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АНГЛІЙСЬКА_Навчальний посібник Сімкова - копия.doc
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8. Pick the incorrect answer from these research findings about heterosexual infidelity…

a) Women are more likely to believe that men have sex when they are in love. b) Men are more likely to have cheated on their partner than women do. c) Women are more upset by emotional infidelity, whereas men are more upset by sexual infidelity.

d) Men are better than women at detecting when their partner has been unfaithful.

9. Why are men considered to be better at maths than women? a) They have a greater innate mathematics ability. b) It's a cultural belief, standardised testing shows no gender differences in maths performance. c) Greater gender equality has led to greater disparity in maths performance. d) Men have greater variability in their maths capabilities than women, thus leading to more men with very high maths skills.

10. What is NOT a reason that men usually die younger than women? a) They age faster. b) As they have to compete for female attention men have evolved to be more attractive to women at the expense of longevity. c) As a member of a predominantly monogamous species men invest more energy in relationships. d) They are more likely.


1. Answer: c) Roughly the same amount, 16,000 words per day.

It may be a popular stereotype but research doesn't support the myth that women are more talkative than men. A study published in Science found there was no statistically significant difference between the amount of words spoken by male and female university students, although there were large variations between individuals in each group. Many other studies have found men talk more than women, particularly when speaking to strangers or in formal situations.

2. Answer: a) Naturally produced oestrogen boosts women's inflammatory response to pathogens.

We all have an enzyme called caspase-12 in our bodies, which can dampen our immune system's inflammatory response and make us more prone to infection. Oestrogen can block the production of this enzyme, which means that women's inflammatory response to infection can be stronger. The authors of the study that showed this effect, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, hope the finding could herald new treatments to strengthen the human immune system. Other studies have linked oestrogen to women's ability to store fat more efficiently than men.

3. Answer: b) Women can detect body odour better than men when the smell is being disguised.

While men and women have similar abilities when it comes to getting used to non-body odours, it is highly likely a woman will be able to smell a man's natural odour through any fragrance he is using to try and hide it. Scientists believe there may be an evolutionary basis for this. Our sweat contains a lot of biological information about us that could be important to women when choosing a mate.

4. Answer: c) Women have fewer nerve receptors than men causing them to feel pain more acutely.

Actually, women have more nerve receptors than men, averaging double the amount on the face alone, which causes them to feel pain more intensely. You would think the half of the species that has to go through childbirth would have a higher pain threshold but in fact research shows the opposite to be true. Women also experience pain more frequently than men, in more areas of the body and for longer periods. Men cope with pain better: focusing on the physical aspects of the pain helps increase their pain threshold and tolerance, whereas the strategy doesn't seem to help women. While the brain pathway that dampens pain is well known in men, it's been suggested than females use a different pathway. Cracking this brain circuit could provide us with better clues for treating female pain in the future.