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Fire Safety.doc
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3. Look through the texts again and make up a list of the terms concerning the fields of fire protection engineering. Learn them and let your groupmate check your knowledge. Text 3 fire awareness

1. Make up a list of the words and word – combinations highlighted in the text. Learn them.

2. How do you say these expressions in English? Find their equivalents in the text below.

Осведомленность по вопросам пожара; исполнительная обязанность компании; документ по пожарной безопасности; местная власть борьбы с пожаром; предотвратить возгорания; остановить распространение огня; пожарная тревога и эвакуация; утвердить правила пожарной безопасности; аварийный световой сигнал; записывать в соответствующий журнал; создать группу по борьбе с возгораниями; расходы, связанные с вопросами пожарной безопасности; вести наблюдение за всеми вопросами, связанными с пожарной безопасностью; квалифицированный советник по пожарной безопасности; обеспечить инструкциями по пожарной безопасности.

3. Read the text carefully and complete the list of the terms given in Ex. 2. Fire prevention

Under the terms of existing European Union and United Kingdom fire safety legislation it may be the company’s executive responsibility to produce a Fire Safety policy document. Agreeing a program with the local fire authority for the installation and maintenance of physical fire precautions designed to prevent fires breaking out, ensuring their early detection and control, and to stop the spread of fire.

There are of course many other aspects to be considered, alarms, first aid fire fighting, evacuation, staff training, ensuring that all new building work confirms to current fire regulations, the installation of emergency lighting, its maintenance and regular testing, also to ensure that details of periodic tests of equipment are fully and accurately recorded in the appropriate registers. Finally, to set up a Fire Policy Group to keep the organisation's Fire Safety Policy under constant review.

4. Read and translate the text below and highlight the terms concerning fire safety. Check them with your groupmates. Fire hazards

Fire is a serious hazard to life and property in any environment. It is essential therefore that all premises are provided with appropriate fire safety precautions and equipment.

Similarly, all personnel using any facility must be made thoroughly aware of the importance of fire safety measures and take part in regular drills to ensure they understand their responsibilities, not only for themselves, but also for the safety of others.

People themselves are the most common causes of fire through: carelessness, ignorance or thoughtlessness they are major hazards to life and limb, not only to themselves, but to others and must be taught that this is so.

Safety engineers are able to advise on the establishment of fire safety policies and the formation of Fire Policy Groups within an organization, maintenance of fire prevention procedures, early detection and control, emergency evacuation procedures; first aid fire fighting techniques, the installation of appropriate fire alarm systems and the implementation of fire-related staff training, ensuring that appropriate standards of fire safety are met and that any new building work, furniture, fittings and equipment conforms to the latest standards.

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