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modern society can’t be imagined without electricity and heat supply. The exploitation of the oil and gas industry, massive emissions associated with combustion, leakage of refined products are seriously threatening our planet. Only the invention of safer and more economical technologies will help slowing down the negative impact on the ecological state of the Earth, at least partially. Besides, it is impossible to rely on oil and gas forever, because these energy sources are non-renewable and finite, and technological improvements are an inevitable consequence.





N.N. Saltikova, T.A. Sarkisian

(Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering)


The use of colour is one of the complex and multifaceted problems in architecture. It requires the joint efforts of architects, scientists, and artists, since the needs of the modern man in colour are great, like movement and development. Colour is recognized as an ability to act, as a sign of an evaluative character that orients a person in space. But this is only one of the tasks of the ontological plan, which provides the first level of organization of architectural space, when colour is able to perform the role of biologically necessary spatial constants. At subsequent levels, colour helps to identify the functional and semantic significance of space.

What is the problem? Not knowing the colour scheme, combination of shades, and interaction in architecture leads to many problems. The colour aspect plays a very important role in the construction of the future building. It affects people psychologically and emotionally. Excessively bright colours or a bad combination can also have a detrimental effect on your health. Do I need to know these rules and should I follow them? Can we do without colour in architecture? I will try to answer these questions in my research.

The first works on the nature of colour appeared in ancient Greece. In their understanding of colour, ancient scientists and philosophers contrasted light and darkness, white and black. Ancient scientists classified colors in their own way, singled out the main and derivatives formed by mixing or modifying the main ones. Ancient colour aesthetics became the same foundation for European art as ancient philosophy became for science. In the seventeenth century, Newton became the founder of the physical science of colour. He asserted the organic


unity of light and color, their physical identity. Colour does not occur under certain conditions, but only manifests itself.

As far as Russian architecture is concerned, it has remained wooden for a long time. The colour image is associated not only with color restraint, but also with the expressiveness of the color range of soft ochre-brown and grey-silver shades. The multicoloured interior of the middle ages did not spill out into the architectural space of the city.

Creating a colorful environment that has a sign of integrity and completeness requires a comprehensive approach to determining the goals of using colour in architecture. The architect solves a set of problems and uses colour to reveal the logic of the three-dimensional structure, which is inseparable from the creation of psychophysiological comfort of a person.

In conclusion, colour is an important component of the architectural form. With appropriate combinations, colour is a means of expressing the content of an architectural structure and its aesthetic advantages. A visual architectural form is impossible without compositional unity of space, volume and colour. Linking volume and space, polychromy acts as a material and tool for the formation of the architectural composition. The formative effect of colour in architecture is diverse - it is a modification of the geometric appearance and size of the structure, the harmonization of colour alternation of its fragments, the creation of an emotional symbolic image. Theoretical research in the field of colour and the development of functional and aesthetic requirements of architecture opens up new horizons in the use of colour in architecture.


1.Атлас архитектурных цветов / Всесоюзная Академия архитектуры, Лаборатория отделочных работ. — Москва: Издательство Всесоюзной Академии архитектуры, 1937. — 103, 96 с., ил.

2.Рац, А.П. Основы цветоведения и колористики. Цвет в живописи, архитектуре и дизайне: курс лекций / А.П. Рац ; М-во образования и науки Росс. Федерации, Моск. гос.строит. ун-т. Москва : МГСУ, 2014. – 128 с.

3.Матюшин М.В. Справочник по цвету. Закономерность изменяемости цветовых сочетаний. – М.: Д. Аронов, 2007. – 72 с.


A.K. Sitnikova, I.I. Tusheva

(Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil




With the beginning of the era of metal and concrete, wooden construction became associated with ancient architecture or with country houses and cottages. But with the spread of ideas of energy efficiency, environmental friendliness, and durability in architecture and construction, wooden multi-storey buildings have turned from the fantasies of architects and experiments of builders into real technologies. Certain engineering and technical developments in recent years have led to significant progress in the field of wooden construction, wooden structures have become much stronger, safer and more economical. All this allows architects to more often refer to wood as the main structural material in the largest projects. Traditional timber beams are being replaced in new generation buildings with innovative glued timber panels with high strength characteristics, thus improving the characteristics of the traditional material. Among the advantages of modern wooden materials are the following:

High tensile strength in compression (30–70 MPa), tensile and bending (80–120 MPa).

Low density (400-700 kg / m3), which significantly reduces the weight of construction.

Low thermal conductivity, short construction time, fast shrinkage, durability and flexibility.

Environmental friendliness. Wood absorbs about 40 tons of CO2 on average over 40 years of use. Also, in the production of wooden structures, sawmill waste and low-grade timber are used. Wood is a renewable material. Moreover, wooden buildings have the best microclimate for humans.

Obviously, wood as a renewable natural resource is especially relevant for

countries that have their own forest resources. Therefore, experimental developments in the field of using such structures are more common in Australia, Canada, Norway. Russia has a fifth of all forest resources, but the idea of building high-rise wooden houses is developing extremely weakly. Today, there are enough examples that timber structures have significant potential, since, taking into account the use of various innovations, they are a convenient, environmentally friendly and cost-effective building material suitable for almost any climate and capable of meeting a variety of requirements - from creating a constructive foundation for a skyscraper to a self-regulating eco-farm.


In recent years, the trend towards the construction of multi-storey wooden houses has been brewing in the global construction industry. Projects for the construction of multi-storey wooden houses have long been carried out in Europe. Now there is a project called "Build-in-Wood", which brings together 21 construction companies from 11 different countries. In 2020, the project received a grant to build 1.6 million new timber buildings across Europe.

Particular attention should be paid to the Canadian architect Michael Green. Michael Green leads the 16-person architecture firm MGA, who work on projects large and small in Vancouver and around the world. Michael Green and his team developed proposals for the construction of timber houses up to 30 stories high, based on the use of laminated timber panels as the main structural material. These proposals are based on carefully designed options for universal design schemes.

The structural systems of multi-storey wooden buildings can be divided into two groups:

1.Fully wooden structures, all supporting elements of the building structure are made of wood or materials based on it (CLT system, FFTT system, post-beam and frame panel systems).

2.Combined load-bearing systems in which wood and wood-based materials are combined with other materials to work together in order to optimally distribute loads and minimize material consumption. These systems include wood-metal and wood-concrete variations.

A residential building with the name E3 was built in Berlin in 2008. It has 7 floors and a height of 22 meters. The facility was erected in a very short time: work on the construction of the foundation began at the facility in May 2007, by the end of October almost all floors were erected. In March 2008, less than a year after the start of work on the site, the seven-story building E3 was commissioned. In the building, all floors, except for the basement, are constructed from prefabricated wooden elements.

The construction of the nine-story, 29-meter-high Stadthaus in London which was built in 2009 was a big push in the development of multi-story timber construction. This is the first high-rise urban housing project which was built entirely from a finished massive timber (CLT), from load-bearing walls and floor slabs to stairs and lifting cores. The load-bearing structure of the Stadthaus building in London was completed in 27 days. 4 workers were involved in the construction without using a tower crane. The entire building was completed in 49 weeks, while a similar building from reinforced concrete would have taken 72 weeks. Although the cost of 1m3 of CLT panels is higher than the cost of 1m3 of reinforced concrete, the total cost of the building is reduced due to the speed of construction, reduced costs for freight transport, labor, foundation construction, and allows wood to compete with monolithic reinforced concrete.

A 14-storey high-rise residential building called "Treet" was built in Norway in 2015. Its height is 52.8m, it has 62 apartments. Today this complex is one of the flagships of the world wooden construction. The supporting structures


of the building are mainly made of laminated veneer lumber. The concrete was used for only three main slabs, which served as platforms for four tiers of stacked modular sections, this was done because of the need to increase stability and resistance to wind loads, because timber structures are very lightweight.

The International Council for Tall Buildings and the Urban Environment (CTBUH) awarded the 85.4 m high multifunctional tower in southern Norway as the world's tallest wooden structure In March 2019. The tower is located at the water's edge. It contains a lobby and a restaurant on the ground floor, a conference center above it, five floors of free-plan offices, four hotel floors (72 rooms), five tiers with 32 apartments. On the 17th and 18th floors there are three penthouses, an exhibition hall and an observation deck accessible to everyone. The construction process took a year and a half. Engineers used large laminated veneer lumber to make load-bearing columns, beams and braces. The central core, which houses the elevator shaft, the stairs and construcion frames, is made of crosslaminated timber (CLT).

New technologies, more advanced materials, various combinations of wood with steel and concrete are currently actively developing. Existing developments are already making it possible to actively introduce wooden structural systems into civil engineering. In the future, technology will allow building higher and larger. We are only at the beginning of mastering the material which so familiar to us - wood. Let's take a look at a few future projects.

An ambitious concept design by American architect Michael Charters was presented in 2013. It`s a 44-storey mixed-use complex located in downtown Chicago. The use of multilayer wood is envisaged as a building material and a structural basis for the complex.

The American company Skidmore, Owings and Merrill has designed a 42storey building in which all structural elements, except for beams, are wooden. This design solution is called Concrete Joined Timber Frame. Replacing wooden beams with concrete ones eliminates the drying out and swelling of the structure in height. The two lower floors of the building are to be constructed entirely of concrete. In the construction of subsequent floors, wooden elements account for 70%, concrete - 30%.

Michael Green is the author of a 35-story wooden high-rise building called Baobab in Paris. It will be built from cross-glued panels (CLT), which will be manufactured in the factory and supplied in ready-made kits. In addition to residential apartments, the complex will include a hotel for students, a vegetable growing area, a charging station for electric vehicles, a bus stop and other infrastructure elements. It’s clear that with the development of technology, we will be able to build wooden houses ever higher.

Many people doubt the fire safety of multi-storey wooden buildings. Of course, wood burns and steel does not, but the degree of flammability is not an indicator of fire resistance. Wood has low thermal conductivity and can maintain the integrity of the structure for a long time. It is very difficult to set fire to a log,


beam or thick wooden panel, but if it does catch fire, it burns very slowly and in a predictable pattern. When wood heats up from about 280 °C, a charred layer forms on its surface, which smolders and insulates the core, complicating the flow of oxygen inside, which slows down the combustion process. A wooden structure is able to retain its load-bearing capacity in a fire for a longer time than steel. In addition, the behavior of a wooden structure in a fire is more predictable. During manufacture, wooden structures are treated with special coatings to prevent fire.

It is also very interesting that wooden houses can affect the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. One medium-sized wooden house can adsorb 40 tons of carbon dioxide, which is equal to the emissions from a car that has been actively used by one family for 20 years. The unique structure of wood ensures constant air exchange in the room, as a result of which a favorable microclimate and optimal air humidity of 30–55% are created. Outside this humidity range, harmful bacteria and viruses increase significantly, leading to health problems.

There is practically no waste in the production of wooden structures. Products such as tree bark, shavings, sawdust are used in the production of electricity. Low-grade wood is used for the manufacture of wood-based materials.

Wood is the only fully renewable building material. Proper forest management is very important to preserve the ecosystem of our planet. Young forests are much more active in carbon sequestration than old ones. With the urban population steadily growing and climate change becoming a pressing topic, our challenge is to offer high-quality, affordable and environmentally friendly housing. Timber is such an attractive material because it has a low carbon footprint, uses little energy and water and is 100% renewable from sustainably managed forests. It’s well-suited for prefabrication and can significantly reduce the construction time. Well engineered, wooden constructions are also perfectly fire-safe and even more earthquake stable than legally required. Compared to steel or concrete, wood can support its own weight better, which allows for larger spaces and fewer necessary supports in building designs. As organic material, wood can breathe and maintain a comfortable and healthy indoor climate. Environments with wooden structures have positive psychological and physical effects on humans, lowering blood pressure and pulse and exerting a calming effect. Rooted in our past, we connect wood to the cosy feeling of security and home. In this regard, making our choice in favor of building a wooden house, we can together influence climate change and this is our path to harmony with nature. And as European practice shows, now it is possible to build housing from wood that meets the highest standards.


1.Build-in-Wood project. URL: https://www.build-in-wood.eu/

2.Michael Green Architecture. URL: http://mg-architecture.ca/


M.A.Smirnova, D.A. Loshkareva

(Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering)


Modeling is one of universal methods of getting knowledge. It is used at almost any area of modern science. There are many examples of models with the help of which various phenomena are described or studied. Modeling is especially effective in the design of automated systems, in which the risk of wrong decisions is most significant and modeling itself allows you to solve the problems of building large systems without great expenses.

Today the booking systems are used in various areas of industry:

booking tickets for trains, planes,

booking rooms in hotels,

booking cinema tickets, etc.

Our area of research is the automation of “Aviakassa” information system.

We consider this area of study relevant due to the fact that this information system still uses a non-electronic database, working on file-server technology. It is done in order to help the airline to organize its activities at a high level and to improve itsclients’service and reduce service time.

We used the UML language, because it allows to describe the system from almost all possible points of view and to see different aspects of its behavior,UML diagrams are easy to read. In addition, UML allows you to enter your owntext and graphic stereotypes.

We need to develop a system using the UML language. The system contains information about the availability of seats on air routes, about the flight number, the crew, the type of aircraft, the date and the time of the departure, and the cost of air tickets (of different classes). When a request for a ticket is received, the program searches for suitable options, issues an electronic ticket, forms an agreement, allows payment (cash and non-cash payments), issues a cheque.

The program is designed to facilitate and speed up the work of both the person who orders the tickets and the people who sell them. This is done to make it more convenient for customers, without spending too much time buying a ticket, which they would have spent standing in queues. Now it will be enough for them to go to the site and find a suitable option for themselves, selected according to the client's criteria.

This Automated Information System allows you to minimize the human factor and time spent on going to the ticket office.

First, we need to identify pivotal viewpoints and services. They are represented using a point-of-view identification diagram.


Picture. 1. Point of view identification diagram

1.Ticket order – the purchase of the selected ticket is planned.

2.Flight selection – sets the conditions that he needs to choose a flight.

3.Booking a ticket – the client books a ticket for 24 hours at the selected seat and plans to pay.

4.Search for a suitable flight – automatically, at the client request, a search is made for the flight that he needs, which meets all the specified conditions.

5.Entering flight data – filling in the database with all possible flights provided by the airline.

6.Adding new flight data – the administrator supplement additional

flights, if they appear.

This automated information system was implemented at “Aviakassa” website. This website interface reflects all the principles of automated information system.It includes the navigation bar, block and section headers, site header, page layout – that is, all the visual elements of the site. The interaction of these elements is the website interface.

The user interface includes the following visual elements:

•site header;

page layout;

registration / authorization;

filling in personal data;

search for a ticket for a flight;

booking a ticket;

a system for purchasing tickets by paying for them through an electronic invoice.


Picture. 2. Website

The system helps to improve the work with the purchase of air tickets, reduce the processing time, the formation of purchased tickets and electronic access to the ticket (the chance of the forgotten printed ticket is reduced, since it is presented in electronic form).

The module will reduce the number of staff and increase the convenience of buying a ticket without leaving home. Moreover, it simplifies the process of entering user data and protects personal data. In the future, it is possible to expand and refine its functionality.

In result of “Aviakassa” information system development, we managed to build a model of information system organization and introduce its optimization that helped to solve the main structural problems of the enterprise.

O.N. Soluyanova

(Moscow State University of Civil Engineering)


As numerous national and international researchers’ experience of foreign language teaching demonstrates, only traditional forms and methods of work do not always lead to the achievement of the main modern didactic goal – the formation of the foreign language communicative competence. The main methodological innovations today are related to the use of interactive methods of foreign language teaching.

The concept of "interactive learning" can be interpreted in two different ways: in narrow terms it is training with the use of information and


communication technologies (interactive whiteboards, information technology and multimedia tools, etc.) [4], and in broad terms it means a dialogue training, during which a teacher and a student constantly interact and influence upon each other [1].

The first sense nowadays is greatly of current interest considering the sorrowful epidemiological situation all over the world and it has much in common with a popular term “e-learning”. Nevertheless, we will consider interactive learning in broad terms, i.e., we will talk about learning based on the constant interaction of all participants of the pedagogical process, including a teacher. Thus, we consider interactive technologies to allow participants of the educational process not only to get all the necessary sum of knowledge according to the curriculum, but also to learn to interact, to communicate with each other. The purpose of using interactive technologies is social interaction, interpersonal communication, the most important feature of which is the ability of a person to accept the role of his partner, to imagine how the latter one perceives him, to interpret the changing communicative situation and to take his own actions according to it.

The essence of interactive learning is organizing the educational process in such a way that lets all its participants be constantly involved in the process of getting knowledge, have an opportunity to understand and reflect on what they know and think.

Interactive learning simultaneously solves a complex of pedagogical tasks: develops common learning and communicative skills; helps to establish emotional contacts between participants of the educational process; provides students with the necessary information, without which it is impossible to implement joint activities; teaches them to work in a team.

The methodological literature describes numerous examples of interactive methods: pair work and work in small groups; “the carousel method”, “brainstorming”, “openwork saw”, “decision tree”, conferences, discussions, role-playing and business games, debates, etc. [2]. Many teachers use certain separate interactive methods in their teaching practice in order to make classes non-standard, diverse and challenging. However, we think it is more effective to use a holistic interactive technology, which represents the integration of a large number of separate methods into a comprehensive system.

We’ve had quite successful experience in applying the technology of RWCT (reading and writing for critical thinking) [3], developed by a team of American authors (J. Steele, K. Meridith, S. Walter, Ch. Temple, Diane F.

Halpern) [5, 7, 8, etc.]. Though authors themselves didn’t call the methods and strategies used in the technology interactive, their essence exactly matches the general principles of interactive education.

Over time there appeared many domestic followers of the technology of RWCT, for example: Olga Yulick [6] and others, who have chosen it for their personal teaching practice due to the fact that its stages are easily combined with


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