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английский язык Маклакова.doc
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Present Continuous Tense Passive

She is not being asked.

Is she being asked?

Past Continuous Tense Passive

She was not being asked.

Was she being asked?

Формы Future Continuous Passive не существу­ет.

Страдательный залог времен группы Perfect образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем времени Perfect и Participle II смыслового глагола. Страдательный залог времен группы Perfect пере­водится по общим правилам перевода глагола в стра­дательном залоге.

The construction of this fabric had been finished by the end of the year 2000.

Строительство этой фабрики было завершено к концу 2000 года

Образование отрицательной и вопросительной форм в группе Perfect:

Present Perfect Passive

I have not been told

Have you been told?

Past Perfect Passive

I had not been told before the meeting

Had I been told before the meeting?

Времена группы Perfect Continious не имеют формы страдательного залога.

2.Практические упражнения.

2.1 Поставьте предложения в страдательный залог.

1. Did they offer you a good job?

2. Why can't you tell them the truth?

3. What kind of explanation did they give you?

4.They asked me a lot of interesting questions.

5. Everyone was listening to the speaker very attentively.

6. He never mentioned the incident to his friends.

2.2. Переведите предложения, используя страдательный залог.

1. Я посмотрел только несколько работ, остальные еще проверяются.

2.Как только документы будут готовы, вам их принесут.

3.Ему задали много вопросов.

4.Эти журналы прочитаны. Их можно отдать.

5.Эти бумаги нужно отдать директору.

6.Это письмо нельзя посылать в таком конверте

2.3.Поставьте настоящее или прошедшее время группы Indefinite в страдательном залоге.

1. The room (clean) every day. a) was cleaned; b) is cleaned.

2. By whom ... you (invite) yesterday? a) were ... invited; b) are ... invited.

3. Most of the Earth surface (cover) with water. a) was covered; b) is covered.

4. When ... the telephone (invent)?

a) is ... invented; b) was ... invented.

5. My money (steal) from the hotel last month, a) was stolen; b) is stolen.

6. Many people (employ) by the company last week, a) are employed; b) were employed.

3.Текст для чтения.

Задание. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Выпишите глаголы в страдательном залоге.

National Parks in North America

For hundreds of years land, water, trees and will animals were so plentiful in America that people thought they would never run out. The national natural resources were used by the Americans rather wastefully.

As settlers (farmers, miners, ranchers) spread across America, the land were the came have been robbed and the resources have been de­stroyed. Trees were felled in millions. Rivers and lakes were choked by waste from mines and factories. Vast buffalo herds were almost entirely de­stroyed, as were many other wild animals, including wolves, sea otters and fur seals.

Naturalists are still alarmed by this destruction. They demanded that the government and people of the United States should take care about the national natural heritage. One of the leaders of this movement was John Muir. He traveled in the American West study­ing and described its natural wonders. He worked to persuade people to protect these wonders for the benefit of their children.

Thus big areas of un­spoiled land will be made into public parks. One of these parks will be in California. This place is chosen for its mild climate. The heart of such parks usually is a valley surrounded by cliffs and mountain peaks with sequoia trees and other rare plants. Bears, mountain sheep, buffalo, and more than two hundred kinds of birds make their home in such kind of parks.

4.Итоговый тест.

4.1.По смыслу предложений выберите действительный или страдательный залог.

1. Somebody (ask) me on the phone every evening, a) asks; b) is asked.

2. I (lose) my notebook last week, a) was lost; b) lost.

3. We (advise) not to go out alone by the policeman yesterday.

a) were advised; b) advised.

4. Our chief (postpone) the meeting. a) has postponed; b) has been postponed.

5. Who (use) my new car at the moment? a) is being used; b) is using.

6. I (ask) many questions by my friends after the meeting. a) will ask; b) will be asked.

7. The man (ask) what language I was speaking, a) was asked; b) asked.

8. ... these questions (discuss) yet?

a) Have ... been discussed; b) Have ... discussed.

9.I think he (find) the address already, a) has found; b) has been found.

4.2 По смыслу предложений выберите Past Simple Passive or Present Perfect Passive.

1. My letter (send) to the wrong address. I haven't get it.a) was sent; b) has been sent.

2. I (give) a lot of advice before the negotiations, a) have been given; b) was given.

3. This article (not translate) yet. When will you translate it? a) wasn't translated; b) hasn't been translated.

4. I (ask) how to get to the center of London, a) was asked; b) have been asked.

5. The letter (examine) very carefully already, a) has been examined; b) was examined.

6. Our preparations for the meeting (finish) two hours ago.

    1. were finished; b) have been finished.