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2. Практические упражнения.

2.1.Переведите предложения обращая внимание на сослагательное наклонение

  1. Ему бы хотелось, чтобы она не избегала его.

  2. Хоть бы дождь кончился. .

  3. Жаль пожалел, что не сохранил тайну.

  4. Жаль, что ты так равнодушен к спорту.

  5. Она сожалела, что его выбрали президентом клуба.

  6. Джон жалел,, что вы не приняли это предложение

  7. Он что не сказал правда

  8. Я жалею, что предложил эту идею.

  9. Мне жаль, что я не могу сказать, что осуществил все свои планы.

  10. Жаль, что меня не учили иностранному языку с детства.

2.2 Дополните предложения словосочетаниями would+ глагол

  1. You should go and see this movie. You...............it.

  2. It's a pity you couldn't come to the presentation. You........it.

  3. I........you two days before but I didn't have your number.

  4. Why don't you go and see what the designers are doing? They.....................very pleased to see you.

3. Текст для чтения и перевода.

Задание. Прочитайте и переведите текст, выпишите глаголы в сослагательном наклонении.

The Importance of Relationships.

Although you could like to be alone at times, rela­tionships with others are important to your health. Healthy relationships fulfill important emotional and physical needs throughout your lifetime. In fact, the need for relationships runs so deep that some social scientists believe it is as basic as your need for food and sleep.

If people are deprived of human company for too long, they could become depressed, lose interest in eating and caring for themselves, and even die. Today, the family and social group within which a person lives are important for other reasons. Family groups, for example, usually provide love and guidance. Social group provide a sense of belonging and independence. Often, you learn more about your self and what you believe when you are a member of a group. It is within the family group, for example, that young children first begin to develop their physical and mental skills and begin to form their opinions about themselves. The family also may give young children social skills, such as how to cooperate with others and how to behave in different situa­tions, which could allow them to get along in other social groups.

Most teenagers should be considered as an important part of their families. But they might also enter school groups, religious groups, sports teams, social clubs, political groups, or hobby clubs. The support of a group of people you trust helps to build your confidence and self-es­teem, feeling good about yourself and being proud of who you are.

4.Итоговый тест

4.1Ответьте с помощью глаголов I wish... I would... на сложившуюся ситуацию:

1 It's raining. You want to go out, but not in the rain.

Ответ: I wish it would stop raining...

2 You're waiting for your colleague. He's late and you're getting impatient.

Ответ:: I wish.......................................

3 You can hear a noise and you're trying to work.

Ответ: .............................................

4 You're looking for a job without success. Nobody will give you a job.

Ответ:I wish somebody..............................................

5 Your friend has been wearing the same dress for the party. You think she needs a new dress. Ответ::.............................................