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АНГЛІЙСЬКА_Навчальний посібник Сімкова - копия.doc
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Begin with c Have youused any interesting expressions from the text in your summary?written 10 sentences?checked your spelling?checked punctuation and grammar?heck your work

Study skills answers

Calculate your emotional freedom score, total the numbers corresponding to your responses.

  • A score of 30-40 suggests that you’re experiencing a considerable level of emotional freedom in your life.

  • A score of 15-29 suggests a moderate level.

  • A score of 14 or below suggests a beginning level.

  • A zero score (and it takes courage to admit that) indicates you haven’t found emotional freedom yet, but the good news is that you can start discovering it now!




Task 1 Discuss these questions with a partner.

    • How do you understand the statement “culturally disadvantaged”?

    • What do you think is the connection between education and equality?

    • How can you explain Sonia Sotomayor's statement that “Until we get an equality in education, we won't have an equal society?” Do you agree with this statement or no? Explain why.


Task 2 Look through these study tips for finals. Discuss these tips with your partner. Choose those tips, which you think are the most important.

Make a plan:

  • know when your test dates and due dates are;

  • give yourself at minimum a week for preparation;

  • take more time for difficult classes or projects;

  • start with what’s most difficult.

Set goals:

  • write down your goals and post them in a place you see them multiple times a day, tell people about your goals;

  • make specific goals: what grade will you get on your paper? What cumulative GPA will you achieve this semester? What day will you finish your paper?

  • have in mind rewards to give yourself for when you achieve your goals.

Prioritize your actions:

  • use an ABC To-Do List to designate what items are the most urgent and important;

  • break major studying and assignments down into smaller portions that you can check off (consider–it’s not helpful to put on a to-do list “write paper” ... it is helpful to put “research sources,” “draft an outline,” “write introduction,” “write 1st draft,” “take 1st draft to a Writing Tutor,” “write 2nd draft,” etc);

  • review past performance – correct any patterns of error and duplicate any patterns of success.

Stay healthy:

  • take breaks from studying or working – for every hour at work, take 5 minutes away;

  • positivity and anxiety are both contagious - surround yourself with people who promote success;

  • communicate with your roommate(s) about sleep, noise, relaxation, etc.;

  • find the best work environment for you by eliminating distractions;

  • SLEEP! Eat (healthily)! Control caffeine intake!

How to Prepare for In -Class Exams:

  • use study tools:

* flash cards – portable, easy to test and mix ideas;

* mind maps – shows relationships;

* summary Sheets – include the most important and most difficult concepts;

* essay questions;

* old exams.

  • understand the difference between understanding something and reciting it in your own words – get to the point of recitation – you know material when you could teach it to someone else;

  • don’t cram until the last possible second – give yourself at least 10 minutes before starting the exam to breathe and relax;

  • try a “brain dump” at the beginning of the exam – on a piece of scratch paper, write down everything you can remember.

How to Prepare Take Home Essays and Exams:

  • understand the assignment in great detail – recite it back to yourself in your own words;

  • set yourself time limits and achievement goals – “I will finish my first draft of 4 pages in 3 hours” then reward yourself;

  • prepare ahead of time – read your sources, take notes, have conversations;

  • make an outline or mind map to organize your ideas;

  • use multiple drafts;

  • use Writing Tutors.


Task 3. Read the text about the main concepts of education and equality. Write down two interesting things you remember. Compare your notes with other students.