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II. Образуйте однокоренные существительные от данных глаголов, используя суффиксы, стоящие в скобках, и переведите их.

    1. improve (ment)

    2. develop (ment)

    3. except (ion)

    4. begin (er)

    5. maintain (ance)

III. Из данных предложений выпишите те, сказуемое в которых стоит в Present Perfect. Подчеркните в них сказуемое и переведите предложения.

11. In 1973 Great Britain became a member of the European Community.

12. Automobile travel has become increasingly important in recent decades.

13. By the early 1990s Great Britain had about 5600 km of canals and navigable rivers.

14. Great Britain has remained one of the most highly industrialized countries in the world.

15. Today Britain has only fifteen “dependent territories”.

IV. Закончите предложения одной из предложенных форм.

16. Former depended territories … independent.

a) have become b) becomes c ) will have become

17. After Britain’s former depended territories … independent, they remained within the Commonwealth.

a) have become b) had become c) became

18. The pub … over the centuries, always playing an important part in social life.

a) has evolved b) will evolve c) had evolved

19. English pubs … an important part in social life at present.

a) plays b) are playing c) have played

V. Какое из русских предложений соответствует предъявленному английскому.

20. The Channel Tunnel is costing nearly 5000 million pounds.

    1. Тоннель под Ла-Маншем стоил почти 5000 миллионов фунтов.

    2. Тоннель под Ла-Маншем стоит почти 5000 миллионов фунтов.

21. Britain’s poor regions have benefited from joining the European Community.

    1. Бедные области Британии извлекут выгоду от присоединения к ЕС.

    2. Бедные области Британии извлекли выгоду от присоединения к ЕС.

22. Racial discrimination and poor living conditions have contributed to racial violence.

    1. Расовая дискриминация и плохие условия жизни способствовали расовым беспорядкам.

    2. Расовая дискриминация и плохие условия жизни способствуют расовым беспорядкам.

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In 1920 the British Empire controlled a fifth of the world’s land surface. Today the Empire has developed into a voluntary association of 49 independent states. The voluntary association of nations began when Britain’s older colonies – Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa – became independent nations. Today Britain has only 15 “dependent territories”, which rely on Britain for their defence.


The Queen is Head of the Commonwealth. She is also recognized as Head of State in 18 countries, including Canada and Australia. Although Britain maintains a strong influence in the Commonwealth, and the Queen takes a keen personal interest in Commonwealth matters, she has little real power. The modern Commonwealth included republics and other monarchies in addition to states headed by the Queen. In 1950 India became a republic while remaining within the Commonwealth. Since then most of Britain’s former depended territories have become independent and have remained within the Commonwealth. Among the exceptions are South Africa, which left in 1961, and Pakistan, which left in 1972.


Britain joined the European Community in 1973, but its membership has not always been easy. There have been arguments over financial and agricultural policies, and for many people the way the Community operates remains a mystery. On the other hand, Britain’s poorer regions have benefited, receiving 24% of the Community’s regional and social funds in 1985, nearly half of Britain’s trade is with the rest of the Community.


Over the last 200 years the idea of a tunnel under the sea between Britain and France has been put forward a number of times. In 1987 a new Anglo-French group was chosen to construct a system which would link the road and rail networks of Britain and France and improve communications and commercial links inside the European Community. The Channel Tunnel is costing nearly 5.000 million pounds. There are two rail tunnels and a service tunnel, each nearly 50 kilometres long. There is also a possibility that a separate road tunnel for cars and lorries will be built in the future.

Пояснения к тексту.

Commonwealth – Содружество Наций

European Community – Европейское сообщество

to benefit – извлекать пользу

regional and social funds – региональные и социальные фонды

Channel Tunnel – тоннель под Ла-Маншем

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