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Begin with: c Have youused any interisting expressions from the text in your summary?checked your spelling?used any Conditionals?heck your work


1. a) 0      b) 5      c) 10

2. a) 0      b) 5      c) 10

3. 0 nurse/artist first

2 builder/policeman or police woman/teacher/journalist first

5 engineer/actor/actress/pop star first

10 politician/accountant first

4. Yes 10    No 0

5. Yes 0     No 10

6. a) 0   b) 2   c) 5   d) 10

7. Yes 10    No 0

8. Yes 10     No 0

9. Yes 10    No 0

10. Yes 10   No 0

11. Immediately 10 Last moment 0

12. Yes 10    No 0

13. Yes 10   No 0

14. Yes 10    No 0

15. Love 0   Happiness 5     Money 10    Health 0


Your score


0 – 50 You aren't very ambitious! You're happy with a quiet life.

50 – 100 You're quite ambitious, but you don't want to work too hard!

Over 100 You're very ambitious! Good luck, and try to be nice to people.

Unit 12



Task 1. Read these three quotations. Which one would be more relevant to you? Why?

    • That is the great distinction between the sexes. Men see objects; women see the relationships between objects. (John Fowles)

    • In politics, if you want anything said, ask a man. If you want anything done, ask a woman. (Margaret Thatcher)

    • I believe all men, all women, regardless of race, gender, socio-economic background, you deserve the same rights. (Sophia Bush)


Task 2. We take a scientific look at the battle of the sexes. Are men and women as different as we think?

Men versus women quiz

1. On average how many words a day do men and women say? a) Men say 7,000 words a day, whereas women say 20,000 words a day. b) Men say 10,000 words a day, women say 15,000 words a day but when they're pregnant it can increase to 20,000 words a day. c) Roughly the same amount, 16,000 words per day. d) Men say 20,000 words a day, women say 7,000 words a day.

2. Research has shown women have more powerful immune systems than men because… a) Naturally produced oestrogen boosts women's inflammatory response to pathogens. b) Higher levels of testosterone weaken men's inflammatory response to pathogens. c) Women's immune systems have evolved better to protect them when they are pregnant. d) Women don't get man colds.

3. A study has found women are more sensitive to male body odours than vice versa because…

a) Women naturally smell better than men.

b) Women can detect body odour better than men when the smell is being disguised. c) Men are less sensitive than women to any odour that is being disguised. d) Female odours are harder to disguise than male odours so men are more used to smelling them.

4. Studies have shown that women feel more pain than men. What is not a reason for this?

a) Women have lower pain thresholds than men.

b) Women use healthcare services more, so the reporting of female pain is higher. c) Women have fewer nerve receptors than men, causing them to feel pain more acutely. d) Women tend to focus on the emotional aspects of the pain whereas men focus on the sensory aspects.

5. The main difference between male and female brains is… a) The male brain is 10 to 15 per cent larger. b) The hippocampus, involved in short-term memory and spatial navigation (e.g. map reading), is proportionally larger in women. c) The parietal cortex, involved in spatial perception, is proportionally larger in men' body. d) All of the above.

6. Research indicates men are better map readers than women, but it also shows we use vastly different techniques to navigate. What effect does sexual orientation have on gay men's navigational strategies?

a) Gay men use compass directions to navigate, like straight men.

b) Gay men use landmarks to find their way around, like straight women.

c) Gay men use distances to navigate, like straight men.

d) Gay men use a mixture of male and female navigating techniques.

7. How does your gender affect the way you respond to jokes? a) Men find more things funny than women do. b) Women use parts of their brain involved in language processing more than men to decipher jokes. c) Men have lower expectations of how funny a joke will be than women. d) Men and women use completely different parts of their brain when reacting to jokes.