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АНГЛІЙСЬКА_Навчальний посібник Сімкова - копия.doc
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In this unit we make review of Passive Voice, for more information see Reference 3

Task 13. Fill in each gap with a suitable verb from the box, using the correct Passive Voice tense.

use design dis­courage spur guide

1. The experiment_______________ a less frequently _______________ method of research.

2. Human behaviour _________ by socially struc­tured relationships and by culture.

3. In the past times such a type of organization ________ to accomplish large-scale tasks.

4. At the moment corruption and abuse of individual rights ________ by bureaucrats in Lebanon.

5. Efforts to reform the corporate bureaucracy _______ just ________ by competition from Japanese manufacturers.

Task 14. Put these nouns into two groups: A for individuals and B for groups of people.

company presi­dent warden parishioner inmate prisoner volunteer priest sales clerk garbage collector

A: company presi­dent b: sales clerk

Task 15. Study the table then change active sentence into passive one. Omit the agent where possible.




The segmented organizational hierarchies dis­courage the innovation.

The innovation is dis­couraged with the segmented organizational hierarchies.




  1. Presently the less developed countries see this process as problematic.


  1. Many scientists recognized the advantage of this technique over others.


  1. By 2035 they will have completed the creation of integrated organizations with cultural and structural conditions.


  1. Now corpora­tions are choosing people whose personalities al­ready fit the organizations' needs.


  1. She will send her paper to the Organizing Committee tomorrow.


  1. Cantor has never followed bureaucratic princi­ples.


Task 16. Choose the right preposition by or with. Identify the Passive Voice Tense.

  1. Their superiors must have known that the policy was being frustrated by/with the Soviet bureaucracy.

  2. That is one of the conclusions reached by\with Erving Goffman in Asylums.

  3. The strategic policy is represented in the model with\by four rules of primary-group loyalties.

  4. The advantage of this technique over others was recognized with\by many sociologists.

  5. In some countries modern standards of behaviour is characterized by\with particularistic standards.

  6. The functional rationality is replaced with\by substantial rationality with\by bureaucracies.

Task 17. Complete the asterisked gaps in the chart below with words from the paragraphs indicated. Then fill in the other gaps.





§ 1



§ 2



§ 3



§ 4



§ 5



§ 6



§ 7





§ 8





Task 18. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first, using the word in bold. Use between two and five words.

1. Are we doing enough about pro­fessional and personal ethics? done

Is _______________ about pro­fessional and personal ethics?

2. Kohn created the study about bureaucrats. by

The study about bureaucrats _______________ Kohn.

3. I'm sure somebody will sort everything out soon. sorted

I'm sure everything _______________ soon.

4. Bureaucrats didn't respond to changing or ex­traordinary situations. by

Changing or ex­traordinary situations _______________ bureaucrats.

5. We can arrange a meeting for next week. arranged

A meeting _______________ for next week.

Task 19. Delete the extra word in these sentences. Then translate them into Ukrainian.

  1. The answers are has given instantly upon demand.

  2. Bureaucrats are those individuals who are often trapped with in closely supervised, routine jobs.

  3. In this chapter detailed consideration is given by to functional rationality.

  4. In deriving these statements no allowance was had made for control over larger social forces.

  5. Mention may be made of with three types of power.

Task 20. Find at least five examples of Passive Voice in the text you have read.


Task 21.Translate the following paragraph into Ukrainian, pay attention to the Passive Voice.

Task 22. Choose the best option to translate the sentences.

1. An important contribution was made to the study of this phenomenon.

A. Значну увагу було надано вивченню цього явища.

В. Відкриття цього явища зробило значний внесок в науку.

С. У вивчення цього явища було зроблено важливий внесок.

2. In the following notice is chiefly taken of the former point.

A. Надалі увагу буде приділено, головним чином, першому питанню.

В. Наступне зауваження, головним чином, стосується попереднього питання.

С. В подальшому увагу слід приділити формуванню точки зору.

3. Bureaucracies concentrate great power, which can be used for either benevolent or destructive purposes.

A. Бюрократія сконцентрувала головну силу як на благодійній, так і на руйнівній цілі.

В. Бюрократи мають велику силу, яка може бути використана як з благодійною, так і руйнівною метою.

C. Бюрократи мають велику силу, яка використовується філантропами з деструктивною метою.

4. Значно менше було написано про небезпеки і проблеми бюрократичної "залізної клітки".

  1. Considerably less was written about the dangers and problems of the bureaucratic "iron cage".

  2. Considerably mess was written about the dangers and solutions of the bureaucratic "iron cage".

  3. A little bit was written on the dangers and issues of the bureaucratic "iron box".

5. Важливе завдання постане перед соціологічним творчим потенціалом в майбутньому.

A. An important task will been posed for the sociological imagination in future.

B. An important challenge will have been posed by the sociological potential in future.

C. An important challenge will be posed for the sociological imagination in future.

6. На дослідження Кона часто посилаються у спеціальній літературі.

A. Kon study is often cited in specialized literature.

B. Kohn's study is often referred to in special literature.

C. Kohn's research is often referred by in special literature.


Task 23. Think about the types of power, which are used in Ukraine by different organizations. Write five sentences. Then find out about your partner.

Task 24. Read the paragraph about the economic theory and analyze it.

  1. Underline the topic sentence. Is it the first or second sentence?


  1. Is the first sentence indented?


  1. How many supporting sentences are there? Which are they?


  1. Circle the concluding sentence or clause.

Task 25. Write a small summary of the text "Why do we obey the rules?" (page 38) you have read for about 10 sentences.

Begin with: