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Міністерство освіти і науки України Національний технічний університет України „Київський політехнічний інститут”

Англійська мова професійного спрямування

Методичні вказівки для розвитку всіх видів мовленнєвої діяльності на основі автентичних текстів з електроніки

Для студентів 3-го курсу всіх спеціальностей ФЕЛ

Затверджено Методичною радою НТУУ ”КПІ”

Київ «Політехніка»


Міністерство освіти і науки України Національний технічний університет України „Київський політехнічний інститут”

Англійська мова професійного спрямування

Методичні вказівки для розвитку всіх видів мовленнєвої діяльності на основі автентичних текстів з електроніки

Для студентів 3-го курсу всіх спеціальностей ФЕЛ

Затверджено Методичною радою НТУУ ”КПІ”

Затверджено на методичному засіданні кафедри англійської мови №1.

Протокол №1 від 04.10.05

Київ «Політехніка»


Методичні вказівки з дисципліни „Англійська мова професійного спрямування” для розвитку навичок з аналітичного і самостійного читання для студентів 3-го курсу всіх спеціальностей факультету електроніки. /Уклад. Н.Е. Доронкина, Л.С. Петрова. – К. „Видавництво «Політехніка»”, 2005. – 72 с.

Рецензент: Л.М. Захарова, кандидат філологічних наук, доцент.


Методичні вказівки для розвитку всіх видів мовленнєвої діяльності на основі автентичних текстів з електроніки для студентів 3-го курсу побудовані відповідно до програми, яка передбачає навчання студентів вмінню працювати з англійською літературою за фахом, збагаченню словникового запасу і оволодінню практичними навичками перекладу англійської мови.

Методичні вказівки включають в себе тексти за спеціальністю з оригінальної англійської літератури: “IEEE Spectrum”, 20032004 років. Підбір текстів забезпечує достатню повторюваність термінології майбутньої спеціальності, що сприяє закріпленню та поглибленню знань за темою на англійській мові, а також забезпечує розвиток навичок з анотування текстів за фахом.

Вміщений у даних вказівках матеріал навчає студентів не лише англійській мові, але й знайомить із досягненнями у галузі їх спеціальності.

В додатку до методичних вказівок подаються граматичні завдання для відпрацьовування граматичних структур, які часто використовуються в технічній літературі.

Методичні вказівки розраховані для роботи зі студентами в аудиторії, а також для самостійної роботи студентів.

Unit 1

I. Practice the pronunciation of the following words. Translate them into Ukrainian:

1)Exploit v, training n, textbook n, discipline n, differential a, integral a, present v, subject v, machinery n, immigrant n, combine v, booklet n, classicist n, colleague n, occasion n, innovation n;

2)invention n, advance v, establish v, edit v, essential a, contribution n, adopt v, match v, assume v, wonder n.

II.Memorize the following words and word combinations:

1. devise

винаходити, винайти

2. transmission of power or

перенос (електричної) енергії

electric-power transmission


3. lightning rod

стержневий громовідвід

4. electroplating


5. fodder


6. nurture

годувати, задовольнити

7. fledge




a fully-fledged engineer

обізнаний інженер

8. step in

включатись, починати

9. scholar


10. scatter


11. manual

посібник, керівництво

12. praise


13. influential


14. grasp


15. calculus


16. primer


17. thorough


18. phenomenon

явище (множ. phenomena)

19. towering

видатний, помітний

20. objective


21. curriculum

учбовий план (множ. curricula)

22. tie


23. principle

закон, правило

24. retrieve

знаходити, виправляти

25. cross-reference

перехресне посилання

26. precursor


III. Read and translate the text:

Great Contributions to Electrical Engineering and Electronics

Electrical engineering (EE) emerged as a profession in the 1870x and 1880s, when, for the first time, inventors devised such wonders as effective motors, transmission of power from central station, and the telephone. Indeed, there had been earlier electrical technologies – the lightning rod, electroplating, and, most importantly, the electric telegraph – but these were not sufficient fodder to nurture a full-fledged profession.

As the list of inventions grew, developing and exploiting the new technologies behind them required a high level of mathematical and scientific training. Universities around the world stepped in to offer courses in electrical technology, both by setting up engineering programs and by adding courses in physics departments.

Scholars soon began writing textbooks to help teach students the new discipline. Scattered among the many fine texts that have been written over the past 140 years are the truly great ones.

One of the most remarkable of the first English-language textbooks in EE offered both theoretical and practical information. In Dynamo-Electric Machinery: “A manual for Students of Electrotechnics” (1884), Ph. Thompson, a teacher of University College Bristol, discussed the general physical theory that was the heart of all types of dynamo-electric machines and then showed how to design them.

The book was in such great demand both in industry and in schools that it went through several editions very quickly in both Britain and United States. Ernest Rutherford praised it for the clearness, simplicity, and charm that were characteristic of all Thompson’s writing and lectures.

Thompson always told his students that time spent in the laboratory were more important than time spent attending lectures. He is also known as the author of several other influential EE textbooks. To help his students grasp differential and integral calculus – essential for the electric engineer – he invented a new way of presenting the subject, and his “Calculus Made Easy” (1910) became the most successful calculus primer ever.

Another engineer who made key contributions to the profession was Ch. P. Steinmetz, a German immigrant to the United States. He published textbooks on electrical machines and electric-power transmission and, even more importantly, on the scientific understanding behind these technologies. In the years around 1890, he made a thorough theoretical and experimental study of hysteresis.

One of his innovations was the use of complex numbers for analyzing circuits. In 1897 he published the advanced textbook “Theory and Calculation of Alternating Current Phenomena”.

Another towering figure in engineering education was D. C. Jackson, who headed EE department at the University of Wisconsin. His constant objective was to match curricula with the needs of industry, and he established ties to industry

through both consulting contacts and cooperative programs in which students combined studies and work.

In 1919 two new professors joined his faculty. V. Bush taught the introductory EE course and W.H. Timbie headed the cooperative program. They collaborated on a textbook for that course: “Principles of Electrical Engineering” (1922). A demanding book, it assumed knowledge of calculus and physics.

Bush went on to even greater things. He invented the differential analyzer and other analog computers. He was years ahead his time in proposing, in 1945, the Memex, a device for retrieving and cross-referencing information, and a conceptual precursor of today’s hypertext.

Vocabulary, Comprehension and Summary Writing

I. Answer the following questions to check your understanding of the text:

1.What is the beginning of EE connected with?

2.Why was a high level of scientific training of prime importance?

3.Why was “Dynamo-Electric Machinery” by Thompson in such great demand?

4.What is more important for students to become good specialist according to Thompson: theory or practice?

5.Whose work resulted in the appearance of “Principles of Electrical Engineering” in 1922?

6.What is V. Bush known for?

7.Who was the first to use complex numbers for analyzing circuits?

II. Find in text English equivalents to the following Ukrainian words and word combinations and write them out:

Встановлювати зв’язки з промисловістю; комплексні числа; витримати кілька редакцій; вимагати високий рівень знань; фізичний факультет; зробити ключовий внесок; змінний струм; випереджати свій час; диво; винахідник; відвідувати лекції; університети всього світу; гальванізація.

III. Give definitions of the following words:

Textbook, manual, motor, telephone, telegraph, differential, integral.

IV. Agree or disagree with the statements given below. The following phrases may be helpful:

Certainly, sure, indeed, of course, it goes without saying, as far as I know...

1.It was general physical theory that showed how to design dynamo-electric machines.

2.The first English-language textbook in EE was written at the beginning of the 20th century.

3.Unlike Thompson's textbooks, his lectures were not successful.

4.Complex numbers can't be used in EE.

5.Differential analyzer is the greatest innovations made by W. H. Timbie.

6.Steinmetz described electric-power transmission in his book.

V.Open the brackets and translate the words into English:

1.It is necessary (виправити) information. 2. The scientist (хвалив) that (підручник). 3. He established (зв’язки) to industry. 4. His friends were (розсіяні) around the world. 5. (Вчені) of ancient Greece made great contributions to knowledge. 6. The article is written by (впливовим) scientist. 7. The next chapter describes an interesting (явище). 8. The lesson was devoted to integral (численню). 9. (Ціль) seems to be unachievable.

VI. Memorize the difference between the terms:



- a book of instructions on how to do something;



- a book giving beginning knowledge, e. g. teaching people to






- a book used for the instructions of a particular subject.



- an outline of the subjects those are included in a course of






- a course of study offered in educational institution or one of



its divisions.

VII. Complete the following sentences:

1.Electrical engineering (EE) emerged as a profession in the 1870x and 1880s, when, for the first time, inventors devised such wonders as......

2.The general physical theory is the heart of all types of.....

3.Thompson invented a new way of presenting..... to help his students grasp the subject.

4.Steinmetz was the first to use complex numbers for.....

5.In 1945 Bush presented the Memex, a device for.....

VIII. From the following choose the words that are opposite in the meaning to the bold ones:

Influential - prominent, unauthoritative, famous, shy. Praise - like, discuss, consider, criticize.

Scatter - lose, collect, find, look for. Towering - huge, ordinary, great, little.

IX. From the following choose the words that are most nearly the same in meaning to the bold ones:

Devise - make, invent, seek, find.

Scientist - statesman, expert, engineer, scholar. Disseminate - divide, separate, scatter, drop. Comprehend - include, give, consist of, have. Connection - way, road, tie, branch.

X. Translate the following sentences. Pay attention to the meaning of the word "head" and word combinations with it:

head n. - голова

head a. - старший, головний head v. - керувати

make head - рухатись вперед head for - досягнути

head off - перешкоджати

head up - давати назву (шапку), керувати

1.One of my jobs at the newspaper office was to head up the page before it was printed.

2.Company requires capable and professional person to head up engineering department.

3.It looks as if the firm is heading for another record next year.

4.The scientist heading the department is known as the author of several textbooks.

5.Timbie was invited to the university to head the cooperative program.

6.The earlier electrical technologies were not sufficient for the new profession to make head.

7.He works as the head technician in the department.

XI. Read and translate the text. Divide it into logical parts and give a suitable title for each of them. Make a short written summary.

The idea of using machines to solve mathematics problems can be traced at least as far as the early 17th century. Mathematicians who designed and implemented calculators capable of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division included B. Pascal and G. Leibnitz.

The first multi-purpose, i.e. programmable, computing device was probably Charles Babbage's Difference Engine, which was begun in 1823. However it was never completed. A more ambitious machine was the Analytical Engine. It was designed in 1842, but unfortunately it also was only partially completed. Babbage was truly a man ahead of his time: many historians think the major reason he was unable to complete these projects was the fact technology of the day was not reliable enough. In spite of never building a complete working machine, Babbage and his colleagues recognized several important programming techniques, including conditional branches, iterative loops and index variables.

A machine inspired by Babbage's design was arguably the first to be used in computational science. By 1853 a machine that could process 15-digit numbers and calculate fourth-order differences was constructed. It won a gold medal at the exhibition of Paris in 1855 and later was sold to the Dudley Observatory which used it to calculate the orbit of Mars.

One of the first commercial uses of mechanical computers was the US Census Bureau, which used punch-cards equipment to tabulate data for the 1880 census.

Note: memorize the following words and word combinations:

punch card – перфокарта census – перепис (населення)

Word – Building

I. Translate the following words paying attention to the meanings of prefixes:

Trans – за, через, транс, по той бік; co – разом; fore – перед, раніше; pre – до, перед.

Trans-: transatlantic a, transform v, transaction n. Co-: coexist v, co-author n, cooperate v.

Fore-: foresee v, foretell v, forego v; forerun v. Pre-: prehistoric a, predetermine v, prepay v.

II. Give nouns corresponding to the following verbs:

To refer, to compute, to conclude, to differ, to contribute, to calculate, to step, to clear, to study.

III. Analyse the following words. Underline the suffixes and state what part of speech they belong:

1)clear (ясний), clearness , clearly ;

2)simple (простий), simplicity, simplification, simplify, simply;

3)differ (відрізнятись), different, difference, differential, differentiation, differently;

4)introduce (вводити, представляти), introduction, introductory;

5)transform (перетворювати), transformation, transformer;

6)demand (потребувати, вимагати), demand, demanding.

Grammar Structure

Participles in Scientific English

I. Rewrite the following sentences in the passive:

1.Scholars had written a number of fine textbooks by that time.

2.The textbook under consideration offers both theoretical and practical information.

3.He showed the way of designing dynamo-electric machines.

4.Exploiting the new technologies has required a high level of scientific training.

5.Do you use complex numbers in practice?

6.Steinmetz made key contribution to the profession.

7.Rutherford praised Thompson’s book greatly.

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