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structures in seismically dangerous regions: a design-basis earthquake (DBE, frequency period –

Calculation for the design-basis earthquake is carried out on the maps of general seismic zoning A, B [4], and the design model of the building, as well as the accepted limit states do not differ from those used in the basic combinations of loads.

The calculation of buildings and structures taking into account the seismic effect is carried out according to the limit states of the first group. In cases justified by technological requirements, it is allowed to perform calculations for the limit states of the second group [4].

At calculation of the MCE, the building model may cause serious damage of non-bearing structures, and checks for the second limit state may not be performed in case of not affecting human life and health. The first limit state can also be ignored if it does not lead to a direct collapse of the building during an earthquake.

To analyze seismic resistance, the finite-element model of the building (Fig. 1) is calculated for self-induced and seismic vibrations. This mechanical system has many degrees of freedom. Seismic load is determined by spectral method according to SP 14.13330.2018 [4].

In accordance with the requirements of the calculation for MCE, the strength of the ground load-bearing structures (columns, slabs, core rigidity) under seismic action must be ensured.

Fig. 1. Calculation model of a high-rise building

The horizontal displacements of the building are monitored. The maximum horizontal displacements of a high-rise building at frequencies close to resonant, the first form of self-induced oscillations may exceed the limits established for


the second limit state, which, however, does not contradict the requirements to calculate the MCE.

Thus, a general analysis of the seismic resistance of the designed building must show the following:

-reliability of the load-bearing structures of the building in the first and second limit states at the DBE is provided;

-reliability of the ground load-bearing structures of the building in the first limit state at the MCE is provided;

-maximum horizontal displacements of the building exceed the maximum allowable ones, but do not lead to destruction of the main load-bearing structures, which does not contradict the requirements for the MCE.

In carrying out the above points, we can conclude that the general safety of people in the building at the MCE is ensured and the building can be approved for use after obtaining permission from design and research organizations specializing in antiseismic construction and having the appropriate authority. The question of the possibility of operating the building after the MCE remains open and this conclusion can only be accepted on the basis of field examination of the emergency facility.


1.Poznyak E.V. Ob otsenke vliyaniya seysmicheskikh rotatsiy na dinamicheskiye stroitel'nyye konstruktsii [On the assessment of the effect of seismic rotations on the dynamics of building structures]. Directory. Engineering

Journal with app. 2017. №9 (246). p. 14-23.

2.Nikitina E. A., Khazov P. A., Krytsovkina A. V., Generalova A. A. Analiz sobstvennyh izgibni-krutilnyh kolebaniy mnogoetajnyh zdaniy [Analysis of own bending-torsion oscillations of multi-floor buildings]. Privolzhskij nauchnyj zhurnal [The Privolzhsky scientific journal], 2018. № 3. p. 9-14.

3.Khazov P.A., Generalova A.A., Vorobyova A.E. Rezonansnyy analiz karkasnogo zdaniya pri seysmicheskikh vozdeystviyakh razlichnykh chastotnykh diapazonov [Resonance analysis of a frame building with seismic effects of different frequency ranges]. Privolzhskij nauchnyj zhurnal [The Privolzhsky scientific journal], 2019. № 4. p. 56-64.

4.SP 14.13330.2018 Stroitelstvo v seysmicheskih rayonah. Aktualizirivannaya redakciya SNiP II-7-81*[Construction in seismic areas. Actualized redaction of SNiP II-7-81*]– Moscow: Minstroy Rossii, 2018. – 117 p.


M.S. Aleshugin1, D.A. Loshkareva2

(1School №55 N. Novgorod, 2Nizhny Novgorod University of Architecture and Civil Engineering)


In 2003, one of the oldest and longest in Russia railway with a narrow gauge of 750 mm, which belonged to the Vyksa Metallurgical Plant. By 2005, it was finally dismantled. The narrow-gauge railway performed the most important functions in providing the Vyksa factories with firewood, peat, products and played an important role in the development of production, Vyksa and the region as a whole. The products of the factories were delivered along its passenger trains ran, delivering passengers to different corners of the endless expanses of our region.

An interesting fact is that railways in Vyksa began to be built in the first half of the 19th century. In 1847, the “Lesnoy” magazine described a horse-drawn wooden railroad set up by the Russian inventor Guryev in the forest dacha of the Vyksa factories. Guriev designed and manufactured trolleys with cast-iron wheels for the constructed round-timber road. On these trolleys there was a special knob, which pulled the rope, tying the transported wood. The Guryev road existed until 1855, making it possible to deliver firewood to the factory stoves at a distance of 30-40 km all year round.

In addition, it is known that the use of 630 mm track gauge for manual inplant haulage began at the end of the 50s of the 19th century. The track was laid with cast iron rails, which were manually forged in strips of 4 meters in the workshops of the Vyksa factories. Specially adapted trolleys loaded with products and semi-finished products were manually moved along such routes. This type of transport was called "pig iron". Transportation of fuel, ore, and finished products presented many difficulties for the factories. From the very beginning and until 1917, transportation was carried out by animal-drawn transport: in winter - by sleigh, in summer - by carts. For this purpose, the factories had their own horse yard up to 300-500 horses. This required high transport costs, and accordingly increased production costs. The factories also hired horse farmers. They were attracted not only from local villages, but also from other provinces.

For the export of finished products to the center of Russia, it was necessary to use exclusively water transport. Therefore, the finished products were transported by tug to the pier in Doschaty. A significant problem was the short duration of navigation on the Oka. The warehouses of the village Doschatoe were literally packed with finished products - pitchforks, nails, roofing sheets, wire. Thus, the working capital was frozen. It was necessary to create and develop a railway network.


In 1893, the production of rails was organized at the Nizhnevyksunsky plant, and in 1894 they began to lay a narrow-gauge track with a track of 630 mm, which connected the Pier on the Oka, the Sheet-roofing plant in Doschatoy, the Nizhevyksunsky and Verkhnevyksunsky plants, the Vilsky plant. Special wagons have been designed for both cargo and workers. The workers were transported in two-axle trailers for 10-12 people. The open wagons were driven by two horses. To ensure transportation, the plant built three horse yards: at the Upper and Lower plants and the site of the current locomotive depot. The further development of the narrow-gauge railway led the heads of the main office of the plant to the idea: in order to reduce the cost of transporting firewood, coal, and later peat, instead of horse-drawn transport, export raw materials by horse-drawn platforms. In this regard, a narrow gauge line in 1902 was extended to the village of Unor and further towards Pustoshka.

A narrow-gauge railway was also laid on the 25th swamp, along which peat and timber were transported. From the branch to the 25th swamp there was a branch in the direction of the village. Motmos, in these places iron ore was mined and transported to the plant. According to the archival data of the Kolomensky Zavod, in 1910 a three-axle steam locomotive of the Ez series was sent to the Vyksa narrow-gauge railway, and in 1912 2 steam locomotives of type 133 on a 630 mm track were delivered. One steam locomotive bore the inscription "Lesovik" (He is in the photo in the gallery). In 1913, 4 steam locomotives of the German concern O&K (Orenstein and Koppel) were received, and in 1914 - another one for the 630 mm gauge. Three triaxial and one biaxial, with a high chimney, which especially interested local residents. It was even given a nickname - "cuckoo" [Fig1].

Figure 1. Lokomotive nicknamed “Cuckoo” with a passenger train

The first locomotive drivers were A.N. Barinov, V.I. Kruglov, N.I. Shebaev, A.F. Pavlinov, S.N. With the receipt of steam locomotives, at the suggestion of the plant mechanic A.A. Kuzmin, passenger cars were designed, which had candlelight and stove heating. Such trailers could accommodate up to 50 people, and they carried workers and passengers to Vilya and Doschaty. Until the end of their existence, these trailers were called "Kuzminskie".

By 1914, the Vyksa narrow-gauge road stretched from the Unor station towards the village of Merdush - to the Yermishinsky junction and by the end of 1916 its length was 130 km. A sawmill was being built on the 25th swamp,


intended to ensure the construction of a normal gauge railway (1524 mm) from Vyksa to Navashino with sleepers and other lumber [Fig.2].

Figure 2. Vyksa Narrow-Gauge Road (Modern View)

A large supply of equipment was in 1917 - 1918 - ten 12-ton steam locomotives of the H series arrived at the plant with a tender (a special trailer for transporting fuel) and about 300 pieces of four-axle cars for 750 mm gauge. The cars had a higher carrying capacity, and steam locomotive tenders allowed the latter to work for a long time without refueling. Therefore, it was decided to expand the railway track from 630 to 750 mm. This work was completed by 1918. All operating steam locomotives were also switched to 750 mm track gauge.

During the civil war, the supply of oil, fuel oil, coal to factories was reduced, so there was a need for firewood, peat and charcoal. Peat extraction is expanding, new forest areas are being developed, to which narrow-gauge roads are being laid: Dimara - Bushuysky plant, Vilya - Rozhnov Bor, Dimara - Chuvashinskaya dacha. During the Great Patriotic War, train crews on the railway worked for 18-20 hours, tk. Within a month, more than 300 people from the railway shop were drafted into the army. VMZ needed 100 cars of firewood, 40 cars of peat, 4-5 cars of charcoal every day. Even before the start of the war, it was proposed to cut wood in narrow strips (25 meters wide). The track of these decal tracks is 750 mm, they could be connected to the main branches using arrows. The production of rails for decal tracks was established in a small section workshop [Fig.3].

Figure 3. The Scheme of Vyksa Narrow-Gauge Road Routes


In the last years of its life, the narrow-gauge railway turned into a passenger road. In October 2003 the transportation of timber and the transportation of passengers was completely stopped. Perhaps, under the previous conditions, this did not happen, since all the costs for the maintenance and construction of the road were determined and compensated by higher authorities, and a decrease in the volume of logging was hardly acceptable.

In conclusion, it is necessary to remark that the advantages of a narrow gauge railway are ease of construction and operation, lower financial costs for construction and operation, great maneuverability.

1)Narrow gauge railways are simpler and easier to build and use, so they can be built temporarily. There are even portable narrow-gauge railways.

2)For the construction of a narrow gauge railway, less material and less labor are used, and, if necessary, the railway can be relocated to another place, thus avoiding the loss of funds or materials.

3)The track is narrower, and therefore the radius of curvature decreases to 40 m. In this case, a narrow-gauge train can overcome a steeper rise - from 0.02 to 0.045, and even 0.08 with electric traction. The entire construction of a narrow gauge railway, together with trains, is much lighter.

4)The loads on the rails from the axle of the rolling stock are significantly less than on broad-gauge railways, and for locomotives is from 4 to 9 tons. [4]

From our research we can add that the narrow-gauge railway is a much more environmentally friendly mode of transport than the road. The width of the modern asphalt highway is 2-3 times larger than the tracks of the road, therefore, to lay a narrow-gauge railway, less forest is required to be cut down (if, for example, the road goes through the forest, as in the case of Vyksa narrow-gauge road). The disadvantages of a narrow gauge track include lower performance compared to a wide track road. All its advantages are for local use. Narrow-gauge railways are bad because, when transporting goods over long distances, they need to be transshipped onto broad-gauge trains.


1. http://Vyksa narrow-gauge road.wyksa.ru/

2. https://выкса.рф/258-yzkokoleyka_vyksa_lespromhoz.html 3. https://tass.ru/info/4718956


P.J. Baranovskaya, E.V. Smirnova

(National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgoro)


Recently, the role of the Asian vector in Russia's foreign policy has been significantly increasing. In this direction of foreign policy, partnership and cooperation with the People's Republic of China (PRC) is important.

The research methodology is a civilization campaign. This is justified by our understanding of the presence in modern history of two civilizations: Russian and Chinese.

The following methods were used in the work:

First of all, the historical-descriptive method, which helped to compare the connections of the present with the past and future.

The comparative method was used to analyze the complementarity, priorities and problems of cooperation between Russia and China.

The systemic method was used to analyze the dynamics, trends and vectors of development of relations between Russia and the PRC.

Over the past hundred years, the world order has often undergone changes. As you know, before the World War I there was a multipolar world, after the end of the World War II, a bipolar one, in which the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and the USA were the largest superpowers.

The post-bipolar system of international relations, which replaced the bipolar one, began to take shape in 1991, that is, after the collapse of the USSR. This system is characterized by such parameters as instability, some blurring of boundaries between participants in international relations. In this situation, the United States is positioning itself as a world leader.

At the beginning of the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia's foreign policy was aimed at developing relations with the West and had little interest in developing relations with its neighbors [1].

2014 became a key year for Russia's foreign policy. The crisis in the Ukraine cemented Moscow's refusal to follow the West, leading to open confrontation.

Political problems with the West clearly make Russia's turn to the East more feasible due to the lack of alternatives. While the United States and the West generally view the conflict with Russia as localized, they continue to view it as dangerous in the sense that Moscow’s actions have undermined the West’s global development project aimed at gradually involving all countries on its own terms.

China, the world's second largest economy and the most populous country, poses a threat because it has built an efficient and attractive economy that is not based on a Western political model.


This threatens the West because it raises doubts about its fundamental postulate that the economy can be efficient and bring prosperity only if the country adopts the ideology of democracy. Moreover, the Chinese economy has become so interdependent with the American and European economies that it would be very difficult to deal with Beijing as well as with Russia. The West is economically dependent on China just as China is dependent on the West. If a major conflict breaks out, a united West may ultimately win, but at unbearable costs to the global economy [2].

In line with its growing economic influence, China has begun to pursue a more active foreign policy.

Under President Xi Jinping, Beijing has pushed forward ambitious plans to launch the Silk Road Economic Belt (which covers parts of Central Asia, the Middle East and Russia) and the Maritime Silk Road (Southeast and South Asia and Oceania). While the economic aspects of these projects remain vague, their political significance is clear: China hopes to create a common foundation for an economic and possibly political future, at least in parts of Asia, based on its own development concepts that offer an alternative to Western ones.

It is obvious that China, like Russia, no longer wants to impose its development model on others. Instead, he seeks to occupy a place in the world corresponding to his new-found power and historical role, surrounded by peaceful and friendly states.

China is following its own development path, adhering to a policy of noninterference in the affairs of other states and regions, but at the same time trying to defend its interests and take its place in the international arena.

By the end of the 20th century, relations between Russia and China went through several stages of development. From simply friendly neighbors, the countries become the main strategic partners. Every year the heads of state strive to improve and introduce something new in the development of interstate relations, despite some cooling in relations between the Russian Federation and the PRC in 2003, due to the fact that myths about the possible expansion and threat of the PRC appeared in the Russian Federation.

Russia and China are aimed at cooperation in all spheres: humanitarian, technical, scientific, etc. A large number of agreements are signed in the framework of annual meetings, covering all spheres of society. The leaders of the countries in their statements repeatedly emphasize the importance of relations between Russia and China and their further development.

Russian-Chinese relations can be seen less and less in terms of short-term political maneuvering or as an element of their geopolitical and geo-economic relations with the US and the European Union.

The sanctions against Russia forced the country to change its course to the east, and choose a rapidly developing country with a huge population of China as its main partner.


The nature of Russian-Chinese interaction indicates the high status of both countries in the structure of each other's foreign policy priorities.

Political relations are developing in isolation from economic ones and have reached a fairly high level. However, the economic development of each country directly affects the equality in foreign policy relations. Russia and China should not sweep aside this fact, and create and improve the already existing platform for economic interaction.

Contemporary interaction between Russia and China is moving forward at a tremendous speed. In the economic sphere, cooperation between the Russian Federation and the PRC is reaching a new level, thanks to the creation and implementation of oil and gas projects. Strategic interaction and partnership between the two countries contribute to their common development, strengthening in the international arena, and also contribute to the formation of a multipolar world.

The term “soft power” was first introduced by the American political scientist in the second half of the 1980s, Joseph Nye Jr. By his definition, "soft power" is a form of political power, the ability to achieve desired results based on voluntary participation, sympathy and attractiveness, as opposed to "hard power", which implies coercion against will [3].

In general terms, "soft power", formulated by Chinese political scientists, is as follows: the totality of the state development strategy, the identification power of ideology and dominant value orientations, the attractiveness of the social system and economic model, the national idea and the creative potential of the nation, the charm of culture and its influence in international affairs.

Today, the PRC is declaring itself as a new center of "soft power", the party leadership, making the most of it within their country, increases the influence of Chinese culture in the international arena.

The concept of "soft power" in China is still at an early stage of development, but, despite this, it occupies an important place in the political strategy of the leadership. This explains its relevance both within the country and in international circles [4].

The Chinese strategy of "soft power" prioritizes the development of relations with its closest neighbors in order to thereby create a security zone around itself.

To promote the Chinese language and culture in the world, the State Chancellery for the Spread of the Chinese Language Abroad of the Ministry of Education of the PRC or in another way Hanban creates special institutions called the Confucius Institute. The main mission of the Confucius Institutes is to promote the growth of engagement and understanding of China, Chinese culture and the Chinese language around the world.

By the number of already opened Confucius Institutes, Russia has already overtaken a number of European countries, which indicates a great interest of


people to immerse themselves in the culture of China and study the Chinese language.

Culture has played an important role, and perhaps even one of the key ones, in strengthening interstate relations. And today, no one doubts that the further development of cultural ties will serve as a strong platform for further partnership.

Cultural exchange is a dominant factor in building a dialogue between the Russian Federation and the PRC, and this dialogue is ongoing, because both countries are connected by a huge common border. Strengthening relations is not just the desire of the heads of state, it is their duty, because, ultimately, it brings not only mutual benefit, but also the ability to stabilize the situation in the AsiaPacific region (APR) as a whole.

Many factors affect the relationship between Russia and China. Positively influencing factors are the geographically convenient location next to each other; among the geopolitical factors that can influence the further development of Russian-Chinese relations, two main ones can be distinguished - these are Central Asian and American factors.

Among the negative factors is the gap in the scale of the economies of Russia and China, which is beginning to hinder the close rapprochement of the two states.

It is safe to say that relations between Russia and China in the period under review (late XX - early XXI century) are developing quite mutually beneficial for both countries.

The most profitable scenario for the development of relations between states will be the scenario of further deepening the development of partnership, cooperation and strengthening trust relations. But for the near future, it is quite possible that relations between the RF and the PRC will remain at the stage at which they are now. As for deepening cooperation, this requires both Russia and China to strive for rapprochement and continuation of cooperation in all spheres.



AnInternationalJournal[Электронныйресурс] Режим доступа: httр://www.mоdеrnсhinаstudiеs.оrg/сn/issuеs/раst-issuеs/82-mсs- 2003-issuе-3/1306-2012-01-06-09-16-39.html

2.YаnXuеtоng,‘Zhоngguоjiаzhiguаndеshijiеyiyi’ [ThеMеаningоfСhinеsеVаluеstоthеWоrld], Guоjiwеntiyаnjiu, nо. 4,


3.Дж.Найл-мл. «Мягкая сила» и американо-европейские отношения[Электронный ресурс] Режим доступа: http://smartpowerjournal.ru/soft-power/

4.Лю Цзайци. "Мягкая сила" в стратегии развития Китая // Полис. 2009. № 4.


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