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Fire Safety.doc
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6. Translate into English:

Основные правила поведения при пожаре:

1. Обнаружив пожар, постарайтесь трезво оценить ситуацию, свои силы и найти себе помощников.

2. Прежде всего, вызовите пожарную охрану по телефону "01" или с помощью других аварийных служб.

3. В рискованных ситуациях не теряйте времени и силы на спасение имущества. Главное любым способом спасайте себя и других людей, попавших в беду.

4. Позаботьтесь о спасении детей и престарелых. Уведите их подальше от места пожара, так как возможны взрывы газовых баллонов, бензобаков и быстрое распространение огня.

5. Обязательно направить кого-нибудь на встречу пожарным подразделениям, чтобы дать им необходимую информацию (точный адрес, кратчайшие подъездные пути, что горит, есть ли там люди).

Text 5 forest fires

1. Read the interview and make a list of the reasons for forest fires.

At the beginning of the 21st century there were terrible droughts and heat waves. Devastating forest fires claimed human lives and became national disasters. Russia helped fight fires in Europe with its giant Mi-26 helicopters and highly professional teams of firefighters. A Russian emergency ministry spokesman answered our questions.

What are the main causes of forest fires?

There are two of them: man-made and natural. Man-made fires are the result of people being careless. Dropped cigarettes, matches, camp fires that are not put out properly, glass bottles and fragments of glass. Did you know that glass can act as a magnifying glass and cause a flame? In fact this is a common cause of fires in Siberia and the Far East, both man-made and natural. The major causes of natural fires are peat bogs and lightning.

What area of forest is damaged every year?

The average number of forest fires per 1 million square kilometers in Russia is much lower than in Europe or America. But as Russia is such a huge forest country the average area of a single fire is much larger. There are still many unprotected areas in Northern Siberia and the Far East accounting for about 1/3 of the Russian forests. In total 10,000 - 30,000 fires occur in Russia every year, covering 2 million hectares, causing great damage to woodland and wildlife.

How can forest fires be prevented?

We should all put out man-made fires. For example, when picnicking in the forest, take a hatchet, folded spade and bucket which are useful in the event of a small fire. You can extinguish fires by covering them with sand and green twigs. If this fails, call the fire brigade. Never try to put out burning peat. The fire is usually underground and it burns whatever is above it. If you try to fight such a fire, you may fall into a burning pit.

2. Find the English equivalents to the following words.

Ужасная засуха, опустошающие лесные пожары, команда пожарников, пожары по вине человека, естественные пожары, среднее количество лесных пожаров, происходить, тушить пожар, засыпать песком и зелеными ветками, оброненная сигарета, становится национальным бедствием, осколки стекла, затушить костер, сигарету.

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