active:

to appoint, to supervise, to develop, to define, to defend, to defend, to protect, to form, to ask, to control;

d) ОбразуйтеPresent Participle Passive:

to appoint, to discuss, to interview, to elect, to approve, to guarantee, to found, to adopt, to translate, to read.

Ex.4. Переведите предложения на русский язык, назовите функцию причастия:

1. Being washed by seas Great Britain has a mild climate. 2. Having developed its economy the USA has become a mighty power. 3. When reading this article the students will know much of the American workers’ life. 4. Having been translated into Russian this book is very popular with the young readers. 5. Having heard of all the details of that situation I decided to help my friend. 6. Having been read long ago the text seemed new for us. 7. Having been put at the Congress these problems have remained very important today. 8. Great Britain has a highly developed economy.

Ex.5. Измените предложения при помощи Present Participle Active.

1. The man who is standing near the captain is their new coach. 2. Do you know the name of the woman who is talking to Mrs. Black? 3. The sea that washes Norway in the southwest is called the North Sea. 4. The girl looked at the plane which was disappearing in the clouds. 5. Mr. Parker arrived at the hotel and went to his room at once. 6. He stood at the window and admired the scenery. 7. The young man said “Good-bye” to everybody and left the room. 8. As I didn’t know his telephone number I wasn’t able to ring him up. 9. Since Mr. James wasn’t well that day he didn’t speak at the round table discussion. 10. As the young man looked out of the window he saw his professor. 11. As we didn’t know what to do we asked Mr. White’s advice. 12. When they heard the news they phoned home.

Ex.6. Измените предложения согласно предложенной модели.

Model: After he had done his homework he went for a walk. – Having done his homework, he went for a walk.

1. After Mr. Brown had had a holiday he felt better. 2. After they had settled all the questions they signed the contract. 3. After John had made an appointment with the manager he told his colleagues about it. 4. After the delegation had completed the discussions it left for home. 5. After they had played the first two periods they felt tired. 6. After he had returned from abroad he continued his studies.

Ex.7. Измените предложения согласно данной модели.

Model: I have just read an article that was published yesterday in “The Times”. – I have just read an article published yesterday in “The Times”.

1. Did you see the contract that was signed last week? 2. Did you hear the announcement that was made on the radio? 3. The problem that was discussed at the conference yesterday is of vital importance. 4. John took part in the conference which was held in Paris last week. 5. Have you found the wallet that was stolen from you? 6. Have you read his last novel which was published recently?

Ex.8. Переведите слова, данные в скобках, используя причастие, если возможно.

1. At that moment a man (державший) a letter in his hand came in. 2. There is a man (недавно приехавший) from the trip over the world. 3. The air (идущий) through the open window smelled of the sea. 4. The sight of the animal (пойманного) in the trap made me shudder. 5. He lifted (все еще плакавшего) child and began comforting him. 6. There were a few large pictures (висевших) on the walls. 7. The picture ( висевшая) here last year is at the exhibition now. 8. The two men looked at the people (проходивших) along the pale grey pavements.

Ex.9. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая особое внимание на причастие.

1. Being very strict, he never allowed his students to miss classes. 2. The houses damaged by the flood will be rebuilt. 3. The city has houses representing various architectural styles. 4. While introducing her guests to each other, the hostess says a few kind words to each of them. 5. When planning your daily routine, don’t forget to leave time for outdoor exercise. 6. Not knowing our partners’ point of view, we decided not to give a definite answer. 7. While reading the letter, he smoked one cigarette after another. 8. When driving in this road, do not exceed 60 miles per hour. 9. Feeling very tired, he cancelled all his appointments. 10. Being very careful, he never drives dangerously.

Ex.10. Раскройте скобки, образуя нужную форму причастия:

1. He was coming towards his house (sing). 2. Everyone was admiring the (dance) girl. 3. (send) the telegram he was waiting for the answer. 4. While (do) his work he never smokes. 5. (pass) all the exams Ann was free. 6. Yesterday I was told about the lectures (read) at our department. 7. (offer) to work for this TV company I couldn’t like to be disturbed. 8. (approach) us he looked puzzled. 9. I returned books (give) to me last week. 10. (send) to the wrong address the letter didn’t reach him. 11. (read) the book he knew it well. 12. A (break) vase was lying on the floor. 13. The building (build) now in this street is a new kindergarten. 14. The students (discuss) the article were very excited. 15. The new film (run) now at many cinema houses is worth seeing.

Ex.11. Назовите функцию причастия в предложении:

1. I sat quite silent, watching his face, a strong and noble face. 2. He wished to say something sympathetic, but, being an Englishman, could only turn away his eyes. 3. It was a bright Sunday morning of early summer, promising heat. 4. Lying he spoke more quickly than when he told the truth. 5. For the first time she stared about her, trying to see what there was. 6. Having collected all the material he could write a good report. 7. Having been written quickly the composition didn’t receive any prize at the competition. 8. There were trees on both sides of the road leading to the church.

Absolute Participial Construction

Ex.12.Переведите предложения на русский язык, назовите абсолютную причастную конструкцию:

1. Weather permitting, the airplane starts. 2. The cars at that time were very small, the engine being placed under the seat. 3. The article deals with microwaves, with particular attention being paid to radio location. 4. It being very late, they stayed at home. 5. There being very little time left, they had to hurry. 6. The weather being fine, we went for a walk. 7. We sat silent, his eyes fixed on me. 8.The rain having stopped we went to the cinema. 9. She told this story to them with her eyes blazing. 10. The journey ended we came back home. 11. His heart being weak, the operation was put off. 12. The ticket having been lost, she phoned her husband to let him know it.

Ex.13. Измените предложения, используя абсолютную причастную конструкцию.

1. As the wind was very strong, it was impossible to go boating.2. Since it was very late, the sides agreed to postpone the meeting. 3. As it was difficult to settle the matter, the sides decided to meet again. 4. If time permits, they will discuss the issue again tomorrow. 5. When the conference was over, Dr. Thorton returned to his laboratory. 6. As it was Sunday, all the shops were closed. 7. As the case was difficult to diagnose, we gave it to the specialist. 8. If weather is lovely, we will bathe and lie in the sun. 9. When the choice was made, he went home quite satisfied.

Ex.14. Переведите на английский язык:

1.Путешествуя по Европе, они посетили Рим. 2. Заказав (to book) билеты в театр, друзья отправились в кафе. 3. Молодой человек просматривал журнал, ожидая (to expect) ответа. 4. Поскольку было сложно решить (to solve) эту проблему, мы решили к ней вернуться на следующий день. 5. Не зная телефон руководителя фирмы, мы не могли договориться о встрече. 6. После того как дом вычистили и вымыли, он стал похож (to look like) на дворец. 7. Он смотрел на подарок, не веря своим глазам. 8. Джек покачал головой, выражая (to express) свое несогласие. 9. Я потерял (to waste) два часа, ожидая (to wait for) тебя на станции.

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