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Man to Man

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Just remember: Give people the bounty that God has given you and that will make you the most beautiful person on the Earth. Ifyou givepeople the bountiful God, God
will makeyou beautiful.

Communicate Prosperity

Give people the bounty the God has given you.

There are a tot of opportunities in the world. One is you can dig trenches to lay the wire and you can be paid $5 an hour or you can bill on one final invoice for $60,000 and you might never put in more than half an hour of work. Do you know what I am saying? Go for the opportunity. Go for the scales. Go for the strength of it. Go and time will go with you. It is a very simple world. You have one unique thing— that you look unique, you look special.

The price of looking special is a heavy price but if you want to deliver special, positive, maturity to anybody, you must understand this simple law of life. Give everybody 10% success, hfe will give you 4% percent. Simple law: hei. Don't deal negatively with situations.

If a person is rotten, negative, that's why he wants you. People want you because they have a hope that you can give them something better, you can put their line back on the track, you can help them, you can make them rich, you can make

them feel hopeful. Do that. Heal people mentally. That's the job of spirituality; otherwise you are not spiritual. You are a phony, you are a demagogue, you are a hypocrite, whatever you Want to be called. Heal people mentally and far more in return, they will be grateful to you.

If somebody says I am drowning, I am sinking, I am bad, I feel terrible. Tell them that after every storm there is beautiful sunshine and the air looks clearer. Give people the bounty the God has given you. Just remember: Give people the bounty the God has given you and that will make you the most beautiful person on the Earth. If you give people the bountiful God, God will make you beautiful. That's the bargain.


Therefore, never utter, never speak, never say anything


negative. Is that understood? Just remember, when you


are listening to negativity, you have the right to listen and


you must listen. As the person grows more negative, gets


on the scale of 1 to 10 and their negative is 8, 10, 10+.

Your job is not to examine the truth, whether the person is

negative or very negative or truthfully negative or not; that's



not your job. Your job is to turn around and sometimes,


with ease, say, "What did you say?"


This morning I had a big fight. The person convinced me


that they were angry, "I didn't come through, I this, that...",

the whole anger was laid out flat. You know what my reply

was, "All right, that's your anger, that's your feeling and


that's your decision, is that true?" The person said, "Yes."

I said, "That's not real. Reality is that you are trying to be angry, you are trying to be not realistic. The reality is that in your calculation you have goofed and you can't find anybody to blame npw and blaming is not a realistic attitude. It is a common attitude. People do blame.

People do accuse. People do allege. People do a lot of things but question is not what people do, but what you do and how you meet it?

Question is what your strength is? What your grit is, not what people are doing to you. People will always do things, weird, negative things. They will always be jealous. They always lie but lies do not live very long. They will try to bring you down. Their anger can reach a capacity, an animosity and vengeance, such that if their situation is interlocked

in vengeance and anger, interlocked in life, you don't have anything to go for. But don't do away with it; instead, as it is being presented to you, ju?t laugh it away. Somebody said to somebody, "Hey, you shit, son of a bitch, you rascal, you idiot, oh, you cursed devil." Now can you believe all this was said in tine breath? But just see what his reply was. You know what he said to her? "Oh man, that's awonderful script," and he walked away. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe it, in my whole life I had never seen something like this. The man had been accused, abused and faced and he said, "Oh man, that's a wonderful script." Doesn't fit me and he walked away. He didn't bother to say why are you abusing me? Why are you accusing me? What wrong have I done? What is this? What is that? Not a word! He said, “ Oh man, oh man, it is a wonderful script" and he walked away smiling. That's called endurance.

You know when I used to be a uniformed officer in the academy, Mr. Webber who was my training officer, he said to me, "Put the uniform on and come in, very good uniform, very well pressed, totally hard and done well." So I appeared, "Yes, sir."

He said, "That's good" and to my surprise he started abusing me left and right. I didn't know what to do. It was a new experience. I stood like a solid rock. In the end he said, "Did you hear me?"

And my reply was, "No, sir." He said, "Why not?"

Real slavery is when you can beprovoked andyou react or compromiseyour values. That’s the real slavery.

I said, "I didn’t." "Why not?" ,

I said, "I don't want to waste my mind and time. That's why, sir."

He looked at me and laughed, then we sat down, we had a cup of tea and I said, "Why did you want to abuse me like that? Why did you caution me? You know, anybody can be angry and react."

He said, "Whatever comes to you, it is not you, it is the uniform, it is the star. If that cannot protect you and you can get provoked, you are not an officer. So write it in your book. If anybody can provoke you and anybody can make you react, you are not you, then you are just a slave of anybody. That's real slavery."

Real slavery is when you can be provoked and you react or compromise your values. That's the real slavery. You can lose a case but you cannot lose the grace. You can lose this Earth but you cannot lose the heaven. Losing is as graceful as winning is and mind you, in losing and winning, it is the deployment of your energy. Sometimes it is better to retreat, sometimes it is better to advance; but you must know what the weather is. Some of you feel that being macho all the time is the only way of life.

No, my dears, macho and meek live in you.

Use it when you want it, but don't intermix it. Don't be "macho-ly" meek or meekly macho. You know what I am saying? There is a situation called compact. You know what compact means in English. In terms of law, compact and impact are interlocked. You must use both the

inductive and the deductive method. Deduce and induce the^judgment. Don't be hasty about it. What you have to do is bring their solidity in. You must understand the secret of strength is in your word—not in how much impact it has but in how much trust it can produce. If your statement, your word, cannot have the impact of trust, you are wasting your time.

Student: What kind of show? Let'sjust go see it.

Reply: First you tell me the show?

Student: Famous movie stars!

Yogi Bhajan: You lost. You've taken too much time to describe the show, you didn’t do your homework. When he says what is the show, you say, dancing girls, charming situations, lots of partying, great food, wonderful room. No charge. You should come with that naturally. It is the impact. When you say "what is the show" then you look like a "what" is the show. You lost the show. Just understand. Give a gap only where a gap is necessary; otherwise the gap is nothing but eroding your capacity of impact. Start again.

Student: Let's go to the show tonight in Las Vegas.

Reply: What's the show?

Student: Oh dancing girls, dancing elephants, dancing horses, dancing geese, dancing birds, all free, all the food we want, all the drink we want, all the yogi tea you want.

Reply: Let's save the time. Watch a dance here.

Student: Oh it is not the same thing.

There is a band there. The Beatles are playing; they are all together, Elvis Presley is there. Buddy Holly is there. Mick Jaggar is going to be there, Jim Morrison is going to be there.

Reply: And?

Student: And that girl who sings that song you like is going to be there.

Reply: What's the song?

Student: Come on let's go.

Reply: You want to hear ball and chain?

Student: Come on let's go.

Reply: Why?

Dialogue Exercises

Come to the mike. Sell him on going to Las Vegas to see a show.

Student: I got a great thing for us to do tonight. Let's go to Las Vegas and see a show.

Reply: You got what?

Student: Let's go to Las Vegas tonight and see a show.

Reply: What's the show?

Student: Tonight only, one night only. You are never


going to have another opportunity in your whole life to


see these people all together in one place. I got two free


airline tickets round trip. I got a room at the Imperial


Hotel. Top floor. Let's go.


Reply; You haven't sold me.


Student: What are you going to do?


Yogi Bhajan: Wait a minute, wait minute, you sit down.


Now, match. You sell him Las Vegas show and you sell him

the other town, Reno.


Student: Hey let's go to Las Vegas tonight.

Reply: I am ready.

Student: But after we go to Las Vegas, we also have to go up to Reno. Have you seen Lake Tahoe? Have you seen how beautiful the silver is on top of the mountain o f snow?

Reply: Once you've seen the Golden Temple who wants to see silver?

Student: Oh the Golden Temple, of course we will go there third.

Reply: I agree I will go to Las Vegas.

Student: I want to go to Las Vegas but also there are some very far out things to see going up to Reno and since I have a ticket, we can get a round trip—and they have offered us Reno for no additional charge. I think we can also take one day and go up to Reno and Lake Tahoe.

Reply: I can't go to Reno; I have a party I'm supposed to goto.

Student: I will drive don't worry about it. You don't have to worry about it. I will take care of the expenses—all expenses paid. I will take care of it. I know it is like a story book. Everyone thinks I am everywhere else. Reno is great. We will enjoy it. Let'sjust go.

Student: I can't go. I can't go to any to city that begins with an R.

(Students’ laughter)

Student: Well, if you come to Las Vegas, you know they call it the City of Enchantment, so it doesn't begin with an R so you don't have to worry about it. Besides being precious work, it is going to be a great time. We will spend our day and a half in Vegas. We can go up to Reno. We have our rooms covered. Our airfare is included. I know a great Italian restaurant called Leonardo's. There is a Golden Temple restaurant up there that's also very good that used to be owned by our Sikhs here, I say it will be fantastic. From there we can just fly back to San Francisco.

Yogi Bhajan: And it doesn't start with R, It is the City of Reno, it starts with C.

Student: What hasty decision? Why make a decision. You will come as my guest. You don't have to decide anything. There is no decision. What is there to decide? You are not paying a dime extra. We'll go to Reno. It's very beautiful.

Reply: We are going to Las Vegas right?

Student: We go to Vegas then we go to Reno. No problem. Compromise situation.

Reply: We are going to Vegas, right?

Student: Oh yes, we are going to Vegas. I want to go to Vegas.

Reply: Okay, let's go.

Student: Great? All right, I got tickets for two to Reno. What's that? I mean we are going to buy the tickets to Vegas. It's no additional money to also buy it to Reno. So what do we lose? Why do we want to have an additional cost deciding later. It is decided we go to Vegas together, then we go to Reno together.

Reply: I tell you that?

Student: I know wait, wait, wait a minute. I know this one place there that you have never seen, but you have to come to see it; but if I tell you beforehand it's going to lose the impact. You are going to love it.

Reply: I will tell you what.

Student: You are going to love it. You'll love the food; I know you like pizza. I know what you really like and I know the food that is available in Reno.

Yogi Bhajan: Okay sit down. Very good, thank you. Thank you. Next scenario: You sell an apartment. He sells a house. Go ahead.

Student: How would you like to make the best investment of your life?

Reply: I am interested.

Student: I have got a beautiful house at upper Ram Das Puri.

Reply: Yeah?

Student: Yeah.


Student: Okay, lei's go to Las Vegas. We will do that.

Yogi Bhajan: You are losing.

Reply: We can go to Las Vegas and do that thing and then


after we go to Las Vegas, then we can decide where to go.

Let's not make any hasty decision now.





Reply: Well, you know, I just found an apartment and the price of that apartment is going for, in that same area, probably right where your house is, $1200 a month.

Student: I could sell you a house fora $1000 a month.

Reply: Well, that sounds like a pretty good deal.

Student: I can put a Jacuzzi in it It will have a view of the valley of the Khalsa. You won't have to travel far to solstice, and! have to close on this house by next week You have to decide right now if you want to buy

Reply: Well, I am not really interested in living at Ram Das Puri because I have got a lot to do in Los Angeles. 1realty need to be connected there;' but there is a permanent Ram Das Puri where you ...are living, it is a very, very good deal and now you are talking about a Jacuzzi, Well, 1can't put a Jacuzzi in the apartment but they have a set of Jacuzzis downstairs and all the amenities that you can imagine.

Student: This house comes with a plane and private pilot, who lives up in Ram Das Puri. His name is Ek Ong Kar Singh. He will be able to fly you to Los Angeles, or wherever you need, to deal with business and come back and forth, instead of back and forth to LA,

Reply: You are trying to sell me a house or give me a house? How come a plane service? Something sounds fishy about this dfeal.

Student: There are a few amenities involved. Yeah.

Reply: I see. Well it sounds like a very good deal for somebody.

Student: Don't you agree that the house is a better investment than an apartment?

Reply: Well,, it all depends on what you are paying for the house and what you are paying for the apartment

Student: You can write off your interest on your income tax every year,; Your house is going to appreciate greatly in that area.

Reply: Yeah that's-all true, but sometimes it doesn't always fit your needs. Now this apartment, where things usually go for $1200 a month right in the area where you are living, what do you pay now?

Student: I am paying $500 a month.

Yogi Bhajan: Now, that's too much. Okay sit down. What we are driving at from this conversation is that we live as sales people. We do not live as people. We sell our things. We sell our self and that's why the game of life is profit and loss. It's not compact and impact. Think about it. I've shown certain examples to make you understand that both knew what they are doing, both did it professionally, and gave us a lot of laughter; but neither there was an apartment nor there was a house. Neither he is going to Las Vegas nor he is going to Reno. What I am trying to draw to your attention is that basically man is a man and sales are sales. Sell commodities but not your manhood. That's the total difference, Don't sell another man his integrity, his peace of mind or his grace. Commodities are meant to be sold but don't sell your soul, don't sell your mind, and don't sell

your body. If you are very successful in.selling thesethree things, just remember you will be left with nothing. And you cannot live with nothing. Self-impeachment is not a way of life; it is a curse of life, so please remember.

You know how the biggest store may just put the word sale on it. You know what you feel? Things have gone cheap. You know what I am saying? Commodities, it is all right. You have already priced them to sell—jacked them up. They bring the price. The pricing is your game but when it comes to the Self, Self is never for sale. Just remember this. Write it down in your heart. My Self is not for my sale and now we will do the closing kriya.

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Drib Drishti Kriya to Show You the Future

September 22, 1986

Man To M a n

1. Mudra: Lotus Mudra at the Heart Center. Bring the heels of the hands together with the tips of the thumbs and the tips of the pinky fingers touching, the other fingers are spread evenly.

Eyes: Closed, looking down toward the center of the mudra behind closed eyes.

Mantra: I am, I am, myself is not for sale.

Chant in a monotone for 1 Minute

2. Mudra: Bring your hands just above the eyebrows, palms down, as if you were shading your eyes. Thumbs and fingers are straight and together; the fingers point toward each other and remain about an inch apart. The hands don’t touch the face.

Eyes: Look straight ahead

Mantra: Har Hare Hari

Chant very methodically, not too fast. 2 Minutes

3. Mudra: Keep your hands above the eyebrows, but allow the thumbs to drop down.

Eyes: Look straight ahead

Mantra: Har Hare Hari Wahe Guru

Chant aloud; Har Haray Haree and then press the Navel in toward the spine. Then chant silently Wah Hay Guroo. Then release the navel and begin the sequence again. These two mantras should be done in 4-beats each; they should balance each other.

Do not exceed 3 1 Minutes.

Comment: This secret kriya will remove your fear of the future. You know what the future is?This kriya allows you to start seeing the future; it brings you the future today. If this kriya becomes perfect, your future will always be known to you. In fact, if you do this kriya, the future will not only be known, but also, that part of you which is negative in the future will be eliminated, only a token shall remain. For example, you were to lose an arm in an accident. When the accident takes place, you receive only a scratch. Instead of losing an arm you may have a little cut.


Commentary on Drib Drishti Kriya

The whole universe can do it, Even the parrots can be taught to do it. No, 1arr» not kidding. Pundit Ram Lai's parrot exactly used to do this kriya, more perfect than a man can sing and say. He trained him but I told him Pundit Ji, it is not complete. Because he is my jyothishya, what you call this, astrology teacher. I learnt from him numerology, astrology and all that stuff, so I corrected it. Just understand the impact. He told parrot one day how to time it and next day parrot could time it accurately, but he could not say Wahe Guru in silence. You could see the hiss in his sound. I mean, understand there is a difference between a man and a parrot, but that difference you have to give.

Har is translated as Harf Hare is Hare, mantra is mantra, it cannot be translated, Har Hare Hari. What are you? English these days? There are a lot of words, Tu mera gur haai, haai is an English word; it is in Sri Guru Granth. Tu mera gur haai haai: H-l-G-H. Guru High Guru, tu mera gur haai, it is a totally English word; they took it from us or we took it from them. What are you going to translate, let me see? Har is Haryou can't translate. Haris basic God. Hare is the expanded God, future God, future in relationship. Hari is the Creator God. There are three forms of \X: Parsa Parsu

Parsraam, iss Maaya Kay Teen Nam.

You know what the future is? That's a kriya because you start seeing the future; this brings you the future today. If this kriya becomes perfect with you, the future will always be known to you. If you do this kriya, the future will not only be known to you but that part of you which is negative in the future will be eliminated, only a token shall remain. For example, a token would be, if you were to lose an arm; in an accident, you get just a scratch instead. Instead of losing an arm you may have a little cut.

No, no the hands don't touch. The thumb stretched down. They don't touch. Fingers cover one third of the eyebrow. That's how it is. That's why I told you it is a very special place and you look straight and you look at nothing. You just look. And if you perfect this kriya, things will start coming to you. Drib Drishti they call it—knowing all through sight. This is the most sacred kriya of the great, those who call themselves saints, yogis, naths, anything.

May the long time sun shine uponyou, all love surroundyou and thepure light within you, guideyour way on.

You are men ofGod, mayyou recognize it. You are men ofthe universe. Mayyou deal with it in the light ofGod. You are men to be men.

Mayyoufeel thepride ofit, to be in grace. You are the men ofsuccess. Mayyou accomplish it. You are the men ofself light and respect. May you understand it. You are the men ofmerits.

Mayyour virtues be known. You are the men ofknowledge. Mayyour compassion be known. You are men ofabsolute determination. May your kindness be known. Mayyou be men whom the world, the Earth, the Universe, may beproud of. Sat Nam.

ian IW To Man



Man to Man 12

Excel as a Man

Circa 1987

What is a man? Man is a living experience, which can confront every temptation and still resurrect itself...It is an endless seed; it lives to seed. Its faculty, its quality, its generality, its temperament, its achievement is not mortal.

The Faculty of M a n

8 Three Kriyas to Become a M a n

The Faculty of M a n

Do you believe yourselfto be a man or don t you? That is the questionCan you be questioned by the whole world and have an answerfor it? And isyour answer— I am a man ofInfinity.

These kriyas, which you are going to go through, are the most beautiful things I could ever have done in my life; there is no claim to them except they will cleanse the serum system in the body. It gives you—absolutely—a stress-free experience. Sometimes I wonder that my body, and what you call in English, death, or what I call, permit to go home, is slowly making me close up shop; but at the same time is opening up a new era and technology that is to teach you through the tube, television. You will go through the exercises and these meditations and, as God is your witness, you can go through it and you will be very happy. It's my belief that it doesn’t matter how strong or virtuous a man may be, there comes a time in life where you will have to face a twist in yourself; and we do not have the strength to take care of our own twist. Man is a marvelous machine, a seeder, he has the capacity to implant the future of his own self; it is the seeding capacity of God. Man has never valued its virtue, he has always valued his paraphernalia and his victories and his conquering nature and his territory and his possessions, but he has never valued his principles.

What is a man? Man is a living experience, which can confront every temptation and still resurrect itself. Giving in is not a man; getting out is not a man. Man is an infinite fountain and source of that courage which has no end in itself. It is an endless seed; it lives to seed: Its faculty, its quality, its generality, its temperament, its achievement is not mortal.


I will share with you the story of a man called Nanak, who


lives today as powerfully, as youthfully, as he lived then.


When he lived in his body, it was to question him. Today,


there is no question. Each one of you has that capacity to


live, beyond question; but you can start today, now that


tomorrow will not question you. In life, men are questioned,


challenged, and tested. Do you believe yourself to be a man


or don't you? That is the question. Can you be questioned


by the whole world and have an answer for it? And is your


answer—I am a man of Infinity. If you don't want to call


yourself a man of God, then call yourself a man of Infinity,

then your love is with Infinity and nothing else.



You inspire people to love, like a big ship takes all its cargo


in its hull and carries it to its destination, but it doesn't get

attached to the cargo. Taking people to their destination



is the destiny of the man; it is the dignity of the man; it


is the divinity of the man. Man is not what you think man

is: man is an institution of grace, not reaction. When as



a man you react, doesn't matter what the temptation is or how hard the button is being pressed, remember this, then you are not a man. The difference between man and animal is so little, there is such a fine line you can't believe it. If you react or provoke to react or ask to react or make to react, you are not a man. Man never reacts to environments, circumstances and pressures. Man accepts the challenge and makes his own way. I hardly believe that you understand what I am saying, because what I am saying is that people look like men, they even try to act like men, they even talk like men, and they believe and feel they are men, but the reality is they are not. Take it upon faith—that doesn't mean he is real.

The first faculty of a man is that he must not react, by all provocations of the Universe, and he must not react to any and all the temptations of the universal Self, including God. You can call me an atheist, but it will not be true; because God, through His nature, also makes man to react. Therefore, where you will be tested you never know. What you think is gold may be only glitter; every temptation has a very charming glitter to it that can make you blind, but that does not mean it's gold. Silver and platinum are very different but the only way you can tell is by weight and gravity, they look alike most of the time. Zirconium, the man-made diamond, and diamonds have all the faculty of diamonds, it's just that nature has proper laws of deflection and man cannot produce those. Otherwise, mind you, a $10 zirconium is sometimes clearer, better than a diamond; but it does not have the flaws, the reflections, that the natural diamond has. Even in hardness, a zirconium can now be proven to be just like a diamond, it is made just like a diamond. Therefore, man can be a man. Man with this man, that man, God man, president man, noble man, holy man, call it anything, I have no objection. Man is only a man when he can experience everything going on and he does not react or attract. Then what does he do? He accepts the challenge. Accepting the challenge of good and bad is the first act to be a man.

Accepting the challenge is the first act of the man and converting any adversity into prosperity is the second challenge of the man, which he accepts. Nurturing and caring is the third challenge of the man. Kindness and compassion is the fourth challenge of the man. Being noble and honorable is the fifth challenge of the man. These are the five challenges, which every man has to accept in his life whenever they come head on. Otherwise, you can call yourself a man but you are not. For that, you require

character; instinct, intuition, intelligence and knowledge.

I understand that poverty is a curse and richness is a way of life. What makes you rich is not what you are, what makes you rich is your richness in proportion to your intelligence and your happiness in proportion to your consciousness, You can be intelligent and be very rich, but you may be very unhappy, if you are not conscious. There is no other way around it. A lot of people feel they can goof around and then have their lives make sense. Everybody wants to take. nobody wants to give; so sometimes you take the mistake, The problem is that whatever you take you can drop; but when you take the mistake, you cannot drop it—you have to pay for it. Therefore, in every man there is no place for mistakes. You can turn yourself into anything, but there is no chance for a man to have a wrong turn. Any wrong turn will change your direction in life, any change of direction will always pollute you, make you impure, and any pollution will make you weak and no weak man enjoys the experience of being a man. Impotency in action, in challenge, in creativity, and in success are torture, a slow death, to every man. Dying is not difficult for a man, suffering is. Every man suffers by the glory of his weaknesses; every man enjoys by the glory of painless living.

You must understand, as a man, you can limit yourself or you can expand yourself. The basic strength in you is the reality of the religion. Religion is nothing but the science of reality, which gives you a practical experience to understand whether you are getting into something that doesn't belong to you. If it belongs to you, does it accept you? If it accepts you, is it with you? If it is with you, then is it within you? If it is within you, it is around you, it has taken your character and faculties to the extent that it becomes you. If that is not possible, get out of it as fast as possible, otherwise you will not have even a chance to live in peace. Without harmony, without peace, without grace, and without dignity, please don't call yourself a man. Assessment is virtuous. God gave Its own face to a man, that's why we look saintly. By age and maturity we become gray or silver, which only symbolizes our purity, our piety and our projection. It gives us the strength of character that belongs to a man by right. But there is a yo-yo in a man. He fights his own brain with the strength of his balls and he loses his balls because he has no strength—that's the bottom line of this asshole called man.

Ninety-six percent of the human race, which is man, belong to this category. Man has to draw himself from this pit, and pit against it, walk away from it, spitting at it, and try to release himself and relate to his own higher consciousness—that is called the beginning of the man. In that beginning, we need a meditative strength. To that end, I am grateful to God and Guru that I could sit down and give you these two hours, which you are going to face very soon and go through these kriyas. I hope you will remember me by the end of it and you will appreciate what, as an humble man, I have done for you. You are fortunate to have chosen to come here and spend your time; you will experience something which I wanted you to experience. I wanted to share this with you and I myself shared it before. Just understand—expansion, expansion and expansion—there are three words, which make M-A-N: There is morning, there is afternoon and there is night. That completes the word man. All three have extension, extension, extension toward excellence, excellence and excellence,

What you want to find in love is to eat your own shit. Every man does it, every man lives on his own stool. In America, stool is not understood; you think it is a little wooden chair you sit on. (Students laugh.) So I have to use the word shit because that you understand. Well, sorry for the language, I have to speak in the American English, your own roughage, which comes out of your anus. And man lives on the roughage of his consciousness. Every man answers the call of nature or creates bowel movements and faces his balls—just remember, this is a psychological phenomena and biological fact. It is the pituitary that gives you the hardness of the penis and the pleasure of the ejaculation of your semen. And it is the same pituitary that controls the sixth sense. So sex is a sixth sense; I am not wrong. Scientifically I am right; medically it is true.

will touch it, feel it, smell it, shall be yours. It is the values and the virtues of men that matter. The dawn of life is the

But basically, just remember, your excellence does not


depend on who you are, but on how much you love


your excellence. Whatever else you love is minus your


excellence, because excellence does not tolerate any


second-rate love. Every man has to love his excellence, and,


therefore, fall in love with his consciousness and subject


his intelligence to that consciousness to exceed, so that


he can succeed in excellence. There is no secret about it.


Love for the material world and love for the Earth—as much


as you do and as long as you live—-is confinement. Living


on the Earth and loving everything and looking toward the


heavenly abode, called resurrection, is an excellent way of


subtlety, in which you can radiantly shine.


It is not you and your heart that matters, it is the opening of


your heart, in whose fragrance the virtues will come. You

can't attract one person, but if your heart opens and the

fragrance of the heart blossoms and releases, whosoever



morning of life, rest of the life is the afternoon of life, and


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