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I. Какое из данных утверждений выражает основную идею текста.

  1. The conditions of life of Russian scientist under tsarism.

  2. A.S. Popov and his inventions in the field of radio-engineering.

  3. Contribution made by Popov and Marconi into the development of communication.

II. Соответствуют ли данные утверждения содержанию текста.

1. Later Popov perfected the device demonstrated on April 25, 1895.

2. The receiver was used at the electric power station in 1895.

3. Popov’s radio telegraph found practical application in the Navy (ВМФ).

4. A.S. Popov made reports about his invention at different scientific societies.

5. The tsarist government paid particular attention to training specialist for the new branch of engineering.

III. Есть ли в тексте ответы на поставленные вопросы? Если да, то укажите номер абзаца, в котором находится ответ.

  1. Where did A.S. Popov demonstrate his invention?

  2. What hope did he express demonstrating his device?

  3. What was the device used for?

  4. Who pretended to be the inventor of the radio?

  5. When did Popov’s radio telegraph help to save the battleship?

  6. Who acknowledged the fact of inventing wireless telegraphy?

  7. What did Popov refuse to do?

  8. Who realized the importance of this invention in Russia?

  9. How did the government appreciate the contribution made by Popov?

10. What plant produced devices for wireless telegraphy in Russia?

IV. Ответьте письменно на вопросы к тексту.

  1. What did Popov attach to his device after it had been successfully tested?

  2. Why did Popov refuse to go abroad?

  3. Who was the production of radio devices handed over to?

V. Переведите письменно 4 и 5 абзацы.


Вариант C

Для выполнения данной контрольной работы рекомендуется найти по словарю значения заданных слов и словосочетаний, постараться их запомнить, а затем перейти к выполнению контрольной работы.

to become, importance, discovery, immeasurable, finding, to include, foundation, branch, moderate, extent, throughout, to exercise, influence, joint, to lead, to award, to establish, to enable, to transform, purpose, to render, to realize, power, property, recognition, direct, ray, invisible, to give off.


I. Выберите русское словосочетание, соответствующее данному английскому.


the importance of Curie’s discoveries

a) важные открытия Кюри

b) важность открытия Кюри


exercised a great influence

a) оказал огромное влияние

b) находился под большим влиянием


resulted in the discovery

a) привели к открытию

b) явились результатом открытия


are based on piezoelectronical transformers

a) основаны на пьезоэлектрических трансформаторах

b) являются основой пьезоэлектрических трансформаторов

II. Из данных слов выберите то, которое закончит предложение.

    1. Among the scientists who studied the … of radium was Ernest Rutherford.

a) means b) properties c) techniques

    1. Rutherford … the nuclear theory of atomic structure.

a) established b) transformed c) contained

    1. Their discoveries have become the … for several branches of industry.

a) choice b) recognition c) foundation

    1. Experimenting is widely used in different … of science and industry.

a) forces b) properties c) branches

    1. Pierre Curie established a … connection between the symmetry of crystals and their properties.

a) direct b) natural c) mechanical

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