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Man to Man

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Okay* okay, thank you, it was beautiful. It was very good, I am trying to give you what a common man, under confined environments, will want to establish a communication with, [To a student] Give them a lecture on why they should not eat carrots,

Student: Everyone, it's best if you do not eat carrots. In fact, in order to maintain improper liver function, please don't eat carrots. Also, each year there is arthritis, rheumatism and possibility of constipation by not eating carrots. Because the carrot doesn't make the skin clear, if you have a skin problem, too, stay away from carrots. If there is any possibility that your hair is going gray or if your hair is falling out, you also want to avoid eating carrots because carrots help the scalp and you want to keep your hair from growing better later in life. Does anybody have a question so far?

(Students laugh)

Yogi Bhajan: Thank you sit down. A subject, which was impossible not to admire, even among all the people of faculty here, why we should not eat carrots, because of the way he prescribed it will let you know that it's not what you know, it is what you deliver and how you deliver through your words. Knowledge is not enough. You did not understand his joke? He was breaking rules and pretending not to be provoked. He was telling you not to eat carrots; but instead, I feel the impact of that is an interlock that all you want is to go right now and eat a carrot each. You understand?

So you must understand where lies the success and where lies the strength in life. Success lies in saying it with asmile. Success lies in interlocking the word with a smile. Each word you speak, interlock it and deliver it with a smile.

Life is no different whether you dramatize it or you traumatize it. If you dramatize your life you will not have impact. By dramatizing you can interlock. But as you have seen, you must have seen a drama in your life, when you see a drama you always hear—oh well, this is it! But there is something behind it; somebody is acting; it is not real, In a drama you feel that reality is being communicated to you, but you don't have to take it or you don't have to experience it. In trauma you don't feel anything except anger toward it. So what is the best secret of life: communicate exactly as you. That is the second phase we would like to practice.

Just say "as you.”


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Ask yourse|f a simple jnner questiorli , am rea,? When you say that, when you will speak this, also concentrate, synchronize and feel it. Before you finish this sentence, synchronize, | am rea|. I am real. Each of you will say it and each one of you will synchronize to feel it in timelessness, in sharpness in reality

Kriya: Cqmmunicate as Y o u

September 21, 1986

Posture: Sit in a meditative posture.

1. Repeat loudly: I am real, I am real. . . 30 seconds to

I Minute

Comments: When you say that line, I am real, con­ centrate, synchronize, and feel it. Before you finish the sentence, synchronize I am real. I am real. Each of you will say it and each one of you will synchronize to feel it in timelessness, in sharpness, in reality. Say it loud in your real voice, in that communication that is your real communication, in that projection that is your real pro­ jection. Synchronize timelessness to experience it.

2. Ms you repeat the line, I am real, mentally vibrate the mantra:

Ptad Sach Jugaad Sach Hay Bhee Saeh Nanak Hosee Bhee


“ In the beginning I was real, through the time I was real, now I am real, and Nanak, real I shall be.” 30 Seconds


Repeat: I was, I shall be, I am real.

1 Minute


Repeat: I was, I shall be, I am, I am. 1 Vi Minutes


Now sing the line, I was, I shall

be, I am, I am, as

if you were an Italian Opera singer. See what it does to you. I Minute

Comments: Do you understand the difference? One is affirmative, the other is very positive, futuristic, musical. When you talk to somebody in a musical, futuristic situ­ ation, you create chaos because musical communication has to be rhythmic and futuristic communication has to be very exact; and sometimes you can’t deliver that. If you don’t have the capacity to deliver in that way, you create confusion; so it is always better to be very lowkey, mono, affirmative. It won’t make you feel bad and it will get you everything you need— and that’s all life is about.

n a M To Man


Claim Your Virtues

Four orfiveflowers to have in your life are tranquility, trust, faith, integrity and divinity.

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■ hey"ham

Lingam K riya

Man To M an

Posture: Easy Sitting Pose

Mudra: Bring the left hand up above the brow line, palm down. Take the middle finger (Saturn) of your right hand and make aT with your left hand, placing it in the center of the palm of the left hand, aligning the right middle finger with the bridge of the nose. The right middle finger should be very straight. Curl the remaining fingers of the right hand (right palm is facing toward your left). The tip of the nose and the root or base of the middle finger should be on the same level.

Eyes: Stare straight ahead through the middle finger.

Mantra: I was, I shall be, I am, I am, Har Haray Haree

Comments: Take a bath. Then prepare for meditation, sit in a comfortable seated posture, and practice for 62 Minutes, from 11:30pm to 12:32am. It is called transitlock time— from evening to morning.


Yesterdaywe talked in detail about what are called symbolic situations and gave you something to go do as homework, so that you can understand where the strength is and how to build up the strength so that you can call on it anytime. Was that clear? How many of you did the sadhana last night? There were so many in the ashram I could hear it. Did you feel the strength or clid you not feel the strength?

Too much energizing with it is not very advisable, but energizing with it anytime, as a male, whenever you want is okay. It will give you the potential of opening like the bud. You know what that means? The life of a male is like a bud. If doesn't open, it doesn't let the fragrance get out. You don't rule by the strength of your muscles or the game of your mind or even the power of your soul—that's for you to live. It has nothing to do with anybody. Your greatest virtue is how your fragrance travels and how it affects other people. In other words, man has his own smell, without it he is a living hell. It is a simple thing. Man has his ...?

Students:.. .own smell.

Yogi Bhajan: Without that, life is a living hell. That's what word is. So basically what you are trying to understand within yourself is that you have your own smell. Don't substitute it and don't alter it.

I was counseling somebody this morning, and while counseling I said, "Is it true you had intercourse with somebody for a short while just out of passion." Answer was yes. So I said, "You know what it did to you?" The answer was yes; then his question came, " How much time will it take me to recover?" f said, "Next life time." Three days of physical, commotional intercourse brought to this person 15 years of aging and dullness, which he does not know how to get rid of. So actually, because of your odor, you can be blinded by passion. Your smell, your fragrance does not qualify the relationship. You are calling on nothing but the long painful self.

Kaam Kaaya Ko Gall Hei

It means "passionate living destroys the physical body." It is not that you are not intelligent, it is not that you cannot be successful, it is not that, as a male, you are not productive, it is not that you have to go out and study the whole world and universe and come out to be somebody, it is not true. Actually your passion blinds you and your fashion destroys you; because in passion you make up a fashion, and in that fashion you build up your style, and in that style you fly. You move like your fragrance. The net result is that you endure nothing. You become self-critical. You become a self­ depressed person. You cannot share with anybody—and that pain is enough to kill you. You have two worlds to live in: One is the world of your head. The other is the world of your heart. I am asking you: if you cannot put your head

and your heart together, what can you put together?


There is no camouflage in my mind. I am not willing to


misunderstand you or your pain. For example, let's just


take this one example:


A.man's wife says, “ My dear, do you expect to eat at home


or are we going out?"


His reaction is "Maybe at home, maybe we will go out."


She says, "Are you sure?"


"Don't be my mother; I am sick of it. I told you."


"Okay, fine, you have told me; but what exactly do you


want? Are you going to eat at home or are we going to go




"I am going to eat at home, home, right here."


So she gets up, she cooks, and everything is fine. He puts


on the heater, fine.


Then he asks, "What time is it?"


"It is nine o' clock."


"All right, let's go out and have a bite and then go to a




Now this woman doesn't have the spear that I am holding,


which she wants to put through your heart. She has spent


two hours cooking the whole damn meal and now you are


saying "I am going out and then I am going to entertain


myself." You understand what this does to another person?


It is not that you do it to your wife; I am just using that


example. This is also what you do in your business. Exactly.


Your pattern of behavior with your wife and your pattern


of behavior in your business and your pattern of behavior


with your success is the same pattern because it is all


female. You cannot deal with your domestic government;


you cannot deal with your administrative government;


you cannot deal with your totality, governing your whole


universe, because you have to understand that you have


to deploy yourself and employ the means to secure your


deployment, so that it won't tear everything apart. You


must employ means; you must use your fragrance.


This is a building. You see it? You see the whole thing. It's


based on four walls but if we extend it beyond this, we may


need pillars. There must be weight-bearing walls. Have


you heard of the concept weight-bearing walls? That is a


criteria; it is a character in life. It has to have commitment.


That commitment must come from your communication.


Your strength is not in your muscles or your brain or your


this or your that. The fragrance, which I am referring to


that of a flower, is from your words: what you say and how


you say it; when you say it and why you say it. One slip of


the tongue^—one—I am not talking of two. One slip of the


tongue can bring you from the top to the bottom. And one


use of the tongue can take you from the bottom to the


top. Power of the word is unseen like the power of God,


but it has mileage in it. You want to ask me to prove it. You


will ask me tomorrow. The bird flew from the air. Where?


Show us. They don't leave any sign but everybody knows



Student: I don't believe it.

Yogi Bhajan: You can't believe because you don't know what belief is. Spell it.

Student: B-E-L-l-E-F.

Yogi Bhajan: See, you are just equal to a kindergarten child; you started spelling it. That's why you don't know what you are talking about. Where is the belief? In your head, in your heart, in your toes?

Student: My heart.

Yogi Bhajan: How many times have you listened to your heart? How many times have you listened to the cry of the heart of the whole wilderness of people? How many times have you gone out and listened to the prayer, the heartfelt prayer of those who are ugly, who are unseen? How many times have you gone into the park to see the bums and hear their prayer? What made them to be? How many times have you walked out of our secured world to the insecure world and seen how much pain is there and how much have you done to relieve it? How many miles have you gone on your own to play for those who couldn't walk? How many times have you washed your hands for those who do not wash? How many times have you not eaten for those who are hungry? How many of you have done anything, risked yourself for any reason, which is real, which is of the unknown?

Student: Not enough.

Yogi Bhajan: Don't agree with me. Be yourself. My vastness doesn't mean your defeat. It is a father's death when he sees his son being defeated under pressure. My vastness is useful to combat it and you will become equally vast. If an airplane, hundreds of pounds, can take the weight of the wings and carry it through the air to that height? Exactly you can go to the highest. It is through combat with the opposite that you combine to excel to the highest. That's why the time has come when they will kill me, because now I am a source of threat. I came in this country to create teachers and now they know it. They don't want it, because a teacher of consciousness can live and let many live. Consciousness and intelligence are two ways to combat the fear. There is no other way. When you are no longer afraid, you will have no vengeance; and only then can you enjoy the tranquility and the peace.


Yogi Bhajan: Why did you agree with me?

Student: I don't know.


Yogi Bhajan: Why don't you know? What is it that you


don't know? Because everything that is attacking you has


its own death in it. Remember that! Anything that brings

death to you, also carries its own death. Just turn it around;



God couldn't create one thing. You know what God could

not create? God cannot create one thing—square or



triangle-God has to create everything round, complete, because It is the perfect one. If somebody who is created by God brings death to you and you just turn it around, he shall die in itself.

Paapi Ke Marne Ko Paap Maha Bali Hei

"To kill a sinner, his own sin, is the extreme power."

What do yOu want to know? You want to know whether your heart is made of plastic or of rubber? What do you want to know?

Student: Right now, nothing.

Yogi Bhajan: There is nothing to know because everything is hanging in the knowledge. Even not to have knowledge is a square from which you can go to all four sides of the town. You feel weak?

Student: No.

Yogi Bhajan: Every week?

Student: I don't understand.

Yogi Bhajan: I know you don't understand, but you are standing up. Why do you use negative words? To get out of the proposition? "I don't know." "I don't understand." God gave you the brain, the best computer. To build this computer and the most modern chip 100 years from now would require an 80 mile by 80 mile square, and 10 mile high building to store it in—and you are carrying it in your skull. Why you don't understand it? Why are you waiting to answer my question?

Student: I do understand it.

Yogi Bhajan: You do. How?

Student: I was just insecure.

Yogi Bhajan: Again insecure is a negative word.

Student: I understand what you said.

Yogi Bhajan: You didn't care?

Student: I didn't care.

i Bhajan: Have you understood or not?

Student: I am glad I understood.

Yogi Bhajan: Why you are not happy about it?

Student: I am happy about it.

Yogi Bhajan: Well, what is the basic of your life? What is the foundation of your life? One word—I need the answer. I don't need a lecture. Give me one word. What is the foundation of your life?

Student: My soul.

All right, both of you now talk to each other and just

Yogi Bhajan: Not true.

understand, you are not going to say one word in which


you both can smile.

Student: God.

Student: Not true.

Yogi Bhajan: What is the foundation of your life?

Student: Happiness.

Yogi Bhajan: Nonsense.

Student: Sadhana.

Sadhana is a perfect, selfish act to qualify oneselfin strength to match up with the world.

Student: You are married?

Student: Watch.

Student: How are your insecurities? Student: What insecurities?

Student: Good.

Student: How is yours?

Student: I am fine.

Student: Great to hear.

Yogi Bhajan: Forget it. Too gross. Sadhana is a perfect, selfish act to qualify oneself in strength to match up with the world. It has nothing to do with anything around. It is an act, which we do for ourself, because we want to survive and live, excel and become powerful. It is our power grasping trick; it has nothing to do with your base. What is the foundation of your life?

Student: Creativity.

Yogi Bhajan: You are drowned in hell or heaven, I don't care. What creativity? God is Creator and now you are in competition with that guy?

Student: The God gave me creativity.

Yogi Bhajan: Well, that's a long philosophy. What is the foundation of your life?

Student: I am, I am.

Yogi Bhajan: Too much of a bible. You want to know?

Student: Yes.

Yogi Bhajan: A little smile. True. If I am wrong drag me out of this place. The entire foundation of this whole male human life is one little smile. Not a big one, little. That's all it takes. There is no more powerful winning chip within you as a male than a small smile, like a small salad. What you call it? You know. Dinner salad—just a small smile. That's the foundation of this whole male syndrome.

You lose when you become tense. You are responsible for your own loss. You are neurotically defeating yourself all the time. Smile and let the whole world smile at you. Now it is a negative thing. You don't want people to smile at you. You don't and you are losing something very precious. You are losing something very precious. In the kingdom of God, plus and minus creates neutral. Attention creates grace. If you smile with people and people smile with you, at you, after you, behind you, over you, under you, that's all you are. That's your strength. Is that understood? So when you communicate, do not, for God's sake, communicate one word with which you cannot smile.

Yogi Bhajan: Any person who wants be successful in life and has no degree, no art, no. nothing, all he has to do is talk with a smile and not say those things with which he cannot smile. Success will be yours forever. Those who call themselves Sikhs must understand: there is something very common between the Sikhs and the Christians, which nobody even understood when the Christians were real Christians, not Roman Christians, when they were being persecuted by Romans. They stood being persecuted with a beautiful smile on their face. And in Rome, that coliseum stands today as a symbol of that. All holy places in Sikh Dharma are standing as a symbol of that smile on the face of a Sikh when he was facing and combating death.

Whether you are a Christian, you are a Hindu, you are a Muslim, you are a Jew or you are none, or you are other, whatever you want to call it, I am not discussing your religion; I am discussing your faith. Faith only means when you can combat the life. How serious can it be with a little smile on your face? You must remember, the higher you go in life, the higher shall be the penalties, higher shall be the dangers, higher shall be the confrontation, and higher shall be the schemes to destroy you. It is normal. Can you face life with a smile or not? That is the purpose of this living. Today the entire world doesn't understand you at all, but I have heard one comment: "God, to whom these angels belong?" They don't care what nonsense neurosis you are carrying inside—nobody cares.

Once, by mistake, provoking some lady, she said, "Who


are these people? Beautiful, I love them. How can they


keep their clothes so white? How they can be so shining


and radiant?"



I said, "My lady, they are very ordinary people."


She said, "God, you don't have to tell me that. They are not

ordinary people. In this world of today they are living above


the trend, above tradition, above everything which America


stands for. What is above the man?"


I said, "Tell me."

crown. They are the crown of our

She said, "The









Two things my sons: Never let kindness and compassion slipfrom you. These are the two legs on which a male stands— not the muscle, not the money, not the technology —compassion and kindness.

I just wanted to share that with you. So God knows when you stand before a mirror and you look at yourself what you call yourself, but I am telling you what people say about you. At first sight, when they look at you, they see you are special. You are someone. If a person doesn't appear to be someone, he has no right to invite opportunities. When you are someone and you invite opportunities, immediately, those who want to destroy your opportunity shall appear. War is on; and those who do not know how, in the middle of the war, to be peaceful, they are the ones who are wrong. That's why in the old time, the law used to be that the armies would front each other. They used to have their breakfast, brunch, whatever. Take up their arms, fight the whole day, and when the sun went down, they used to lay their arms to rest, heal their wounds,/ecuperate to fight


the next day.


Many of us fight our sleep. We do not know how to sleep.


We do not know how to rest. Rest and work have equal


forum and need equal attention. You know the problem


with you? Oh, Mr. Unsuccessfuls, let me tell you what your


problem is. All of you who are unsuccessful are those who


say we will rest tomorrow. We will rest later. You know


that syndrome? In the middle of the rest, when you are


just enjoying it, he will say, I will do it tomorrow, let me


work now. The highest priority of work is to rest. That's


why you don't rest when your wife is all right, your children


are okay, your family is okay, your home is all right. You are


in a peaceful tranquility, but you don't rest with it. You bring


more garbage into it. You pick up


somebody's garbage pan on the


street and bring it and put it in the


living room. You start the war.


You are successful in business.


You experience tranquility. You


are peaceful and then you get


somebody's nuisance in it, in


partnership. You blow up yourself


and blow up somebody else. You


look at somebody and look at his


smile, and look at his success, and


look at his beauty, and look at his wonderful things, but you


do not investigate. Then after you talk to the guy, he says,


"My God, I am suffering from cancer. I have an ulcer in my


stomach. I, have had six operations on my intestines; they


are cut down by six feet. I have three brain tumors and my


one eye is totally false and I do not hear from my left ear

and my right hand works half way and three fingers in my

left arm are also numb." And you are competing with that

guy? You understand what I am saying? Do you hear me?

Not to value your value is the biggest fraud a male can play


on himself. The biggest nonsense in a male's world is not

to value his values. You are always willing to barter and sell


yourself out for a momentary passion, momentary kiss,

momentary high, momentary telephone call. Once, you


know, Narad said to Lord Krishna, "Wait a minute, these 1800 women dance around you. They never stop. What is the secret?" Lord Krishna replied, "Because I play my flute in the center." My dear men, you can't be off center. You have no center. When a man goes off center there is no place of holding yourself. You may say, "just for a moment" or "It was only that hour. It was that minute. It was that situation." No my son. There is no error. There is no place for error in life and love.

How many times have you committed errors and still you are surviving. Aren't you a miracle people? Combine your intelligence and your consciousness with purity— and purity means don't add nonsense to your life. Don't support those who cannot support themselves. Support them and teach them how to support themselves. "Don't give somebody a fish to eat. Teach them to fish and they will eat forever."

Don't give somebody grain and then enjoy his or her being dependant on you. Teach them how to grow the grain so they can prepare a breakfast for you to honor it. Tell all those you know and tell all those you don't know how to be great. Make your enemies great so that you can have a good fight. Now you are saying, "That's not true." But the law of being great is to have great enemies. No plane can ever take off without the opposite wind. If you think you can change the law of the universe then you are not a part of the universe. Two things my sons:

Never let kindness and compassion slip from you. These are the two legs on which a male stands—not the muscle, not the money, not the technology—compassion and kindness. Be kind to your enemies and be compassionate to those who are out to get you. This is the highest state of mind in which a male can always be shielded.

You know how protected you are if you are compassionate? The entire universe has to change environments to protect

you because Mother Nature cannot let two things be destroyed, kindness and compassion; and God the Father is beyond Mother Nature, so you can't reach it. Never be rude to those who have been mostly rude to you. That's what Guru Gobind Singh said. When everything fails, your hand going to the sword is not so very bad, because what is the sword. Sword is anointment—knighthood. You cannot be a knight until you have knelt and been touched on the shoulder by the sword. Isn't that true?

The greatest thing, which is a defect in your life, is when you have to do something and you don't do it. You've got to do it. You've got to do it and you are the only one whom time has chosen to do it. Compassion should not make

you compromise. Fight life compassionately, kindly. Be casual on your schedule. No tension. The only thing that the enemy will defraud himself of is his own strength, when he cannot or she cannot figure out where you stop and where you start. But if you are calm, quiet, peaceful, kind, keep going. You shall be kept going. You don't have to ask anybody to give you an injection for strength. You ask yourself. Where is my strength? Your strength is in tolerating the attack of the opposite, taking it on the shield of your grace and then counter attacking so that it may not happen again. Don't go for the sword of the enemy, go for the arm. Swords don't fight, arms do. Just learn. When your life, your family, your children are very tranquil, peaceful, growing, at that moment, you will find something will try to walk in the center of it to create a ruckus. Believe me or not, that's exactly when it will happen.

When you are on the way to your prime success, when everything is calm and cool, then comes the hailstorm. You can deal with it commotionally, emotionally, justify yourself with angles, ifs and buts. Or, you can say this is not my cup. i shall not compromise. Nobody can blackmail me. Nobody can steal away my smile. I am not going to hide anything. I am not going to be a rat running into holes.

an M To Man

3 Minutes.

Kriya to Claim Your Virtues

September 21, 1986


2 m



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Posture: Easy Sitting Posk

1. Bring your left hand palm up in front of the navel. Place the pinky side of your right hand, the edge of the hand, and cross it over the palm of the left hand, as if you were chopping it, and rest it there.

Chant: I am a virtue. I am virtuous. 1am, 1am. I Vz Minutes

2.Cross the Jupiter and Saturn fingers and bring the arms up so that the elbows are at a 90° angle and the mudra is about a foot away from each side of the head. The palms are facing front.

Chant: Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.




Continue repeating the sequence, Me, Thou, We, I.

3 Minutes

3. Sit straight— macho. Chin in and chest out. Buddhi Mudra: The Sun (ring) finger is caught by the thumb, make sure the thumb covers the nail of the Sun finger. The other three fingers are straight. Allow the elbows to relax down and have the palms facing forward.

Chant: Har Hari

When you say Har, use the tip of the tongue and chant in a deep voice.

When you say Hari, use the tip of the tongue, but use a female voice, a high falsetto.

4. Gyan Mudra in the hands, thumb and Jupiter (forefinger) together; bring the arms up so that the elbows are at a 90° angle and the mudra is about a foot away from each side of the head. The palms are facing front.

Chant silently: Har Har Deva

Pump the navel four times as you mentally chant the mantra. Keep the posture and don’t let any muscle move. 2 Minutes in silence..

Then play Walking Up the Mountain by Guru Das Singh and Krisha Kaur as you continue meditating silently and pumping the navel: Har Har Deva. 8 Minutes ( 10 Minutes total)

Comments: It is not to do anything. It is just to let the knowledge come to you. It is the posture to bring unseen knowledge. You can go to the library and read the books, but this is bringing the libraries to you. Har Har Deva at the Navel Point in absolute silence. Nothing should move in the body except the Navel Point.

2 Minutes

5. Play with the energy between your hands. Hands are in front of the body, palms facing each other, just play with the energy. Feel the ball of energy and play it. Your hands have to move powerfully, forcefully to control it— as much strength as you bring into the hands that much shall you increase your sensitivity. ■; '

6.Make your arms into a bow. The left hand is pulling the arrow back: the thumb and the forefinger are pinched together, the other three fingers make a fist. The left elbow is pulling back behind you and the hand is at the left shoulder.

The right hand is stretched forward and to the right, at an angle. The thumb and forefinger make a “C” shape, with the three remaining fingers curled into a fist. Stretch the arms away from each other. Stretch across the chest. Your torso may naturally twist as you stretch across the chest and create the angle.

Breath of Fire. Heaviest Breath of Fire you have ever done.

3 Minutes

7. Interlace your fingers above the crown of your head; your thumbs are relaxed and separated gently. Round your mouth and breath heavily in and out through the mouth. 2 Minutes

To End: Inhale deep, hold the breath and maintain the posture— go through your fears from your childhood-—day one up to today— and get rid of them. In one breath you have to get rid of all your fears in timelessness. Exhale. Repeat twice more.

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