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U.V. Basheva, N.V. Patyaeva

(Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering)


The purpose of this research work is to find out the most popular news sources in Russian subcultures. We all live in an information-driven society, with an increasing demand for reliable instant news and social updates, which make the research of the most popular news sources and news organizations in Russia up to date and relevant. Having analyzed the results of the research of different public opinion companies, we found out what kind of Mass Media Russian people prefer to get news from and which of them they trust more.

The large majority of Russians says they prefer to get domestic and international news from television broadcasts, but only half see television as their most trusted news source. A poll conducted by Russian independent public opinion research center Levada in late March in 2020 showed that 85 percent of the Russian population used television as their primary source of news, down from 89 percent in March 2018 and 90 percent in March 2014. Twenty-seven percent of respondents also named friends and relatives as the main place to get fresh news, while 15 percent named radio, 14 percent named social networks, and 13 percent cited traditional printed newspapers.

When answering the question about their attitude to social networks and information distributed through them, 70 percent of Russians agreed that social networks can be a source of important news, but even more people – 72 percent

– said they use them to relax and reduce the impact of everyday stress. Thirty percent of respondents called browsing of social networks a “completely useless pastime.”

A different poll conducted by the Public Opinion Foundation in early 2016 showed that back then 48 percent of Russians found online news sources credible. Seventeen percent said they did not trust them and 20 percent of internet users said they did not use the web to get the news.

When asked which source of information they would trust more in the event of conflicting reports, the results were almost even: 32 percent said they found television more credible and 30 percent said the same about news websites. As a news medium, the press has been comfortably overtaken by television, which is more popular, has far wider reach and attracts heavier investment.

Internet penetration is lower in Russia than in western Europe, for example, but among some urban demographics the web is now starting to rival the press as a source of news.

In the following table you can see the average number of people who use or do not use different types of information sources.


Television –85%

The Internet - 15%

Radio - 14%

Print - 13%

Don’t use any of the establi shed news sources – 10%

The results of the work show that the television news audience is still large, but it is also old — and aging — and younger people increasingly find their news from websites and apps, and via search engines and social media.

These results lead to the conclusion that in the near future rapid development of the technology will push the Internet forward making it most popular and trustworthy source of information.

The power of mass media is known to the world. It has thrown away mighty dynasties and created new empires. Mass media has helped in creating social awareness and has also provided people with an easy way of living life. Mass media is a super-power that has connected the world in multiple ways. Having studied how people get their news in Russia we found out the most popular mass media in Russia in terms of presenting information. People still prefer to get news from the television, but there is a clear tendency to shifting the priorities in the favour of new technologies.


1.Аналитический центр Юрия Левады http://www.levada.ru/


3.https://newswireline.co.uk/2018/04/18/tv-still-main-source-of-news-for- russians-but-only-half-believe-it/

4.https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2018/04/18/state-tv-still-biggest-most- trusted-news-source-russians-poll-a61205

A.А. Bogatova, I.L. Dmitrieva

(Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering)


Currently, in any business effective management is a valuable resource along with material, financial, human and other resources; not an exception are the enterprises of the beauty industry. Thus, improving management efficiency is becoming one of the ways to improve the company's overall performance.

The purpose of our practice work was to improve the efficiency of the enterprise management through the introduction of an automated information


system. The main task that faced us was to introduce an automated information system 1C: Predpriyatiye to improve the efficiency of the management of the hairdresser’s «Egoisty». The results of our work would indeed be of considerable practical benefit to this hairdresser’s.

The choice of the platform 1C: Predpriyatiye was due to the fact that automated information systems which include application solutions based on the 1C: Predpriyatiye platform are widely used for operational and flexible management of enterprises, organizations, firms of various forms of ownership and various purposes.

Initially, the 1C: Predpriyatiye platform was positioned as an environment for automating accounting, management and personnel accounting. However, on the basis of the 1C: Predpriyatiye platform it is possible to implement absolutely any application regardless its specificity. The 1C: Predpriyatiye platform contains a set of specialized objects designed for the convenience of creating software solutions.

The hairdresser’s «Egoisty» provides services such as women's, men's and children’s haircut, modern types of coloring, hair care. Аn automated system is necessary in order to reduce the time spent on ‘manual’ work. The system stores all information about the availability of related products (hair-dyes, shampoos, balms) as well as it keeps records of services performed.

During the development of the automated information system configuration objects we created:

• The subsystems that formed the command interface of the application solution – «Company» , «Personnel», «Purchases» and «Service» (Fig.1);


• Reference books that allow you to store data in the information database that have the same structure and list nature – «Customer base», «Positions», «Employee base», «List of goods and services», «Units of measurement» and «Information about the organization» (Fig.2);

Fig.2. Reference book «Database of employees» in 1C: Predpriyatiye mode


• The documents that allow you to store information about completed business operations in the application solution – «Accounting for the arrival of goods», «Act of work performed» (Fig.3.1, Fig.3.2);

Fig.3.1. Document «Accounting for the arrival of goods» in 1C: Predpriyatiye mode

Fig.3.2. Document «Act of work performed» in 1C: Predpriyatiye mode

• Reports that are designed to process the accumulated information and get summary data in an easy-to-view and analyze – «Product accounting», «Customer rating», «Universal reports», «Service register», «Purchase register», «Service rating» (Fig.4);

Fig.4. Report «Product accounting»

• Accumulation registers – «Inventory balances», «Rendering services».

The balance accumulation register allows you to store both the total values of resources – balances, and changes in these resources – turnover. (Fig.5.1, Fig.5.2)


Fig.5.1. Accumulation register «Inventory balances»

Fig.5.2 Accumulation register «Rendering of services»

We introduced the automated information system in the hairdresser’s «Egoisty». The system is still under development, but it has already been launched in test mode.

We must conclude that thanks to the automation of the business process, the overall manageability of the hairdresser’s «Egoisty» has increased, electronic document management has accelerated, and the quality of work has improved.

E.S. Boriskina, P.A. Khazov, N.G. Nadezhdina

(Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering)


Modern building industry does not stand still. On the one hand new technologies, software and structural concepts develop, on the other hand requirements to construction techniques, detail development and calculation of each element of construction increase.

Foundation is one of the most important parts of buildings. It is an underground structure which transfers loads and effects from the building to the ground base. The choice of suitable conditions for foundation laying is of extreme


importance for ensuring the building stability and durability. There are a lot of external factors affecting building stability. One of these factors affects directly through the ground stratum. Seismic impacts are vibrations of Earth surface that occur as a result of rapid output of stored energy of Earth internal forces. These vibrations are conveyed through the ground straight to the construction.

Seismic stability of the structure is an ability of the structure to save the project required functions after the designed earthquake. For example, the structure:

must not have neither global nor partial collapse or destruction that can lead to death or injury of people;

must be able to operate after reconstruction or repair;

must meet requirements of fire safety;

after reconstruction or repair must not have collapse in case of an iterative impact with a one-mark-lower earth intensity compared with the designed earthquake.

Buildings of different purposes, number of storeys, structures are erected in the earthquake-prone areas. Accordingly, every type of buildings needs the definite foundation. Typical foundations such as piles, slab-on-grade or foundation piers are laid for construction of buildings in the seismic regions. However, special conditions of construction require appropriate changes in structure of typical foundations. For example, to reinforce prefabricated foundations bound blocks in node points and additional reinforcing fabric should be installed. Moreover, foundation piers should be braced with reinforced concrete elements. In addition, different dampening pads or seismic isolators are used.

When designing buildings in seismic areas engineers should take into account following requirements: all the foundations should have the same depth of foundation; structural scheme should be symmetric; rigidity of construction and its weight should be distributed evenly. While designing foundations in seismic regions it is important to solve a problem of preventing from horizontal movements of foundations towards each other. It is also essential to take into account danger of movement of one side of foundation away from the ground.

Foundation piers need to be connected with adjoining foundations if they cannot bear shearing forces from seismic force. Grade beams can be used as such bracings. Two- meter-long reinforcing fabrics should be put symmetrically to the axis of the row above the grade beam and foundations joints.


Figure 1 Examples of existing structures of seismic resistant foundations: a – strip foundation, б – foundation piers; 1 – reinforcement fabric, 2 – grade


Foundation piers connected with each other with the help of reinforced concrete beams on the flexible bracings are proposed to be used. Flexibility of bracing is ensured by steel ropes. They are laid in the lowest step of foundation as a part of reinforced concrete beam. The grade beam is connected with foundation butt-to-butt through the sliding bat with rubber-metal bar. Using such type of connection let foundations move relatively to each other while saving their general stiffness. Such kind of foundation can bear compression as well as tension. That helps to prevent from developing cracks in the ground.

Figure 2 Structure of the proposed adaptive foundation


Strength of materials of the building is much higher than strength of the compressed ground. That is why the square of the rested structures is necessary to increase when passing to the ground with the help of foundations. Foundation piers due to their structural features don’t bend practically under the effect of the external loads. Such solution lets take into account resistance to additional loads from the building which appear as a result of its vibration and inertial forces effect. In this case deformations of footing improve. Moreover, reinforced grade beams bear bend deformation comparable to the settlement of foundation under the combined impact of vertical and horizontal vibrations in conditions of seismic activity. Steel ropes let the proposed foundation change its placement together with moving ground to ensure collaboration in “construction-ground” system.

Thus, the proposed adaptive foundation combines advantages of both rigidly connected and nonrigid foundations.

When the intensity of an earthquake increases, the mutual movements of foundations piers also increase. The pressure on the ground in the places where the concentrated force is transmitted to the foundation increases. To add to this, it is necessary to take into account the bending moments and transverse forces that occur in the foundation structure.

Obviously, the proposed foundation is able to work as rigid structural scheme until certain value of vibration frequency. Then the foundation starts working as nonrigid. Consequently, calculation of foundation should be performed so that deformation capacity appears only after reaching the peak load. Flexibility of foundation working scheme is ensured by steel ropes. It is they that let control the process of transition of foundation working from a rigid scheme to a flexible one. This process can be adjusted by rope prestress because the prestress lets regulate the friction force between the plates. Friction force appears in the plane of section of the grade beam and compensates for the effect of transverse forces while reducing relative displacement of foundations.

Moreover, values of structure natural frequency decrease which means that absolute accelerations as well as inertial seismic loads also decrease. Rubbermetal plates contribute to it too. They help to damp vibrations both in vertical and horizontal planes.

In summary, different approaches to designing earthquake-proof foundations are already used in practice. Nevertheless, no one from existing structures can be considered completely adaptive. Earthquake activity results in an entire complex of unfavorable external factors which are difficult to take into account simultaneously. As a result, some types of foundations require installation of additional damping facilities others have a risk of foundation movement away from the ground the others break down under bending deformations and etc. According to preliminary estimates, the proposed structural scheme of adaptive foundation takes into account all the possible negative impacts of earthquakes at the most.



11.СП 14.13330.2018. Свод правил. Строительство в сейсмических районах СНиП II-7-81* [Электронный ресурс]: утв. М-вом стр-ва России 18.02.14: дата введ. 25.11.18. Режим доступа: Технические нормы и правила. Строительство.

12.Тетиор, А.Н. Фундаменты: учеб.пособие для студ. Учреждений высш. Проф. образования/ А.Н.Тетиор – М.: Академия, 2010 – 400с.

13.Горбунов-Посадов, М.И Основания, фундаменты и подземные сооружения/ М.И. Горбунов-Посадов, В.А. Ильичев, В.И. Крутов, и др.; Под общ. Ред. Е.А. Сорочана и Ю.Г. Трофименкова. – М.: Стройиздат, 1985. – 480с., ил. – (Справочник проектировщика).

14.Алексеев С.И., Алексеев, П.С. Механика грунтов, основания и фундаменты: учеб. Пособие. – М.: ФГБОУ «Учебно-методический центр по образованию на железнодорожном транспорте», 2014. – 332 с.

K.A. Bokhina, M.O. Abramkin, S.A. Sourkova, I.L. Dmitriéva

(Université d’Etat d’Architecture et de Génie Civil de Nijni Novgorod )


Le but de notre travail est faire connaître notre profession aujourd'hui et à l'avenir. On a essayé d’analyser des aspects de notre profession et de répondre à la question: "La profession d’ingénieur sera-t-elle pertinente à l'avenir?"

L’ingénieur civil c’est une profession ancienne mais pertinente de nos jours. Après tout, l’humanité a eu toujours besoin de maisons, d'usines, de monuments, de ponts, de tunnels, de routes, etc. Nous considérons qu’on en aura également besion à l’avenir.

La profession d'ingénieur civil est très recherchée. Néanmoins, elle dépend de la saison. En été, la demande augmente, en hiver – diminue.

A notre avis, notre métier a ses avantages et ses inconvénients. Nous aimerions souligner certains d’entre eux .

Avantages :

1)possibilité d'appliquer des compétences professionnelles dans la vie quotidienne ;

2)taux de rémunération élevé ;

3)pertinence de la profession, car la construction d'objets de n'importe quel but est toujours effectuée (édifices et infrastructures) ;

4)possibilité de recyclage ;

5)éducation abordable – vous pouvez obtenir l'une des spécialités dans la construction après la 9e année d’études secondiares et ainsi poursuivre votre carrière dans ce domaine.


Inconvénients :

1)conditions de travail dangereuses ;

2)activité physique élevée ;

3)haut degré de responsabilité pour la qualité du résultat ;

4)monotonie – les représentants des profils très spécifiques ont généralement des tâches monotones ;

5)rhythme saisonnier.

On prévoit que certains aspects de cette profession changeront sans aucun doute à l'avenir. Tout d'abord, le progrès technique apportera ses propres changements dans notre métier. Maintenant, il y a un nouveau équipement, des ordinateurs, des matériaux de génie civil qui rendent le travail plus facile. Dans un très proche avenir, on considère, la technologie sera améliorée et la plupart des travaux mécaniques seront effectués par les machines.

On avance l’idée qu'à l'avenir il y aura beaucoup moins de matériaux naturels. Maintenant dans le monde un grand nombre de matériaux de construction sont naturels, par exemple bois, pierre, marbre, granite, calcaire ou sable. Cependant, les ressources naturelles sont rapidement détruites et il nous semble qu'à l'avenir, le nombre de matériaux naturels sera considérablement réduit, par exemple le plastique deviendra populaire.

De nos jours, pour travailler effectivement l'ingénieur civil doit interagir avec un grand nombre de personnes – bétonnière, maçon, conducteur des travaux, spécialistes du bureau de contrôle et de certification, etc., mais à l'avenir, nous sommes convaincus que certaines professions seront inévitablement remplacées par des machines.

Maintenant, il y a beaucoup de professions liées au génie civil:


2)ingenieur du bâtiment et des travaux publics

3)ingénieur travaux

4)ingenieur en génie urbain

5)ingénieur en génie des matériaux

6)ingénieur géomètre

7)urbaniste, etc.

L’ingénieur civil travaille en permanence en équipe. Il travaille en bureau et sur le site. Donc, en ce qui concerne les qualités professionnelles et personnelles, il doit être adaptable, dynamique et avoir un excellent sens du contact et force de conviction . Notre métier est complexe. Il nécessite une connaissance des mathématiques, de la physique, de la chimie et d'autres sciences exactes.

Nous avons mené une enquête auprès de l’école secondaire et interrogé des élèves de la 11e année en leur posant quelques questions sur notre profession. 78% des personnes interrogées considèrent notre profession comme l'une des plus recherchées et intéressantes et disent que notre profession sera aussi réclamée à l'avenir.


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