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Man to Man

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For the Age of Aquarius, if you want to enter peacefully and righteously, we are preparing people for the Age of Aquarius by giving them 11 minutes each of Kirtan Kriya, Sat Kriya and Sodarshan Chakra Kriya3; 33 minutes in the morning, 33 minutes in the evening, it will open up the chakras and it will take care of your tattvas and it will give you power in your own being. Sa-Ta-Na-Ma (Kirtan Kriya) balances the tattvas. Sat Kriya absolutely energize the tattvas. Sodarshan Chakra Kriya opens up the chakras in absolute balance, so you are never going to be in trouble. Have a nice, wonderful day. Thank you very much, God bless you. Sat Nam.

To IVIan


3See Appendix A for these three kriyas for the Aquarian Age.

Appendix A:

Additional Recommended


Hidden Self Kriyas 1 & 2 Sat Kriya

Sodarshan Chakra Kriya

Kirtan Kriya

Hidden Self Meditations

I. Meditation on the Hidden Self

July 26, 1982

Posture: Sit in Rock Pose, on your heels.

Eyes: Look at the tip of the nose.

Mudra: Bring the hands up next to the shoulders in Gyan Mudra, other fingers are straight and the palms are facing forward, elbows are relaxed down at the sides.

Inhale deeply and exhale completely. Pump the stomach as long as you can on the exhaled breath while mentally chanting ‘liar’ with each pump. Inhale, exhale and con­ tinue.

Time: 11 Minutes

To M na



II. Kriya to Invoke Balance in the Psyche

July3l, 1982

1. Sit in Easy Pose. Put hands in Prayer Pose either with the fingers against each other as usual (single lock) or with the fingers interlaced but kept straight (double lock). The thumbs are crossed. The hands are held about midway between the heart and navel center. Keep the base of the palms together and shake the hands vigorously. The wrists are loose and the whole body should shake. Carry on for 5-7 Minutes. It can make you sweat.

2.Stretch your arms out to the sides, parallel to the ground with the palms up. Maintain the posture through Exercise #7. Pump the navel while doing Breath of Fire. Continue 2-3 Minutes.

3.Inhale and exhale with the mouth open, accentuating the breath in the throat for 3 Minutes.

4.Breathe powerfully through the nostrils for 1 Minute.

5.Concentrate on the Navel and the Third Eye Point while literally chewing on the hidden self for 3 Minutes.

6.Inhale and hold the breath, then exhale. 3 Minutes

7.Experience your radiance and crystal clarity. 3 Minutes

8.Lower the arms and feel that you are Sat Nam. 1 Minute

Comments: It is to be used to invoke psychic balance and to get out of depression. It also works on the hidden self. It promises that you will never have a bad nervous system. It is a very exhilarating meditation and very potent. Yogi Bhajan recommended that it only be used when needed and not done every day.

Sat K r i y a



Sit on the heels and stretch the arms overhead so that the elbows hug the ears. With the palms together, in­ terlock all the fingers except the index fingers (Jupiter) which point straight up. Begin to chant Sat Nam em­ phatically in a constant rhythm about 8 times per IQ seconds. Chant the sound Sat from the Navel Point and solar plexus, pulling the umbilicus all the way in toward the spine. On Nam relax the belly.

Continue at least 3 Minutes, then inhale and squeeze the muscles tightly from the buttocks all the way up the back, past the shoulders. Mentally allow the energy to flow through the top of the skull. Ideally, you should relax for twice the length of time that the kriya was practiced.

Sat Kriya is fundamental to Kundalini yoga and should be prac­ ticed every day for at least 3 minutes. If you have time for nothing else, make this kriya part of your daily commitment to yourself to keep the body a clean and vital temple of God.

Notice that you emphasize pulling the Navel Point in. Don't try to apply mulbandh; it happens automatically if the navel is pulled. Consequently, the hips and lumbar spine do not rotate or flex. >bur spine stays straight and the only motion your arms make is a slight up-and-down stretch with each Sat Nam as your chest lifts.


Sat Kriya’s effects are numerous. It strengthens the entire sex­


ual system and stimulates its natural flow of energy, relaxing


phobias about sexuality. It allows you to control the insistent


sexual impulse by redirecting the flow of sexual energy to cre­


ative activities and healing in the body. Peoplewho are severely


maladjusted or who have mental problems benefit from this

kriya because these disturbances are always connected with



an imbalance in the energies of the lower three chakras. Gen­


eral physical health is improved because all of the internal or­


gans receive a gentle, rhythmic massage from this exercise. The


heart gets stronger from the rhythmic up-and-down of blood

pressure you generate from the pumping motion of the navel.



This exercise works directly on stimulating and channeling the

kundalini energy, so it must always be practiced with the man-



traSaf Nam, You may build the time of the kriya to 31minutes, but remember to have a long, deep relaxation immediately af­ terwards. A good way to build the time up is to do the kriya for 3 minutes, then rest 2 minutes. Repeat this cycle until you have completed 15 minutes of Sat Kriya and 10 minutes of rest. Then follow this sequence with an additional 15-20 minutes of deep relaxation. Do not try to jump to 31minutes because you feel you are strong, virile or happen to be a yoga teacher. Respect the inherent power of the technique. Let the kriya prepare the ground of your body properly to plant the seed of higher experience. It is not just an exercise, it is a kriya that works on all levels of your being—known and unknown. You might block the more subtle experiences of higher energies by pushing the physical body too hard. You could have a huge rush of energy or you may have an experience of higher con­ sciousness, but then not be able to integrate the experience into your psyche. So prepareyourself with constancy, patience and moderation. The end result is assured.

If you have not taken drugs or have cleared your system of all their effects, you may choose to practice this kriya with the palms open, pressing flat against each other. This releases more energy than the other method. It is generally not taught this way in a public class because someone attending may have totally weakened his nerves through drug abuse.

Sodarshan C h a k ra K riy a

December 12, 1990

Posture: Sit with a straight spine.

Focus: The eyes are focused at the tip of the nose.

Meditation: Block off the right nostril with the right thumb. Inhale slowly and deeply through the left nostril. Hold the breath. Mentally chant "Wahe Guru" sixteen times, pumping the Navel Point once on "Wha", once on "Hey", and once on "Guru". (You pump the navel three times with each complete repetition of "Wahe Guru" and you chant "Wahe Guru" sixteen times. Therefore on each breath, you pump the Navel Point 48 times.) Unblock the right nostril. Use the right index finger (little finger may also be used) to block off the left nostril and exhale slowly and completely through the right nostril. Continue.

Time: 31 or 62 Minutes a day. There is no time, no place, no space, and no condition attached to this mantra.

If you are going to clean your own subconscious garbage, you must estimate and clean it as fast as you can or as slow as you want. You have to decide how much time you have to clean up your garbage pit. So, start with 31 Minutes, then after a while do it for 40 Minutes, and then for 62 Minutes. Take time to graduate in it.

If you can do this meditation for 62 Minutes to start with and de­ velop it to the point that you can do it for 2 1/2 hours a day, it makes out of you a perfect superbeing. It purifies, takes care of the human life and makes a human perfect, saintly, successful, and qualified. This meditation also gives one the pranic power. This kriya never fails, it can give one all the inner happiness and bring one to a state of ecstasy in life.

To Finish: Inhale, hold 5-10 seconds, exhale. Then stretch and shake every part of your body fpr about I Minute so that the energy may spread.

O fall the20 types ofyoga, includingKundalini Yoga, this is the highestkriya. This meditation cuts through alldarkness. The name, Sodarshan Chakra Kriya, means the Kriyafor Perfect Purification ofthe Chakras. It will give you a new start. It isthesimplestkriya, hutat thesametime thehardest. It cuts throughallbarriers ofthe neurotic orpsychotic inside nature. When a person is in a very bad state, techniques imposedfrom the outside will not work. Thepressure has to be stimulatedfrom within. The tragedy oflife is when the subconscious releasesgarbage into the conscious mind. This kriya invokes the Kundalini energy togiveyou the necessary vitality and intuition to combat the negative effects of the unchanneledsubconscious mind


This kriya is one of three that Yogi Bhajan mentioned would carry us through the Aquarian Age, even if all other teachings were lost. There are four principle components to practicing Kirtan Kriya correctly: Mantra, Mudra, Voice, and Visualization.


This kriya uses the five primal sounds, or the Panj Shabd— S, T, N, M, A— in the original bij form of the word Sat Nam:

SA — infinity, cosmos, beginning

TA — life, existence

NA — death

MA— birth

This is the cycle of creation. From the Infinite comes life and individual existence. From life comes death or change. From death comes the rebirth of consciousness. From rebirth comes the joy of the Infinite through which compassion leads back to life. Chant the ‘A’ as if you were pronouncing ‘mom,’ in the following manner:



Each repetition of the entire mantra takes3 to 4 seconds. The elbows are straight while chanting, and each finger touches, in turn, the tip of the thumb with a firm but gentle pressure.

Sa — the index or Jupiter finger touches the thumb; Ta — the middle or Saturn finger and thumb; Na— the ring or Sun finger and thumb;

Ma— the pinkie or Mercury finger and thumb; then begin again with the index finger.


You must meditate on the primal sounds in the "L” form. This means that when you meditate you feel there is a constant inflow of cosmic energy into your solar center, or Tenth Gate (the Crown Chakra). As the energy enters the top of the head, you place Sa, Ta, Na, or Ma there.

As you chant Sa, for example, the “S” starts at the top of your head and the “A” moves down and out through the Brow Point, projected to Infinity. This energy flow follows the energy pathway called the golden cord— the connection between the pineal and pituitary gland. Some people may occasionally experience headaches from practicing Kirtan Kriya if they do not use this “ L” form. The most common reason for this is improper circulation of prana in the solar centers.


We chant the mantra in the three languages of consciousness:


the voice of the human


the voice of the lover


the voice of the divine

awareness of the things of the world experiencing the longing to belong meditate on Infinity or mentally vibrate

To Begin the Practice

Sit straight in Easy Pose and meditate at the Brow Point.

Chant aloud for 5 Minutes, then whisper for 5 Minutes and then go deeply into silence, mentally vibrating the sound. Vibrate in silence for 10 Minutes, then whisper for 5 Minutes, then chant aloud for 5 Minutes.

Close the meditation with a deep inhale and suspend the breath as long as comfortable— up to a Minute— relaxing it smoothly to complete I Minute of absolute stillness and silence.

To end: Stretch the hands up as far as possible and spread the fingers wide. Stretch the spine and take several deep breaths. Relax.


Each time you close a mudra by joining the thumb with a finger, your ego seals the effect of that mudra in your consciousness. The effects are as follows:







Qyan Mudra




Shuni Mudra












Surya Mudra





energy of life



Buddhi Mudra

Ability to





Practicing this chant brings a total mental balance to the individual psyche. As you vibrate on each fingertip, you alternate your electrical polarities. The index and ring fingers are electrically negative, relative to the other fingers. This causes a balance in the electro-magnetic projection of the aura. If during the silent part of the meditation your mind wanders uncontrollably, go back to a whisper, to a loud voice, to a whisper and back into silence. Do this as often as necessary to stay alert.

Practicing this meditation is both a science and an art. It is an art in the way it molds consciousness and the refinement of sensation and insight it produces. It is a science in the tested certainty of the results it produces. Each meditation is based on the tested experience of many people, in many conditions, over many years. It

is based on the structure of the psyche and the laws of action and reaction that accompany each sound, movement and posture. The meditations as kriyas code this science into specific formulas we can practice to get specific results. Because it is so effective and exact, it can also lead to problems if not done properly.

Chanting the Panj Shabd— the primal or nuclear form of Sat Nam— has profound energy within it because we are breaking the bij (seed or atom) of the sound, Sat Nam, into its primary elements. You may use this chant in any position as long as you adhere to the following requirements:

1. Keep the spine straight.



2. Focus at the Brow Point.



3. Use the “ L” form of meditation.



4. Vibrate the Panj Shabd in all three languages—



human, lover, and divine.



5. Use common sense without fanaticism.



The timing can be decreased or increased as long as


you maintain the ratio of spoken, whispered, and silent


chanting-—always end with I minute of complete


stillness and silence. Yogi Bhajan said, at the Winter

Solstice of 1972, that a person who wears pure white

and meditates on this sound current for 2xh hours a day


for one year, will know the unknown and see the unseen.


Through this constant practice, the mind awakens to


the infinite capacity of the soul for sacrifice, service, and



n a





Appendix B:

Healing and Healthy Foods for Men

Food is the medicine which creates essential energy in the body and creates essential rest in the body to bring an equilibrium—-that is the beauty offood— and allfood was considered as human medicine to begin with, and to live with.

*1 A-Z Foods and Supplements for Potency'

H Fasts, Recipes, anql Remedies

Rejuvenating Foods from Around the World

Presented by Soram Singh Khalsa, M.D.

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