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Неличные формы глагола (non-finite forms of the verb) инфинитив (the infinitive)

В современном английском языке существуют следующие виды инфинитива:






to write

to be written


to be writing



to have written

to have been written

Perfect Continuous

to have been writing


The Indefinite Infinitive выражает действие, одновременное с действием сказуемого (в настоящем или прошедшем времени).

The Continuous Infinitive выражает действие, одновременное с действием сказуемого (в настоящем или прошедшем времени), но действие в его протекании, в процессе.

The Perfect Infinitive выражает действие, предшествующее действию сказуемого (в настоящем или прошедшем времени).

The Perfect Continuous Infinitive выражает действие, которое уже длилось некоторое время до возникновения действия сказуемого.

Инфинитив без частицы to

  1. После вспомогательных глаголов

I don’t understand the meaning of this passage.

We shall go there at once.

  1. После модальных глаголов. Исключения: ought to, have to, to be to

She may still be waiting for you there.

  1. После глаголов, выражающих чувственное восприятие to hear, to see, to feel, to watch и др.

We saw him enterthe hall.

  1. После глаголов to let, to make (в значении «заставлять»)

We let the boy play with the dog.

What makes you refuse such an offer?

5. После выражений had better, would rather, would sooner, cannot but, nothing but

I would rather not speak upon the subject.

There was nothing left for him to do but watch and wait.

Инфинитивная конструкция с объектным падежом

(Сложное дополнение / Complex object)

Инфинитивная конструкция с объектным падежом представляет из себя комплекс, где инфинитив находится в связи с существительным в общем падеже или с местоимением в объектном падеже.

I never saw him smile.


  1. После глаголов чувственного восприятия: to hear, to see, to watch, to feel, to observe, to notice и др.

I haven’t heard anyone call me.

  1. После глаголов умственной активности to know, to

think, to consider, to believe, to expect, to find, to suppose и др.

I know him to be a very experienced doctor.

  1. С глаголами заявления: to pronounce, to declare, to report

She declared him to be the most disobedient child in the world.

  1. После глаголов, обозначающих желание и намерение: to want, to wish, to desire, to intend

I want you to leave me alone.

  1. После глаголов, выражающих чувства и эмоции: to like, to dislike, to love, to hate и др.

His grandfather always liked him to be near.

  1. После глаголов, выражающих приказ или разрешение: to order, to allow, to let, to tell (велеть), to forbid

The teacher ordered the room to be put to bed.

Инфинитивная конструкция с именительным падежом

(Сложное подлежащее / Complex subject)

Инфинитивная конструкция с именительным падежом представляет из себя комплекс, где инфинитив находится в связи с существительным в общем падеже или с местоимением в именительном падеже. Именная часть конструкции выполняет функцию подлежащего, а глагольная представляет собой часть сложного глагольного сказуемого.

Сложное подлежащее используется после глаголов в страдательном залоге.

  1. После глаголов чувственного восприятия: to see, to hear, to feel и др.

Her uncle was seen rise from the bench.

  1. После глаголов умственной деятельности: to think, to consider, to know, to expect, to believe, to suppose

You are believed to be his sister.

The train is expected to arrive in ten minutes.

  1. После глаголов to say и to report

He is said to have been a sailor in his youth.

  1. С выражениями to be likely, to be sure, to be certain

He is not likely to recognize you.

  1. После глаголов to seem, to appear, to happen, to turn out, to prove

He turned out to be a good chap.

Ex.1. Переведите на русский язык.

1. She wants to give us some books. 2. They are glad to have met N. last week. 3. They are pleased to have been invited by you. 4. We don’t want to follow you. 5. He doesn’t like to ask questions. 6. I don’t want to see you in this company. 7. I don’t want to be seen in this company. 8. He doesn’t want to show us this picture. 9. He doesn’t want this picture to be shown. 10. I am proud to have been given the opportunity of working on your staff. 11. He was surprised not to find his watch in his pocket. 12. They were disappointed not to find him at home. 13. He didn’t want to be treated in this way.

Ex.2. Измените предложения согласно предложенной модели.

Model: You are getting better. – You seem to be getting better.

1. It is snowing in the mountains. 2. I have broken a bone in my foot. 3. I have been mistaken for somebody else. 4. We have run out of oil. 5. The weather is improving. 6. You are limping. 7. This check has been altered. 8. The figures have been changed. 9. You were feeling nervous. 10. George has not come home. 11. You were feeling very ill. 12. It has been raining.

Ex.3. Изменитепредложениясогласнопредложенноймодели.

Model: He is upset because he saw an accident. – He is upset to have seen an accident.

1. He is glad because he met Mary. 2. He’s late. He’s sorry. 3. He was excited after he found his watch. 4. I’ve heard of Tom’s success. I’m happy. 5. I hear Mary singing. I am happy. 6. He passed his examinations. He is relieved. 7. I’ve seen you again. I am glad. 8. I met Mr. Brown. I’m delighted. 9. They’re in London again. They’re pleased. 10. She missed her train. She’s angry. 11. Mary’s thrilled because she heard that concert.

Ex.4. Замените сложные предложения простыми и переведите на русский язык.

1. Mr. Brown was annoyed because he saw two boys in his front garden. 2. She will be annoyed when she arrives late. 3. Tom has won the prize. He is amazed. 4. He will be embarrassed when he remembers this. 5. She forgot the date of your party. She is embarrassed. 6. They were late. They will be disappointed. 7. Tom is a member of this club. He’s proud. 8. After he finds his watch, he’ll be glad. 9. They were rude. They are ashamed. 10. She’ll be disappointed when she hears that. 11. He was amazed when he saw the examination results.

Ex.5.Переведите на русский язык.

1. Mary is thrilled to have met Mr. Brown. 2. She was thrilled to have received a free ticket for that concert. 3. He was angry to see a dog chasing his cat. 4. Tom will be angry to hear that. 5. She’s angry to have missed her train. 6. He’ll be angry to have been late for dinner. 7. She’ll be annoyed to see that mess in her room. 8. Bill was annoyed to have lost his expensive watch. 9. He’s surprised to have passed his examination. 10. They were surprised to have lost their way. 11. I’m proud to be a member of this club. 12. I’m proud to have known such a famous man. 13. Bill was proud to have attended this school. 14. I’m afraid to open this door. 15. She’ll be afraid to go outside at night.

Ex.6. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.

1.Я рад, что дал вам эту книгу. 2.Я рад, что мне дали эту книгу. 3.Он не хочет видеть вас вместе. 4.Мы хотим информировать вас. 5.Она рада, что встретила его на станции. 6.Она рада, что ее встретили на станции. 7.Он не любит прерывать (interrupt) кого–либо. 8.Он не любит, чтобы его прерывали.

Ex.7. Измените предложения согласно предложенной модели:

Model: Tomis upset because he hasn’t heardfrom Mary. – Tomis upset not to have heardfrom Mary.

1. I was glad when I didn’t see him in the room. 2. I didn’t arrive early. I’m sorry. 3. She’ll be ashamed because she didn’t wear her best clothes. 4. They were angry after they didn’t catch the bus. 5. She doesn’t see him here. She is surprised. 6. He was surprised because he didn’t find his watch in his pocket. 7. He isn’t a good student. He is ashamed. 8. I don’t remember your name. I am embarrassed. 9. They haven’t heard any bad news. They are relieved.

Ex.8. Замените сложные предложения простыми и переведите их на русский язык:

1. The police hope that they will solve the crime problem soon. 2. The Company has decidedthat it will close downuneconomic factories. 3. The accused pretendedthat he didn’t understand the lawyer’s question. 4. The student resolvedthat he would do better next time. 5. I vowedthat I would never follow his advice again. 6. He claimedthat he was an expert in such matters.

Ex.9. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на инфинитив в функции определения.

1. The new theatre to be opened on the 1stof March is the largest theatre in this city. 2. We have been informed about the experiments to be conducted by professor Brown. 3. There are many kinds of guns to be used in artillery. 4. Much of the equipment not to be moved was destroyed on the spot. 5. The question still to be answered is whether the two states will come to an agreement. 6. All the people knew the candidates to be elected. 7. You are the man to do this. 8. We did not know who was to blame.

Ex.10. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.

1. Дом, который будет построен на этой улице, предназначен для студентов и преподавателей института. 2. Данные, которые должны быть проанализированы в нашей лаборатории, представляют большой интерес. 3. Растения, которые можно найти только в этом районе, очень морозоустойчивы (frost-hardy). 4. Картины, которые будут показаны на выставке, являются главным образом (mainly) работами молодых художников.

Ex.11. Переведите предложения на русский язык, назовите сложное подлежащее.

1. Moscow is known to be one of the largest cities in the world. 2. He is supposed to have finished the translation of the book. 3. She is unlikely to improve the situation. 4. He is known to be composing a new opera. 5. This novel is likely to be published in August. 6. Many tourists appeared to know English. 7. The task proved to be very difficult. 8. Everybody seemed to like him.

Ex.12. Перефразируйте предложения по образцу.

Model:I suppose my parents lost me. – My parents seem to have lost me.

1. The impression is that you are full of indignation. 2. The impression is that something has aroused your indignation. 3. I suppose they have accepted our apology. 4. I think, he is inspired by the beauty of the landscape. 5. She thought he was a wealthy man. I thought he always acted with discretion. 7. I thought he had treated them decently. 8. I suppose she was much admired in her youth.

Ex.13. Замените сложные предложения простыми при помощи оборота «сложное подлежащее».

Model: It is said that she has gone away. – She is said to have gone away.

1. It is said that the actors have arrived. 2. It is supposed that the experiment was completed last week. 3. It is expected that the travelers have been sailing for a week. 4. It is considered that he is the best dancer of the theatre. 5. It is believed that the situation will change. 6. It is said that the ship is sailing on Monday. 7. It is believed that she has written a good report. 8. It seems that the article is written by an expert. 9. It is supposed that the girl is at school. 10. It is supposed that he wants to leave the town.

Ex.14. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. He is expected to give an answer the day after tomorrow. 2. She is supposed to have been working for a week. 3. He is thought to live in Moscow. 4. This experiment is said to have been completed successfully. 5. She is said to have written a brilliant play. 6. They are likely to have accepted her offer. 7. He is unlikely to have accepted their invitation. 8. He is unlikely to agree with you. 9. She is likely to explain her behavior. 10. She appears to be a good teacher. 11. She seemed to be speaking to herself. 12. He proved to be an excellent musician. 13. He happened to be her cousin. 14. He seemed to understand everything. 15. She doesn’t seem to be happy. 16. He didn’t prove to be a good student.

Ex.15. Измените предложения, используя оборот «сложное подлежащее»:

Model: It happened that his parents had come. – His parents happened to have come.

1. It appeared that George was talking to Mr. White. 2. It is believed that Jack had arrived in New York. 3. It happened that he was present at the congress. 4. It seems that you don’t believe me. 5. It happened that the doctor was at home. 6. It appears that they have known all about this event. 7. It seems that she is writing a new novel. 8. It seems that he doesn’t recognize this problem.

Ex.16.Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

1. Говорят, что этот писатель закончил новый роман. 2.Ожидают, что самолет прибудет в Москву в 6 часов. 3.Вероятно он приедет утром. 4.Новые книги оказались очень полезными. 5.Мы, кажется, мало знаем об этом. 6. Видели, как он переплывал реку. 7.Он, вероятно, будет дома в это время. 8.Слышали, как кто-то разговаривал в гостиной. 9.Слышно было, как Том читает вслух (aloud). 10.Кажется, никто не заметил его ошибок.

Ex.17. Переведите предложения на русский язык, выделите сложное дополнение:

1. Everybody expected her to marry Nick. 2. I expect you to join us. 3. We would like you to visit us. 4. My mother wants me to study better. 5. We expect them to arrive on Friday. 6. Nobody noticed her make a mistake. 7. She saw them got into a car and went away. 8. Everybody noticed him get angry. 9. I heard somebody open the door. 10. I saw her ring somebody up. 11. I didn’t hear him say these words.

Ex.18. Замените сложные предложения простыми при помощи оборота «сложное дополнение»:

Model: I thinkthat he isa good specialist. – I thinkhim to be a good specialist.

1. Everybody saw that he left the hall. 2. I believe that you are wrong. 3. I know that she is very hard-working. 4. We expect that he will come at 7 o’clock. 5. I suppose that he is about 40. 6. I find that the book is very dull. 7. We knew that he was a clever man. 8. The doctor said that he was out of danger. 9. I thought that she was your sister. 10. I believe that he is right. 11. We expect that the ship will arrive in a week. 12. He heard how the woman addressed to the shop-assistant. 13. I have never heard how he spoke of his life in India. 14. I saw that the man was running down the street. 15. We heard how he said that he had done everything. 16. The teacher saw how the students went away.

Ex.19. Переведите на русский язык:

1. Soon they made him talk. 2. Who made you cry? 3. Then the doctor made him lie down. 4. I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable. 5. Don’t make me tell the truth. 6. His words made me laugh. 7. Her answer made me satisfied. 8. The sound of her voice made him happy. 9. Nothing can make them wait. 10. The teacher let him come in.

Ex.20. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Я не слышала, как он пришел. 2. Мы не хотели, чтобы гости уходили так рано. 3.Я знаю, что она больна. 4.Пусть он купит овощей и фруктов. 5. Все ждали, что директор приедет в конце месяца. 6. Я не ожидал, что он поедет в Лондон. 7.Мы не ожидали, что он вернется так скоро. 8.Не люблю, когда они ругаются. 9.Я видела, что он торопится. 10.Все услышали, что кто-то закричал на улице (outside). 11.Не заставляйте ее работать так много (so much). 12.Пусть дети пойдут погуляют. 13.Гости заставили брата играть на пианино. 14. Я хочу, чтобы ты, наконец (after all), нашел эти документы. 15. Я часто видел, как они играют в теннис.


Причастие в английском языке представляет собой неличную глагольную форму, которая наряду со свойствами глагола имеет свойства прилагательного или наречия.

Обладая свойствами прилагательного, причастие служит определением к существительному. В этой функции оно соответствует русскому причастию.

Обладая свойствами глагола, причастие

а) может иметь дополнение

Signing the letterthe manager asked the secretary to send it off at once.

б) может определяться наречием:

Packing his thingsquickly, he hurried to the station.

в) имеет формы времени и залога





being asked





having asked

having been asked

Обладая свойствами наречия, причастие служит обстоятельством, определяющим действие, выраженное сказуемым. В этой функции оно соответствует русскому деепричастию:

He sat at the table thinking. –Онсиделустолазадумавшись.

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