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Man to Man

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Ifyour power is not in your grace, every otherpower is as useless asyou can name.

Somebody once said, "How can I raise my Kundalini?" I said, "What do you want to raise?"

He said, "Kundalini."

I said, "Why? What is the idea?" "I understand it's a power."

I said, "What do you want to do with power? Run agrinding mill? Or a jackhammer? What do you want power for?"

If your power is not in your grace, every other power is as useless as you can name. If your consciousness does not clearly help you to be compassionate, you have not even learned to be as worthy as an

animal, which is your own pet. If you do not understand that it's your birthright to be happy and successful, you have not evaluated yourself.

Whenever you value yourself, you will find one fundamental thing: it is your birthright to be happy and it is your birthright to be successful. Anybody who

complains and says, "I am not successful and I am not happy," he is treacherous to God. He is unsacred, unholy and a crazy person. If an American says, "I deny all the fundamental rights," then what is America? It's better to be Russia.

The difference in this country and any other country is that it has a Bill of Rights. We trapped ourselves so well that we gave ourselves a Bill of Rights. We knew we were not going to be real. We were going to change, we were going to fluctuate, so that's what we did. We knew that "absolute power corrupts absolutely," so we divided power into legislature, into judiciary and into executive, we separated

it. We knew we were trappers. Everybody couldn't be Abraham Lincoln. And we knew that the people's will shall decide the fate of this country, but we wanted to give the people a channel.

Also we are immigrants and we knew we had to succeed. So we recognized two things: we have to evaluate our self and we have to succeed. We have to succeed to be happy and we have to be happy because we are succeeding. So basically we are in good shape. But individually, we do not evaluate our self all the time. Because as children we

were unloved, uncared for, there was a little coldness, that has made us a little shallow, it’s given us a little pain, and we have developed the habit of complaining.

When I came the first time to America, my experience was very harsh. Somebody said to me, "Who are you?" I mean in the whole world, you won't find one person who can ask that except in the United States. Then I

realized that this country is 200 years old, it has no culture^ and I have never forgotten that. What are you doing? Where are you going? This is the only country where people say "I am starving." They will never say "1 am hungry, I need to eat,'' or "I feel like having some little tidbit or something."

No, "I am starving. I am freezing." I always say, "Why not say 'I am dying' and be dead?" I mean, who wants you? Can you believe how sick your children become when they hear those words from you? How insecure they become, how insane they become, how perverted they become? Have you ever thought about that dreadful word you use, what effect you cause? I want to show you, just a little bit, by experience. Sit down.

To Man


Meditation to Move through the Ethers

September 22, 1985

Posture: Sit down in a meditative posture and close your eyes.

1. Listen to the Guided Visualization: “Go in trance, it is all cool, it's all vast, it’s all blue. It is the infinite, it is the infinite, the infinite. Transmute yourself into the first layer of blue ether. Blue ether, the vastness, the blue, the lively, the life, the first state of impact of a soul. Transmute, transmute and intertwine yourself into the second blue ether, the self-realized, self-purifying, self­ vastness of Infinity. In the sacredness of that, swim, feel, fly, be loose, get lost. Nap it. Repeat it, repeat it mentally. The vastness, the beauty, the Infinity of the blue ether.

Transmigrate into all facets of it, enrich yourself like a light, blue light of the gas-burning furnace. Heat! Transport yourself beyond that. Beyond that! Beyond that! Feel starving and hungry. Feel starving and hungry, feel the skeleton, the feebleness, no strength. Hungrier and hungrier and hungrier. Starving and starving and starving and starving and starving! Freezing and freezing and freezing and freezing and freezing!

Return, return to the third ether. Warm and cozy, radiant and innocent like a child. Beautiful, beautiful, soft, beautiful, radiant, content, contained, satisfying, content, contained, satisfying, successful. Bright, full of light. Bright, full of light. Bright, full of light. Feel it, experience it. Move, move into the joy of it. Move. Let your anger go. Let happiness return. Let hatred go, let iove return. Let defeat go, let success return, you are now living love." 5 Minutes

2. Very sweetly sing, in a monotone: I am living love. 3 'A Minutes

Comments: Hypnotize yourself. Let heavens and angels hear it.

“ In the vastness of the sky spread your wings. In the vastness of the sky spread your wings and let yourself fly the flight of victory. Over all, above all, with strength and merits, with success and love, celestial being, born in the will of God with the light of God, with the life of the breath— pure, simple, honest, celestial being. Light and vast. Powerful and pure. Excellent and excellence. Excellence be your virtue. Excellent be yourself.”

To End: Inhale deep and hold it. 30 seconds. Feel that you are filled with excellence, light, beauty, power, strength. Exhale and relax.

3. Go deeply within yourself and Sing: I am man, I am good, I am living, I am love. I Minute

Comments: Go deeper and deeper into a deep hypnosis of you. Touch your goodness, touch your manliness, touch your love, touch your living faculty. Give yourself all the good values.

To Man

4. Inhale and meditate in silence. Count your virtues as you listen to the visualization:

IVIan 253

May the long time sun shine upon you, all love surroundyou and thepure light within you, guideyour way on. Feelgood, feel good, dont try to be too holy. It’s all right. Everybody who supervises the nine holes with the tenth hole ofconsciousness is holier than anything else.

Well, God willing, we will meet again, we will teach again and be again.

To M na

Man 254

¥Man to Man 11

The Qualities o f a Successful Man

Circa 1986

Nothingin theworld can destroyyou. Nothing in the

world can buildyou. It is only the art ofcommunication.

Communicating Successfully

Claim Your Virtues

Communicate Prosperity

in your own spirit.
What do you get up with? With work? For work? You get up for sex? You get up to make a telephone call? Whenever you get up for something other than your own spirit, you have ruined the day. That day you will be poor. There is nothing you can do about it. 1can't help you and you can't help it, because you have set the clock. If you
are so naive that you can't

that. -Stretch; your legs and put yourhands straight, make-' ■certain powerful-thoughts,/which in our language,we call

a straight line and just say to yourself: let me be with my

sadhana. What is sadhana? A bunch of exercises? No.

spirit Jetme^be with my ■■spirit, let the sun shine in me,

Bunch of mantras? No. Bunch of people getting together?

let me be with my spirit. In just about one minute, you

No. That's not true. Sadhana is nothing but a tendency, a

won't be in a position to



tendency to get up in your own spirit.

lie down straight. You will

S a d h a n a 4$ 'n o th in g


just get up like a straight

/ .

^ j


arrow. You will be up on

but a tendency, a



tendency to get up


Also, watch out If you are sleeping north and

south. The worst thing a male can do to himself is sleep north and south. Your axle and the axle of the Earth will meet together and you will be a dead man in the morning. Female can tolerate north-south for 70 hours, male cannot even tolerate it 3 hours. The moment your energy and the energy of the axis, north and south, of the earth meets together, you become a blotting paper, soaked with the entire universal negativity. Still, man has not learned.

You know it is very funny, the Aryan used to be very strong. They conquered the world and they traveled the world. They were even worshiped, considered men of God; but they used to do Surya Kriya every morning, those exercises with the Sun, certain postures, certain powerful prayers,

Whenevery ou get

9e’ up with your °wn T !



y'in the-morning, then what

upfor something


you remember? It is

other than your


fundamental question.



Where is your strength? In

OW fl S p irit, you

your body? No, When you

have ruined the

are dead the body will be



there. Nobodywants to keep


it, unless you have said that

it should be sold for $1200 to a hospital. Your strength is in your spirit and I just don’t want you to underestimate what I am saying.

Kriya for Infinite Strength and C o n i m K i n i c a t i o i i

September 21, 1986

Posture: Sit straight.

Mudra: Lift and spread your arms; the elbows are lifted with the hands slightly higher. Bend the elbow at 90° and bring the palms to face each other. Touch the pinky finger to the thumb. Touch and release, touch and release, move quickly.

3 Minutes

Comments: I just want you to be practical. Concentrate and see how much clarity it brings to you. Don't believe my words. I want you to know. 1am not asking you to buy a machine or invest in a computer. I am trying to explain to you what your body can produce for yourself—how much infinite strength you have. How cheap it is to get rid of the confusion in your own self. That’s what I am trying to explain. You don’t have to telephone me when you are confused, all you have to do is this thing, by yourself. It takes exactly three minutes.

Man To Man

Business is not just going somewhere oreverywhere to try to make a fool of ourself, Business is also female, which reorganizes and regenerates your own self, your being, your bijor seed. It is also business to be very strong, to not show your weakness, to be great when you are confronting someone or facing something, Being afraid is not a man,

Within your body there is an inflow of power of the Mercury, which is represented by your pinky and your Id, which is represented by your thumb. When they both connect and disconnect for about three minutes, the brain has no other option but to manufacture a total clarity of your heaven, of your hell and your Earth—high, low and neutral—that's the law. Don't feel bad about it. Your strength is in your projection, not in you. Here's a simple example: suppose one of you has a bow and an arrow and someone else is bringing a cobra in his hand and is going to strike you with it and put you to death. All right? When you see the death coming, where is your strength? Your strength is in your body. Now, your strength is in your body whatever it is, big or small, but what's more, your strength is in how you stretch the bow and shoot the arrow to stop the incoming enemy.

Now you all know that fighting is a mess and nobody knows whether you will win or lose, but if you have common sense, your projection can stop the negativity before it touches you. It is very natural for a bird to make a nest. You have the home. Home—you have a home. In Punjabi, 'ego' is called homey. So home is nothing but a homey, an ego where you confine your physical material. That's why you have doors. That's why you have fences. That's why fencing is the law of life; you fence yourself. Sometimes we are very stupid. We make just a little fence, just four feet; cats can jump over it, dogs can jump over it, anybody can walk over it just by stretching. I mean, there is absoJutely no keeping things out. I don't understand it.

Real fencing is called seven layers of fenting. First fence is your identity. Write it down, These are the secrets of success and it will work for you. First fence is your identity, Examine yourself; is your identity well respected, well established and well understood? Mostly your identity is not well understood by the world you belong to and that's where the problem is. \

Second fence: your purpose to achieve is well contained; you should receive consciously. Do not ever take another person for granted. Never, that's the biggest mistake a male can do—and they all do it. I am not saying that it's the biggest mistake a male can do and you don't do it. You do it in spite of my telling you! In spite of your knowing it, in spite of your writing it down! Someone even wrote it on the back of glass through which he could see, and still he did that. We are very short-tempered individuals. Just meet the world with reception, receive the world.

Third is your first impression, the first word you utter, first ■statement you make, first communication you establish, It should be short and balanced. In this way, life is a great pleasure to have afew moments with you. You have already said you are short on time. You have already said you are *meeting. You have already said that it is a great pleasure, It

means you want to achieve everything quick.

Fourth is a very vital situation called inquiry. Inquire everything first, Fifth is judge it for you and without you. Sixth is, if you are lucky and you have a consultant, consult, Seventh is act.

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Now tell me honestly, in your everyday walk of life, do you go by this procedure? In your walk of life, you have to train yourself in this whole thing; it should be your attitude. You know what these seven things are called? It is called male attitude.

Whether you are gay or you are straight or you are a pervert or you are macho or you are normal or you are heterosexual or monosexual, God knows what you are? You think you are brown, yellow, skinny, black, it doesn't matter. This is a male attitude. Okay. Now you remember

. those seven things? If you just remember some of them—- that's not enough. Repeat them until you can recite them from memory. That's how you are going to be.


Ifyou seek wrong things you will have wrong things. Ifyou seek right thingsyou will always have right things. When you seek a higher Self then you shall seek a teacher.

Dialogue Exercises

Watch. Just see—this is a most academic person. They both are very academic. It is not as if we are talking to just anyone from off the street. Both are college graduates, let us put it that way. You will see the most fascinating thing right now; you will see it happening. I am showing you the practical side of it right now. Ask him question.

Question: Are you a Sikh?

Reply: Yes, I am Sikh.

Yogi Bhajan: Have you gone through the seven steps? You didn't know I can read the aura. Now

watch when he questions you. You just thought for a moment what should I say and then you said it. No, don't do that. He is asking you a question, it could be any question. You go through the seven steps as quickly as you can and then reply to him. Communicate now. It is a simple debate of the subject. How do you know? In my destiny? When you ask the first question and you use the term, 'Sir', it means you have already subjected yourself. Question is gone. Sir means sir. Sir just means sir. Reply

is, "yes, sir." Then you have no grounds. Come on.

Indeed, as a man of practical wisdom and action, I practice those seven rules and when you practice these seven rules, life becomes humorous. Your communication improves, your effectiveness becomes spontaneous, and that is the one secret step of success; but you look around and try to find answers, you look confused and go through the jumbo jet of your own conflicts, you are already lost.

All right change subjects, any subject, and you have the right to start the dialogue. You can ask any question you want. It's a very rare opportunity and a good day. All right you say "Sir" and sit.

Student: Sir, are you a man or not?

Yogi Bhajan: My God! That is what God made me. You can't see? You have bad eyesight? I thought you had good eyesight. Then, correct. That's how I made me, too. A real man. Are you real? You are? So how can you see me and even ask the question. Am I a man or not? Where is the doubt? Oh, but this was the simplest; it was very simple to doubt my gender. Fantastic, please don't spread it around that you have a doubt about you, even now, keep it a secret.

Do you understand on the simplest question that we have communicated about—what laughter came out, what life came out, what joy came out—-have you understood? It

will always come up, exactly like this, if you practice this procedure in timelessness. Make it a habit.

Student: Should we tell our partners, our wives, about what we're learning?

Yogi Bhajan: This is a men's course. Have you come to Ladies' Camp to talk about the woman? This is a men's course. Do you find any woman here? Are we crazy to talk about our self and give our secrets away to our opposite sex? Impossible. Later, they can find out if they want it.

Let us dialogue because communication is what a male is. Male minus impact and interlock of communication is nothing but a virtual mockery. Not only do you have to have an impact, but also you have to interlock the other person.

You have to bring the other thing to zero. Have you no shooting experience? What do you do? You bring focus on that point and then you fire. First is the interlock and second is the impact; and the procedure is this. Go ahead.

Student: What is a teacher?

Yogi Bhajan: Teacher is what teaches.

Student: What does a teacher teach?

Yogi Bhajan: What do you want to learn?

Student: I want to learn what a teacher is?

Yogi Bhajan: What you want to learn, the urge of you to learn, is what a teacher is.

Student: But what makes me a teacher?

Yogi Bhajan: You are a teacher by your very existence, by your urge to learn, your urge to grow. Your urge to expand makes you seek ateacher. How do I seek it is your question; why you are stopping it I can read. How to seek—that's what you actually want now. I know.

Seeking is within your own strength within your own soul.


You shall get what you seek. The reality of seeking is the


identity of your existence. If you seek wrong things you will


have wrong things. If you seek right things you will always


have right things. When you seek a higher Self, then you


shall seek a teacher. Seeking a teacher is not a reality of


normal life. Seeking a teacher is seeking the reality of your

higher Self.

Student: But I see myself slipping aw ay...



Yogi Bhajan: Slip away? If you don't want to seek your

higher Self, then slip away. There is always a start and a

stop. Anybody who wants to start his higher Self will start

seeking, and as they seek, sometimes they just stop. When


Man To IVIan

they stop things will slip fway. Because the law of life is that destiny and faith run in parallel—that's a parallel force. Blessing through grace is a perpendicular force. Power and projections and pleasure, happiness, is a diagonal force. When these three forces start acting in centrifugal and centripetal dynamic, the entire universe is manufactured. So is the business and so the blessing and so the boys and the girls and the homes and the towns and the cities, the rain, the water, the mountains, the plants, the forests, the birds, the underworld, the fishes—the whole life—are a projection of those two dynamic fields, run by the threedimensional force, and in that is a human criteria to seek a higher Self,

As long as there is an urge to seek a higher Self, you shall, with your teacher. The moment you have urged yourself to be perfect, you shall become a teacher. And because only God is perfect, they will keep on seeking. Those who stop, they don't stop in the power of the time and space, they hang themselves as ghosts. So, there is no stopping. Nobody stops. It is just like a divorce. You divorce your wife but then you pick up your child on weekends and child custody and child support and then the real game starts. If you see how much time you spend on being married and how much time you spend being divorced, you will be shocked how intense being divorced is over being married. So basically, if you look at the time you have to spend being divorced, if you had spent that much time being married, your marriage would never have had to face a divorce—it is true. Try it. When you are married, you forget you are married until the divorce hits you. Then you start—and the problem with the divorce is, you can't forget anything. You can't stop the child support, you can't stop picking up your children. I mean; really, how many of you, being married, take your children to the park every Sunday by yourself? Give me a break.

How many of you give $150 to $300 extra to your wife* saying, "Honey, this is for the child and you," Come on, name me, How many of you have developed a reserve so that when you are extremely hurt, totally angry and you want to blow up like a cannon, you don't have to talk the way you talk to your divorced wife. Have you ever talked to your own like that? No, because you do not communicate with this law of seven. You do not process things quick. You do not go through it quick. You have not developed it as a mental habit You have not let it become a mental tendency.

If you do not read behind the words and between the lines and all that, you will be sold for pennies. You have to go through the internal process. You can't help it. I am going to deal with this practical thing we have just started, establishing communication, between two boys. Okay. Ask him a question on career and thoroughly examine him.

Student: What is a successful career?

Reply: What did you say? Successful career is one in which I can pay my bills plus I can pay my neighbor's bills plus I can pay bills that I don't want to pay.

YogiBhajan: Successful career is when I can pay my bills, pay my neighbor's bills and pay my bills, which I don't want to pay, and still there is a little surplus. Successful man is where his environments, his deployment, money, profession, whatever, it is alwaysthere to give extra support than needed. This is what he said? You said that? Well, how did it get complicated? Do you think that anything, which is complicated, can be successful? So how did it get complicated?

Student: I'm just following it to the best of my knowledge.

Yogi Bhajan: Follow what? I asked you to follow those seven rules. Did you follow them? It is not to the best of your knowledge. It is just your knowledge; it became your knowledge—that is your knowledge now. There is a grape in the mouth or a grape In the stomach. Grape in the mouth is not food. Grape in the stomach is the food. Knowing the wisdom and not applying it, not applying it in timelessness, is a waste of knowledge—and it is a super waste of life. Let every man know that the faculty to live as a man is to process life in the space of timelessness. When any man processes the life in time, he will just live in pain,

How many Virgos are here? Okay, doctor Virgo. Correct, that's a good match. They are very critical, self-critical Virgos, and normally they are obsessed with the details in any situation. If they are lucky, then they get out of this. Okay. Doctor you have the right to bombard him, question after question, and he has to reply as fast as he can.

Students: What about your future?

Yogi Bhajan: Wait a minute—that's a non-Virgo answer. I have no problem that you said that, and when he asked that question, question was correct. The answer was, I want to avoid having a problem in the future. You are guarding your future. You don't have to go into an intellectual wrap. Instead, you have to go inside and see that you are confronting a future—that's where you missed the fifth point. Whenever you answer without the fifth step, the internal examination and guarding, from there on, your answer will never have an impact. He will ride on you like you are dust and he is a chariot and you don't want that, correct? You will start feeling depressed and after a long fight with depression, you will become confused, and after a long confusion, you will say, "My God, there is no God," and the moment you start going into those kinds of thoughts, you will be using your life force six times more than you normally use in proportion.

If you go through this kind of coincidence once a week, ■you need seven days to recuperate—which means all you ■


Nothing in the world can destroy you. Nothing in the world can buildyou. It is only the art of communication.

have is four days a month. The entire month is out and you can't afford it. It is called mental fatigue, like fatigued iron, you will become brittle. The people who are brittle in attitude, they are brittle with their life. Those who are brittle and fatigued in their life are those who do not assess their communication; they don't use proper communication techniques. Nothing in the world can

destroy you. Nothing in the world can build you. It is only the art of communication.

Art of communication can take away your entire strength and dump you. Or, it can give you your entire strength and place you in the heavens. Between heaven and hell hangs one thing called word, what you speak. You are what you speak. So answer immediately with

that rule because proportionate depression will make you proportionately aggressive; and when you are depressed you are not acting. When you are proportionately, equally aggressive, you shall act—and that will be madness. You will act madly and you will think you are bringing your own wisdom. Not possible. So when you talk and act and fight and walk in life, just have two principles: casual and schedule. Go by the seven principles and look very casual, very normal, calm, unimposing. Go on doctor, he is yours.

Student: How are your finances?

Yogi Bhajan: Too long. The pause is too long. You can look like you're thinking, you can look imposing, you can look calculating—but not too long. When you take too long, then you are confused, you do not know, and you are lost before even uttering a word. Answer him quickly. Repeat the question.

Student: How are your finances?

Yogi Bhajan: By the way he has no money problem. They are well off.

Student: How is your wife?

Yogi Bhajan: He is discussing your blonde; be careful what you say about her.

Oh, by the way, this is one gentleman you should learn from. The way he behaved and treated and progressed toward his wife, he deserves many, many thanks. His life is now well-balanced, happy and the way he made it happen is real charisma; it is a real art. Why I am giving him credit now is because he was in a situation, which is called super impossible, and now it is so tamed/so well-balanced and so beautiful that he deserves great congratulations as a man—and he did it single-handedly. That's what 1 appreciate in him.

Subject is sex.

Student: Do do you like sex?

Reply: Yes.

Student: Why?

Reply: Because

Student: How do you like sex best?

Reply: The way it should be done.

Yogi Bhajan: All right let us save the opportunity for someone worthy. He is too humorous.

The debate is about, "I shall rule. ”

Student: Am I asking the question?

Yogi Bhajan: Yeah; you are the winner or he is the winner. Who rules who? Between two men there is a conflict. You are ruling him or he is ruling you.

Student: What is your problem?

Reply: There is no problem.

Student: I feel that you have a problem with me.

Reply: That would be your problem.

Yogi Bhajan: In a short time ... He is very expert on a long communication in a short time.

Now pitch in against each other and try to attack the integrity of each other. It will be quarrelsome, and don't use foul words please. He shall attack your integrity, you shall attack his integrity in a defensive manner, but no foul language will be used. You are both highly educated. I think you can do this performance.

[Students go through exercise.]

No, no, you are not intense enough. We have to find somebody who can fight really loud. The character you are representing is intense attacking but not using any filthy or ugly language. Heiseducated. Hedoesn't need instructions, but I think between two well-balanced, educated people, a communication can happen in a state of anger, which the audience will benefit from understanding. You will communicate in a very, it is called Aries communication, head-to-head manner. You know what it produces? That kind of impact we need—interlock. He will be interlocking you on that issue. What subject do you think will be enough to provoke you?

Student: It's hard for me to be provoked.


Yogi Bhajan: Yeah it is difficult to provoke you, that's your

problem. Don't look to me, provoke him. Your job is to

provoke him. He is a very unprovokable personality and


your job is, within the realms of etiquette, to provoke him.


That's all.


[Students go through exercise.]



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