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Man to Man

28.7 Mб

Commentary on Kriya to Prevent I m p o t e n c e

I know that it is easier [opposite arm and leg lifted], I used to do it. I never said it is shocking. You think I just fell out of the banana tree? (Students laugh.)

Yogi Bhajan: Somebody once saw a banana tree and there were so many bananas hanging there. He said, "God I have one dream'."

I said, "What is it?"

"That I should have that many penises hanging."

Men have fantasies, you can't believe it. But they can't do this simple exercise, that's the problem. You are going to learn everything without even reading a book. Don't worry. Your capacity of inheritance has gone weak in your sixth sense. Some doctor was telling me that sex should not be called sex, it should be called sense. So it is—the sixth sense. Sex is not what you think sex is. How can you stabilize yourself in the bed if you can't stabilize here.

Student: When do we switch legs?

Yogi Bhajan: Not right now. You switch nothing. You kill yourself and totally let the central nervous system give you a diagonal push. Mouth open, tongue out, breathe. The penis has no other chance; it has to be done this way.

You have got to know what a man is. Don't watch those cartoons andtheir little gadgets and feel that you are men. I mean, there are woman who have nothing invested in you and you just get homy and mess around and that's how you call yourself men? You are just a little crow, nibbling at the pussy—shame on you! Come on now. Show me how much you love your penis. I want to see it right straight direct. If you, as a man, do not stretch yourself diagonally, you will be one third impotent straight. One third?

Student: Impotent straight.

When we practiced this kriya, we were supposedto practice two and half hours on one leg. And we did—I did.

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is subjective, it is not equal. The turban is a very personal, pressed scarf; it isjust a cranial adjustment by a man for himself. He crowns himself.

Scarf at night is required, it is necessary. Normally at night the scarf may go away or not. but once for few minutes, you tighten this area, it is even good for bald headed people, because this is how it is. this triangle, where the bone is porous, it gets the

Sun. People think that the Sun is only there when he is up there. Sun is everywhere, all the time. /) reflection of the moon is everywhere. It's the moon and Sun which play us. If you don't want to wear a scarf then, comb your hair and puli them together, the 26 parts of the scalp must be brought into one order—before getting up and before sleeping. You will have very easy day.

Don't get fanatic about it. it's just a science. I am not putting turbans on people. That's not my purpose. But a lot of people will wear it; I did it because I used to have sharp, splitting headaches.

Sometimes it happens. Kundalini Yoga is not a small thing, it's a power, I used to have a very splitting pain here; but it's not because I run a boutique shop.

law; that is the natural cohabitation; that is the natural intercourse. There is a transcontinental psyche and body language and biorhythm. You know what happened? Your mama said, "Now, you are born a man, now you've disobeyed me, now tell a lie, say I am not at home, tell this, tell that, get this grade, do this, do that." It's no fault of yours; you were four years old when you were taught this.

When I was young, we attended a special class. In our domain, a boy would go to school at five years old, before that he was basically taught with pictures and drawings. I am unfortunate that Pakistan came and I don't have any of my notes, if I had shown you, you would have flipped, every detail.

Woman has both hemisphere's of the brain equal—you don't. She grows breasts, you don't. There are certain fundamental differences. Men are from Mars and women are from Venus. Somebody stole those words, which I spoke 28 years ago or so, in New York, and has written a book. I have no comment, read those books, if you can't make sense of them, then come and call me. Men are from Mars, dry, arid, spirit. Mars is habitable. All seven planets have their souls transparent, totally transparent soul, clear. They don't have a body like this. They have subtle bodies and they are all there.

The planet Mars is called Lord of War and Joy, Lord of War and Joy. Planet Mars is very rough, rugged, the word is rugged; it's not sandy, it's not watery, it is rugged. The man is basically rugged. Moon is the reflector, moon is?

Students: The reflector.

Yogi Bhajan: So, afemale, when she reflects—look at you, watch this—when female reflects, the man's ruggedness cannot catch. You bring her all the flowers, you have all the intercourse with her, screw the whole world for it, but she will not, shall not, respect you; because it's a natural

Man To Man



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I am just giving you some examples. You must understand,


it's not true that I have ..no practiced-them myself. It's also


not true that I don't have the experience of it and also-know


the benefits of it Religion is not what you practice, religion


is a personal reality, an experience. This whole philosophy,


the whole thing is cheating, everybody wants your money,


everybody wants you—it is a slavery, A person who is a


slave to religion or religiously fanatic is already cursed;


there is no solution for such person. You have never

a n

understood the totality of God, the reality of God, You will

never understand, and life will go away.

The idea in this next kriya, what I am trying to do to you


is teach you to speak from the Anahat Anahat.means


limitless, that's what Kundalini Yoga is. It works on the

Anahat, everything. You know, in Hatha Yoga, you practice



postures; but it will take you 22 years to practice one

posture—and then you can be a master of it. In Kundalini




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Yoga/ time'limit is three minutes.,.Only.as we practice, we get 31 minutes or half an hour or 40 minutes—whatever people;. can-.,adjust to—or. 62 minutes, is our'maximum. Because this is the yoga of the householder, people with penises and pussies. Yeah, it's true! It's the yoga of a householder. It's not a yoga for those, "don't touch me, don't see me." What is that pound of meat God has given there and has created in his own image, how can He be wrong? Then you do too much or too little.

Kriya: To Be a IV Ia n

August 16, 1997

I . Fish Pose: Come onto your back and lock your feet behind your head. Place your elbows on the backs of the thighs and lift your hands; the elbows make a 90° angle and the hands are up and flat, facing toward your buttocks. Sing with the music: Wahe Guru. 1-3 Minutes (Done for I Minute in class)

Comments: If you can sing in this posture from the navel, Wahe Quru, you will be appreciated among the enemies, among the demons, among the most negative evil. I am not telling you something that I have just learned in the newspaper yesterday. I am telling you something that has come from centuries of practice, demonstrating the power of the man by the will of God.

2. Virasan: Sit on the left Heel, with the heel between the two ‘sit bones’, right at the anus, the right foot is flat and the knee is up by the chest. Hands are in Venus Lock, lifting up behind you. Chin in and chest out. Sing with the music: Wahe Quru. 1-3 Minutes (Done for I Minute in class)

3. Come into a deep squat—feet and knees together. Wrap your arms around your knees and lock yourself into the pose. 15 Minutes

Comments: Religion is not what you practice; religion is your personal reality, your experience. What I am trying to do to you is teach you to speak from the Anahat; Anahat means limitless—that’s what Kundalini Yoga is. It works on the Anahat. Everything in Hatha Yoga takes you 22 years to practice, just one posture and then you can be the master of it. In Kundalini Yoga, the time limit is 3 minutes. In practice we can get 3 1 minutes or 40 minutes, whatever people can adjust to, or 62 minutes is our maximum, because this is the yoga of the householder— people with penises and pussies. It’s not a yoga for those who say, “don’t touch me, don’t

Now, technically speaking, the construction of the penis is very simple. Blood comes from down there and there are cells that hold the blood; but the command is from the pituitary, the' master organ in this whole sexual thing. When you get older, what goes bad?The prostate. The prostate first lubricates the penis, lubricates the'whole area and prostate lubrication must stop in the vagina of the female. Otherwise, you will never be loyal to you—you can go and do whatever you want to do. But if that prostate doesn't secrete enough in her, and her vagina doesn't sense the smell of it, and your ions don't mix with hers, nothing happens. If she doesn't do anything, look, it's very simple, whatever credit you want to give her, but the rule of the prostate is; it post dates you to infinity—that's why we play all this hugging playing game, simple. Hugging, playing, all that kissing game—what's it for? To stimulate the prostate.

Penis: Pe means urine and nis means the artery. It's normally a urine artery, but other purpose of the prostate and the penis is personal. So, it must lubricate. Now, the woman, in this whole thing, this intercourse, will be lubricating also, you know? But if that prostate drop gets into her, she becomes stimulated and contracts, then you have to pull the whole thing; there will be no water bucket sex, absolutely not. And if you get caught in her—have you seen the animals who finish this thing? Have you seen their expression? There are tears in the eyes and they say "ooooo". Seen that? That's it I mean, don't torture a woman, that's not right. Don't torture a woman. As a man, manacp^yourseff and treat a woman as woman* Do something, just do it, and turn around and sleep.


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Now, this is one of the most exciting things in your life. Your


working capacity, youranalyzing capacityandyour projective


capacity of the brain, depends on the biorhythm of the


testicles. Try to test it out. When you are really miserable,


you can’t think, you are flat out, right? Understand that?


Take a cold ice cloth and put it around the testicles, watch

the time and watch the time when it starts telling you, you


are okay. Don't go to any doctor, don't go for any special

ii u

injection, you don't have to do anything. The moment the


testicle temperature becomes equal to your body, you are

10impotent and naive, you are an idiot, irritated, frustrated,


depressed and abusive.




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There are things to do, there are things to know, and there is experience to be gained. This class will be of no use if you will not practice and experience yourself. Just now, I was coming here and we were discussing something very serious. At 2 o'clock I decided, okay now I will get ready and we'll go at 2:30 but I have to be fresh, I have to be young, I have to be totally in my sense, so I can pull the tapes from the heavens to speak to you free and clear, far or near, doesn't matter. I wanted to have a bath, I have a very deep tub, manmade, it's just stone. I had aJacuzzi put in it, which puts 25 pounds of pressure per square inch. I timed it, about 10 minutes, took a bath, water was warm, I was very relaxed, and I let the water go and let the cold shower bother me. I became younger and younger and younger and brighter and brighter and brighter—-except, if I had continued for a few more minutes, I would have been hornier and hornier and homier. (Students laugh.)

You must know you, as a man. You must know. You must have the experience. You must. You don't enjoy any one thing, you enjoy your experience. And if you do not know your own experience, within yourself, the whole outside world is nothing for you. This hush, hush, sweep it under the rug is the most cowardly act of all of you. To say you have not learned—learn it! Learn it wherever it is available. A man who is not learning and is not learned has a most difficult life. What is your value? When you are talking bullshit morning to night and think this, think that, what the hell you are? You are born, you obey, you grow up, you earn, you die in ah old home, what's all this for you? Thank God woman is now becoming an equal earner and she will also face the music.

You have to understand that you are you. Woman has four ways of liberation: she can marry a God man, she can serve a God man, she can give birth to a God man, or she can become a God man. You have only one way: become a saint and a devotee and divine. So, what are we talking about? Your right brain is powerfully projective, your left brain is powerfully supportive, subjective. It's a fight of objective and subjective. We have to call it quits until tomorrow. I have to close your session for now but I will not be as nice as I am today. I don't want you to not enjoy your afternoon because of your thighs and all that.

When a man fights, he says, "Come on!" and slaps his thighs, right? See that? Why it is? There is power in the thighs, it's called domain of the sciatica. We will discuss it tomorrow. Today is enough, you have become a kind of man. There are few books you should have as men. There is a business law book, how to set up business, how to run a business, how to be a businessman; and there are also books on these men's courses, and if you acquire them, learn them, experience them, they will be with you. There is one thing that will give you all knowledge. There is one thing that will meet all calamity head on—your experience.

May the longtime sun shine uponyou, all love surroundyou and thepure light within you, guideyour way on.

May the bliss oflife, balance oflife and bounty o flife that is withyou, remember, in the image o fGod, there is no handicap, its true, it’s virtuous, it ispowerfuland the Mother Nature servesyou, if youjust remember, that it is all Gods own thing. Even whenyouplayyour personal ego, that wasgiven to everybody so they can recognizethe God’s will, which will demonstrate apainless life. May this day bring you apainlesslife, virtuous, andgracious and mayyou be in beauty, bounty and bliss. May every breath oflife be with you as that ofGod’s extension. Sat Nam.

Life in B a la n ce

We have to understand who we are. Answer is very simple, am I a noble man? If you are a noble man, then you need a noble woman.


This is what I am going to conclude this course with. Your


life shall face odds and evens. It's a continuous process.


Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad. Good and


bad are the two sides of the coin; therefore, if there is


a good, there is a bad, too. If it's good for you, it's bad


for somebody else. The entire universe is in balance, so it


cannot be that everything is good for you and everything


is bad for everybody else. With some people, even though


they’ve faced the worst, they learn toughness, they learn


self-empowerment; on the other hand, people who are


very rich, well-cared for, they are very stupid, a little bit


can bother them so much that they don't understand what


to do and what not to do. A yogi is the one on whom the


pair of opposites does not act, the pair of opposites do not


affect him. Neither good affects him nor bad affects him,


what affects him is the accomplishment.


In fact, accomplishment is for your own nobility or


for somebody's nobility, that's what makes it an


accomplishment, otherwise it is not an accomplishment.


If you can nurse, nurture, love, take care, make a person


grow, and from the heart, the person says "thank you,"


there is no more blessing than that, there is no more


prayer than that, there is no more goodwill than that But


if your actions make a person go crazy and create fear and


insecurity, anger and dirty language, then there is no better


curse than that either.


So, technically speaking, we are in a world today where we


have to understand who we are. Answer is very simple,


am I a noble man? If you are a noble man, then you need


a noble woman. Your nobility can always be challenged


by a woman. Therefore, you have to have a noble woman


to keep your nobilities within your own security, not in


anybody else's. There is a lot of work, which you can get


done, if your woman is bright, beautiful and noble, full of


character and characteristics, outgoing, outstanding. If she


is not, push her to be, for your sake. Help her to be, push


her to be, guide her to be, encourage her to be, all this can


work with a woman.


Never, ever participate in the negativity of a woman. A

woman loves to talk. You see the whole newspaper—that


bus got turned around, that boat got sunk—every bit of


news is negative and death. So, too, woman has a very

sick mind because she has abalanced mind. She is going to


draw on your attention, she is going to tell you everything,

which is nonsense, negative and unbecoming of a



person—and not noble. Mostly women say, "you didn't do

enough for me," "I didn't take enough of a rest," "I have



not eaten, I am hungry, I am starving,'' "I don't know what I am doing." These words, which totally put you on the spot, like this, "what am I doing?" They do it because they talk too much and they have to talk too much, they have to draw attention. They are very attention hungry. If this disease, attention hungry, in a woman becomes serious, then they become flirts. If that becomes more serious, then their sexual relationship becomes ignoble.

So technically speaking, in your life, when you deal with a woman, you deal with one simple parameter: you remain noble and you inspire her to be noble in your whole conversation. I want to remind you well, with a clear heart, woman will not like it. You should know that. Woman doesn't like nobility; she likes flirt, flattery, and if you have any iota of sense of nobility in you, never flatter a woman, then she's got you by the testicles, then you are finished. Be noble with her, neither flatter her nor curse her, neither flatter her nor curse her. Just be noble with her.

Student: Sir, we shouldn't tell that she is particularly wonderful, radiant, beautiful?

Yogi Bhajan: That day you are horny, that day you will tell her. Every idiot knows that when a man is horny, he is very flattering. Fucking is1—there is no book on fucking, but everything is fucking and every language is fucking and the difference between intercourse, cohabitation and fucking is that fucking is just on the spot—that means you are fucking yourself. Actually, you are not fucking anybody because your projection, your horizon, your alma mater, your dynamics, your psyche, your reality, your geography all will change, if you do that sexual act by flattery. You get it done, flatter a woman, seduce her, bring her over, fuck her, then what? You are lost, she has a few minutes, she has few minutes of what? You are a man and you have a few minutes of what?

If you have to have intercourse with a woman, actually speaking, it is called intercourse; intercourse was never a word for sex, never. It became intercourse, just like cohabitation, those who live in a deep understanding of the self and their self becomes an amalgamation of each other, word was called cohabitation. When? What? This is how you can understand the real woman: the real woman is she who will take your pain, which is coming to you, as a priority onto herself. They are more sensitive—sixteen times more sensitive.

1 Editor's Note: Creative use and impact of using curse words by Yogi Bhajan was calculated, artful and effective for reaching his audience. It could be shock­ ing. but was also received and perceived as being earthy and real.

You are crazy when you look at a woman and say, "you look very pretty," pretty for what? Do you look at a picture, then say, "picture, you look very pretty?" Woman is a living organism, a mammal, you deal with it. What she does for you is a totality, reality, projection, power; she makes your thoughts and their accomplishment. Woman is not just meat and bone, and sex and sensuality, woman is actually your alter ego, your sixth sense. It isvery important and very few women can play that role. So, you are handicapped because your selection of a woman is handicapped. Your investment in a woman is handicapped. You are not resultoriented. You are scared and afraid in relatibnship, whereas, you have to be very straightforward, firm, noble. You must have a standard. As a man, you call her your better half. She is the better half, so she had better be better, as your better half. There are a lot of ways to appreciate a woman. Can somebody tell me, if you sincerely want to appreciate a woman, how you will do it? If you want to appreciate a woman, right on this spot, what you will say?

You must start with humor with a woman or she will get you. Give her a crack; she is already in there. What will you say? You may want to have a relationship with her, sex, whatever your intention is, I am not talking of intention here. I am talking about what you will say, what she will understand, and are you a man? Look at this flattery, "I thought God made me handsome, but God, He made you really good." Match it. Match the sentence. Say to any woman something like this and she will understand that you are a man, you have a standard, you have a commitment, you are divine, you are real. It may be a bogus statement, doesn't matter, but even if you fake it, you will make it. Woman is herself a very crooked and complicated creature; therefore you have to learn to be straight with her. The moment she knows that communication with you is only straight, straight, straight, you've got it all.

Never flatter a woman in the morning, "Oh, you are the prettiest thing I have seen this morning, you are so shiny" and then, in the afternoon, you say, "You bitch, God! I know you. Now, all of this, for a woman, is a totality—not reality—totality. She will never forget it. If you ever abuse a woman, she will never forget it. If you ever appreciate a woman, she will always forget it, the very next day.

Appreciation she digests in hours; depreciation is what she hates. You see, they don't tell you their age. No, ladies don’t tell. They don't even tell that they are grown up. They are so unrealistic. If somebody asks me, what is your age? I say, I am 67, going to be 68. They won't, because maturity is not their way of life. Less than maturity is not your way of life. You have to be mature, saintly, confident.

There are four things a man cannot afford to do: a man cannot be cheap, he cannot be crooked, his body language has to be very firm, and he has to be direct. If he avoids these four things, one way or the other, the woman will

immediately know it and she shall not trust you. What are those four things? Repeat.

Students: A man cannot afford to be cheap, he cannot be crooked, his body language has to be very firm and he has to be direct.

Yogi Bhajan: Now I will tell you a real-life story. A man was very, very rich, he was so rich that he bifurcated his wealth, some in Europe, some in America, some here, some there, but he never wanted to be known as a rich man. But he was very rich, he was very intelligent, and his time of marriage came and he was only 27. All these bogus Americans, you see, they have all kinds of money, they have paper money and factory money, but this man had real cash money. He was so rich that his money was earning money, can you believe that? (You are rich only when your money earns money, not when your work earns money. Then you are still poor.) He met a woman and they talked and they met and right away, straightforward, she said, "I hate these macho rich people." One, two, three— shot.

He said to himself, "Well, she doesn't like rich people." But he discussed with her, he said, "Rich men with the power of their money can . . . " Whatever she said was very correct. Romance started and finally he came to an understanding, you know what he did? He brought her a silk rose, one, and put it in water. They put that silk rose in a vase with water and he said "I am so poor that I can't even buy a rose, or a bouquet, so I decided to give you this silk rose, which is nothing, but it has one character in it, it will last longer. I tried to make it real but I want to J tell you it is not, but still, it will last longer." She married him; a week later, they went to church and got married. Marriage was very private, no invitations whatsoever, and then he said, "My friend has invited us to use his jet; he's given us a honeymoon." My friend has?

Student: Given us a honeymoon.

Yogi Bhajan: Then on the Caribbean Island, there was a friend's boat, then in the Mediterranean there was a friend's ship, then in every town in the world, there was a friend's five bedrooms, biggest residence, and then there were another 50 servants on this honeymoon tour; they were the friend's servants. (Students laugh.)

Whatever he was buying was on a friend's cards, so in the


four months of their honeymoon, she became accustomed


to certain things, and one day she asked, "Your friend is


so rich, why can't you be?" (Students laugh.)


"He doesn't mind, look what I have bought, what we have


bought is so much and he doesn't mind," he said, "No.


I am the poor polarity of my friend; he is the rich polarity of me."


She said, "If he's'so connected, why couldn't you be'very rich, too?"

He said, "lam."

She said, "I don't.believe it,"

He said, "Read the card." On ail his cards, his name was written backwards, you see, but the name was real. So, then he said, "Actually, 1love you very much and I wanted to marry you; but you told me you hated rich people, so I didn't want to confront you on that. First I wanted to know you and then I wanted to prove it to you and I wanted to see whether you liked me or not, my sex and my way of living and everything, and then I planned to let you know that I am the richest man on the earth."

And she said, "Where did you get this money? You are so young."

He said, "Hard work."

She said, T never saw you working in all these four months.".

He said, "Honey, you were sleeping and I was working." Today, his wife works more than him. He taught her everything and when we met, I was joking with him, I said, "Well, you have married a woman or a secretary?

He said, "No, Secretary General."

It's a very clever way of flattering, but very real way of flattering, very heart to heart, no nonsense. That's what you have to learn: to be realistic, to deal with every woman directly, because you cannot deal with a woman directly if you are not direct.


I was taking a phone call this morning. It was the ugliest


phone call I have received in my life and I was telling this


lady, "Love your husband;cool down, you know."


She said, " No, suck him, f

him, love him, this is not for


a woman."



And I said,'Who told you that?"


She said, "You."



I said, "I never said a word, I just said."


"I mean you, all men, you are teaching men's courses


these days, and you are nothing for women."


She started yelling and screaming with the top of her voice.


I said, "What happened?"



She said, "My husband, he is not learning anything in that


course; teach him some manners."


I said, "What went wrong?"





a n

(Students laugh.) ^ ■


I said, "There must be something wrong."


She said, "Why you teach these men? They don't know;

they should learn from their mother or from their wives.


You are charging them and they are going to come home



and discharge trouble for us."


I said, "Wow, what an assessment, correct."





What I mean to say is, when you go home and you don't discharge yourself, that is, keep your battery charged up and use it until you come to the next men's course and get better, all these exercises I have shared with you, it is better you do them there. This is our last meditation that we will do as a man.

Meditation: Tantric Yantra to Receive A Knowledge

August 17. 1997

Posture: Sit in a meditative posture. Your right hand is up with your thumb touching your Third Eye Point and the other fingers are together, pointing straight up. The fingertips of the left hand are together and touch the base of the right hand. Concentrate.

Eyes: Tip of the nose.

Breath: Breathe long, deep and slow.

Music: Tuniya

Mantra: Sat Nam Sat Nam Sat Nam Ji Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Ji

Mentally Vibrate the mantra for 20 Minutes; then begin chanting aloud, 4 Minutes, whisper I Minute.

Time: 25 Minutes

To End: Inhale deep, concentrate on your spine, exhale. Inhale deep and pull your spine, vertebra by vertebra all the way up, hold the eyes at the tip of the nose, concentrate. Exhale. Inhale deep again, maintain the mudra and bring your shoulders up to your ears— tight! Cannon Fire Exhale and relax.

Comments: if nothing works out in your life, and you can’t read all the books, you can’t go to all the libraries, you can’t visit every place, you can’t go through every woman, there are things you can do. There is a written procedure of a picture, a tantric picture, this is the mind’s tantric picture.1Even I meditate on it; it isn’t something to take lightly. Meditate according to that procedure and God willing, you will get all the knowledge. It gives you three things: the unknown will be known, unheard you will hear, and not to happen will happen, if it is in your interest.

>bu know, life is square, which stops— and triangle gives you elevation, prosperity and goodness in life. But, just remember, when a square is cut diagonally, it becomes two triangles. That’s why tantric energy is the most powerful energy, it is totally divine energy, it cuts through everything and that you have to understand once and for all.

Sat Nam means your identity is true. Nam means identity, Nam is a noun: name Of person, place or a thing. Sat Nam means your identity is true, it is five sounds, S-ah, T-ah, N-ah, M-ah. These are five sounds. Wahe Quru is a trikuti mantra; it’s a mantra of the agya command center (the Ajna Chakra) and it is in three letters, Wah-hay Guroo.

ji Bhajan is referring to the Tratakum photo and meditation,

lable from www.kriteachings.org.


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