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Fire Safety.doc
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5. Translate the sentences into Russian:

  1. Главное, чтобы все помещения были оснащены противопожарным оборудованием.

  2. Принимать участие в тренировках, чтобы обеспечить понимание ответственности при пожаре не только за себя, но и за безопасность окружающих.

  3. Чаще люди сами являются причиной возгораний из-за их небрежности, незнания и беспечности.

  4. Инженер по технике безопасности советует по установке противопожарной политики в организации.

  5. Он утверждает процедуры предотвращения возгораний, контролирует осуществление занятий с коллективом по подготовке к пожарам.

  6. Работа в здании, мебель, осветительные приборы и оборудование соответствуют современным стандартам.

6. Read the texts again and role-play fire related training for fire safety engineers in your group. Choose a manager from your groupmates and follow his instructions.

Text 4


1. Before reading the text, name some tasks that every member of the family has to perform to keep home fire safe. Use from the list below:

Get a smoke alarm; keep children out of the kitchen when you are cooking; stay in the kitchen if you are cooking with fat; use plugs safely; check for broken plugs and wires; Do not leave cigarettes alight; keep candles away from things that may burn.

2. While reading the text write out new words, translate them with a dictionary.

3. Read the text, translate it with a dictionary.

Your home should be a safe and comfortable place - and you can help keep it fire-safe by following these prevention tips.

Cook with care. When you cook, never leave cooking food unattended on the stove. Keep anything that can catch on fire, like potholders and towels, away from the cooking area. Avoid wearing clothes with long, loose-fitting sleeves that can catch on fire. Also, keep pot handles turned in.

If you smoke, attempt to quit. Don't smoke inside your home. If you do smoke in your home, never smoke in bed or leave burning cigarettes unattended. It is unsafe to smoke while drowsy or under the influence of alcohol or medications. Also, don't empty burning or hot ashes in a trash can, and keep ashtrays away from upholstered furniture and curtains.

Stay warm - safely. If and when you use a space heater, keep it more than three feet away from anything that can catch on fire, like draperies.

Be alarmed. Install smoke alarms on every floor of your home, including the basement, and make sure you have smoke alarms near all sleeping rooms. For better protection, install smoke alarms in sleeping rooms, especially if they are occupied by a smoker. Test all smoke alarms once a month using the test button.

Make and practice an escape plan. Create a home fire escape plan. Know at least two ways out of every room, if possible, and have a meeting place outside. Practice your escape plan twice a year with everyone living in your home.

4. Give the English equivalents of the following:

безопасное место; советы по предотвращению огня; оставленный без присмотра; воспламеняться; просторный; дремлющий; под влиянием алкоголя; пепел от сигареты; мебель с обивочной тканью; занавески; обогреватель; план эвакуации.

5. Use the words (smoke alarm, to stop, to check, every year, ceiling, sound, press the button, one floor, beep – beep – beep sound) to complete the following sentences:

Each week, 1) ……on your smoke alarm it 2)……..still works. If you press the button and there is no 3)………, change the batteries. Change the batteries at the same time 4)…….. If your 5)……….goes off by mistake, do not take out the batteries. Just wait for it 6)…….. The best place to put your smoke alarm is on the 7)…….. in a hallway. If your home has more than 8)……, put a smoke alarm on each landing. If the smoke alarm starts making a 9)…….., it is time to change the batteries.

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