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Après avoir étudié beaucoup d’aspects de notre profession – génie civil, on est venu à la conclusion que pour exercer notre métier, vous devez avoir beaucoup de connaissances et de compétences techniques pointues. Seule une personne bien formée ayant un diplôme universitaire et ayant de solides connaissances dans le champs du génie civil peut accéder à ce poste dans notre pays. Malgré les changements possibles dans ce domaine, à notre avis, la profession de l’ingénieur civil sera pertinente à l’avenir .


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M. I. Voropaeva, O.N. Soluyanova

(Moscow State University of Civil Engineering)



Currently, the field of bridge building is actively developing. The population of the Earth constantly grows, more and more people purchase personal transport, new metro lines and other types of public transport are run. Since many paths in one way or another pass through water bodies and difficult terrain, there is a need to increase the volume of construction of bridges of various types.

A bridge is often a safer design than an underground tunnel, which requires many excavation works. Also, one of the means for transporting people between the two shores is ferry, but this type significantly increases the passengers’ travel time, although it is less energy-consuming and quite cheap.

In this regard, bridges have become one of the most important links in transport routes. This entails the need to increase their throughput so that traffic jams and accidents do not occur (in turn, traffic jams can lead to a large congestion of traffic on the road, due to which the supporting structures experience severe stresses and even deformations).

However, the understanding that single-level bridges of various designs may not always be the solution to all of those problems has become the impetus for the emergence of multi-level bridges. The latters can be of several types according to their purpose:

Transport bridges, the main task of which is to combine two road sections into one structure, for example, railways and a motorway (the most common combination) (Fig. 1).

Also, multi-tiered bridge structures are widely used in the construction of road junctions in large cities, but this type is like a junction (or intersection) of multi-level roads (Fig. 2).


4. Fig. 3Multipurpose bridge of the future. Paik Nam June Media Bridge Project by

• Multi-level pedestrian bridges are the most aesthetically pleasing designed.

3. Fig. 1 Luzhniki Metro

2. Fig. 2 Road junction in

Only the main tasks of multi-tiered bridge construction were listed here. Currently, experts in the field are thinking about significant expanding bridge functions: this type of structure can combine various types of city infrastructure, but at the same time, they are designed on bridge structures.

A prime example is the Paik Nam June Media multi-level bridge project in Seoul, South Korea, across the Han River. This multi-tiered, multifunctional building will be able to combine a museum, a parking lot, a library, a shopping center, various green areas and an IT gallery with the latest IT achievements and development (Fig. 3).

Construction of multi-level bridges has a positive effect on the urban environment. Diversified highway construction can significantly reduce the

development of park areas (on this basis, a large number of conflicts between residents and companies have arisen recently), if a complex includes civil construction objects (malls, entertainment areas and public buildings) [2].

If metro railways are included in the bridge complex, the problem of tunnel construction, which is more labor-intensive, resource-intensive and expensive, is solved. In some situations, it is necessary to strengthen soft soils in various ways: vertical and sub-horizontal columns, box structures, jet cementation of soils, injection consolidation of soils, and other methods [3].

It is possible to assess the profitability of bridge construction using the example of the Crimean Bridge - the transport passage across the Kerch Strait, connecting Kerch and Taman peninsulas. When choosing a construction option, in addition to four different routes, tunnel and bridge were considered as the main possible types of crossing. The latter turned out to be the best option for several reasons. Firstly, the tunnel is less seismic resistant, and its restoration in the event of the impact of any natural and man-made factors will be much more difficult. Secondly, the construction of the underground canal would significantly increase


the construction time, but the transport connection with the peninsula has been extremely necessary. And finally, the price factor influenced on the choice. The approximate estimated cost of those variants is demonstrated in table 1.

Table 1. The approximate estimated cost of construction projects

Modification of a structure

Price, RUB bln



Adjacent road and railway bridge




Double deck bridge




Road, bridge and tunnel




A preference was expressed for the first variant, which happens to be the best profitable due to the cost and less energy-intensiveness.

However, the factor of the cost of approaches to a bridge and transport interchanges must be also taken into account. A single-level bridge would require a more complex layout, and it would be expensive to enter and exit when widening the roadway of a bridge. This scenario is possible, since the intensity of road and rail traffic increases annually, and as a result, the load on a bridge increases. Perhaps, the construction of a multi-tiered bridge would solve the problem of road forks at the approaches to a bridge; then in the future, its construction would pay off.

The construction of a multi-level bridge involves a number of difficulties associated with calculating the construction loads on the supporting structures. There are three main groups of loads:

Constant loads (own weight of auxiliary structures, pressure from soil weight, hydrostatic and hydrodynamic water pressure);

Temporary long-term loads (impact of jacks when straightening the position of erected structures or adjusting stresses, horizontal pressure of concrete mix, weight of people and small equipment, and others);

Short-term loads (inertial loads from cranes, wind and ice loads, loads from heap of ships and floating systems, and others) [1, 4].

Also, in some conditions, the design of a multi-level bridge is almost impossible, although in theory it could help to reduce the construction time of the transport route, materials and financial resources. The project of the bridge across the Bering Strait is worth mentioning. Despite the long-standing dreams of

5. Fig. 5 The project of the bridge across the Bering Strait.


connecting Eurasia and North America, there are many difficulties: the most important problem is the strong ocean current through the rather narrow strait, wind loads, floating ice pressure and temperature changes that can cause deformation of piles and support structures; the structure would be complicated by pontoon supporting structures. The project was considered feasible for some time thanks to the islands of Kruzenshtern and Diomede located between the capes, then more deliberate solutions appeared in the form of a tunnel or a dam, but they also lost their relevance over time [5].

In conclusion, we can say that a multi-level bridge is a multifunctional structure capable of combining various types of civil structures. Despite the difficulties of design and the complexity of the construction of the required structures, multi-tiered bridge construction can be beneficial for the development of the urban environment and highways. This will help to expand walking areas of embankments and limit the introduction of megacities into the green environment.

Due to the harsh weather conditions in vast water areas, the construction of a multi-level bridge may be unstable to loads; however, this industry is actively developing, which will allow to solve the problems of calculations in bridge design in the future.


1.Колоколов Н.М., Вейнблат Б.М. "Строительство мостов" Учебник. Второе издание. - М.: Транспорт. - 1984. – 504 с.

2.Traffic and Highway Engineering FOURTH EDITION By Nicholas J. Garber Lester and A. Hoel St. Paul: West Pub. Co. - 1998.


3.Стальные мосты. Теоретическое и практическое пособие по проектированию мостов. 1 том. М. М. Корнеев, Киев. - 2010. -1026 с.

4.Stability of Structures: Principles and Applications. Chai H Yoo, Sung Lee, But worth-Heine ann. - 2013.

M.A. Vysotina, A.A. Flaksman

(Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil




Throughout the entire period of existence, people on an instinctive level aimed for living in their natural habitat, away from pollution. Thus, the architects of medieval polluted cities sought to return residents to pure nature and thought about future cities with a healthy and beautiful living environment. The age of


information technology has come and the topic of confronting pollution and the harmful effects of the urban environment for the planet has become more relevant than ever.

The goal of my scientific work is to explain the importance of ecoarchitecture and compare the situation of its use both in Russia and in Europe.

Ecoor Sustainable architecture is an architecture that seeks to minimize the negative environmental impact of buildings by efficiency and moderation in the use of materials, energy, development space and the ecosystem at large.

The recent and predictable changes of ecological, socio-economic and especially energy nature have caused the need to search for new, including nontraditional design solutions for the building and its life support systems so the 21st century saw a bloom in green architecture, as the importance of green space in the urban environment became clearer.

It has existed for thousands of years, however, ecological architecture, as we know it today developed from the wave of environmental advocacy that gained popularity in the United States in the 1960s. These environmental activists experimented with living structures and the way of how their living interacted with the local ecosystem. In 1969, Ian McHarg, a landscape architect, published

“Design with Nature”; a book about ecological architecture that promoted the ideas that had been explored over the past decade. From that point, ecological architecture has continued to advance, both technologically and in popularity.

Eco-architecture implies the construction of buildings from natural, environmentally friendly materials that are not harmful to health (wood, ceramics, glass, straw), as well as environmental protection and safe waste disposal. Further recycling of the materials, use of natural energy (sun, wind) and the widespread use of rainwater are important for "green" architecture.

Another feature of eco-architecture is rational design and compactness of forms, the most careful attitude to the building site. The design always comes from a specific area and takes into account every bend in the relief. During the construction, the preference is given to panoramic glazing, when the landscape becomes, as it were, an indispensable part of the house.

Today, the ecological construction is the most fashionable trend in the world architecture. The experience of green architecture is mainly concentrated in Western countries. The scale of the eco-movement is so great that numerous codes of standardization of eco-projects have appeared. The most famous are English BREEAM and American LEED.

Energy saving is the main criterion for any eco-project. Respecting environmental standards, sustainable architecture uses natural resources economically. Heating, lighting, air conditioning and acoustics are carefully designed objects. During construction, traditional systems of energy, water and heat supply are replaced by systems that can use the “free” resources of nature. For this, the latest energy-saving technologies are used - wind turbines, solar


panels, heat pumps and so on. According to scientists, the installation of wind turbines or solar panels allows for up to 25% energy savings.

Unfortunately, when it comes to eco-architecture, Russia lags far behind Europe in terms of its development. The problem is that the global certification systems for "green" architecture are aimed at the countries in which they are created, and do not take into account the climatic and cultural characteristics of our country.

The current Russian eco-standards do not have a clearly formulated regulatory and reference basis for designing a sustainable architectural and urban planning environment. Thus, the creators of domestic eco-standards are often guided by Western standards, which significantly complicates the certification process.

The main disadvantages of Russian legislation in the field of "green" construction include:

outdated requirements of building codes in the field of eco-design;

lack of supervision over the design of such buildings;

lack of standards aimed at the development of a healthy society;

inconsistency of most of the standards with modern European standards. Green building projects certainly require more resources than installation

of a conventional building. So far, ecological construction in Russia is categorically unprofitable. The materials used in eco-construction are not produced in our country; there are not even domestic Russian standards for their production (if we talk about mass production). Of course, this is not enough for the full development of eco-construction.

Most experts agree that significant changes in attitudes towards green building in Russia will occur under the influence of high energy prices. In the meantime, constructing and certifying buildings:

lovers of new technologies and enthusiasts;

for marketing purposes to increase the attractiveness of real estate for landlords, primarily foreign ones;

to meet the requirements of certain international organizations. However, we also have separate projects that are close to world standards

and take into account local climatic conditions. An eco-house in the central latitudes of our country is recommended to be set with a "deaf back" to the north winds and to open stained-glass windows in the sun, to use seasonal-type rooms as a thermal barrier. Even these simple rules save 30 to 50% on heating costs. One thing is certain - the construction of an eco-house will cost 10-30% more than the traditional one, but in 5-10 years it will fully pay for itself. Therefore, ecoarchitecture is rightfully considered not only safe, but also beneficial.

The goal of my work has been achieved as I`ve described the necessity of eco-architecture and determined the main problems with it in Russia. Our country cannot stand aside, as the introduction of eco-building standards is taking place all over the world. Due to the lack of many factors, we are still at the very


beginning of the path and this process is not fast. Therefore, in Russia the ecostandard should not become an analogue of foreign systems, it should be formed taking into account the climatic, cultural, social and economic realities of our country.

O.A. Galkina1, E.P. Plehanova1, E.A. Aleshugina2

(1School №19 N. Novgorod, 2Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering)


The number of cars is growing steadily. At the same time, the lack of a network of main streets within the city limits is about 350-400 km, which leads to a decrease in the speed of traffic flows to 5-10 km per hour. 80% of the length of the main roads and transport hubs in Nizhny Novgorod, especially in the central part, have completely exhausted their capacity. Last year, about 1.1 thousand km of federal highways were in overload mode - 47% of their total length in the Nizhny Novgorod region. At the same time, 73% of their total length did not meet the regulatory requirements for transport and operational indicators.

Two major trends over the past 20 years have dramatically altered urban traffic conditions. Firstly, many people have switched from public transportation to a private car as their daily commute. Secondly, there is an intensive construction of new large buildings in place of demolished low-rise buildings. Replacing an old 6-storey building with a new 40-storey building naturally generates thousands of cars and trips on this site.

Last year, the number of the capital's vehicle fleet grew to 3.3 million vehicles. During "rush hours" more than 400 thousand cars leave for city roads. Hundreds of thousands of motorists have to stand idle in huge traffic jams. According to the Ministry of Transport of Russia, on average, a motorist spends 11 hours a week in a traffic jam, about 40–45 hours a month. According to the estimates of the Russian Academy of Transport, every hour spent in a traffic jam in a passenger car costs the state 500 rubles. The damage to the capital is 38 billion rubles a year.

Since the processes of increasing the number of car owners and the construction of new buildings are not accompanied by any systematic measures to control traffic and improve public transport, it can be confidently asserted that the problem of congestion in the city will only get worse.

In seven years, the number of cars in the Nizhny Novgorod region will increase by 1.5 times and approach the mark of 8 million. The population of


Nizhny Novgorod and the region has already reached 1,300,000 people. The transport problems facing Nizhny Novgorod are much more complicated than those faced by European capitals today. The population density in Nizhny Novgorod is twice as high as in the largest metropolitan areas of Europe. And the density of the road network is many times less. And the movement of passengers due to the heterogeneity of the location of residential areas and places of employment still gives an additional multiplier.

No one doubts that serious measures to solve the problem need to be taken now. The question is which of them will bring really tangible results.

In this work, we have studied and analyzed the Program "Development of the transport infrastructure of the city of Nizhny Novgorod" for 2015-2017 ".

Relevance of the topic: Traffic jams are one of the main problems of concern to Nizhny Novgorod residents. The fastest solution to traffic jams is important both for the individual, whose time is wasted, and for the city's economy as a whole.

Research object: traffic jams.

The subject of research: the organization of traffic in the city of Nizhny Novgorod.

The purpose of the research: search for acceptable schemes and models for solving the problem of traffic jams.


-to study the traffic situation in the city of Nizhny Novgorod;

-to study the Program "Development of the transport system of the city of Nizhny Novgorod" for 2015-2017 "and the opinion of experts and residents of Nizhny Novgorod on specific areas of the program, its shortcomings;

-Find and calculate the shortest route of the most difficult route in terms of transport and time.

Research methods: Graph theory, survey, empirical research methods. Hypothesis: All Nizhny Novgorod traffic jams, although they represent one

large traffic jam, are still formed locally, in certain places. If we solve these local problems, then there will be much fewer reasons for many kilometers of traffic jams in Nizhny Novgorod. That is why, by the method of calculating the shortest path, I will look for the fastest way to travel from point A to point B.

My route is roughly shown on the map in the form of a graph [Figure 1]. For example, we start from the center of the Sormovsky district, and then lay the route as follows: Svetloyarskaya st. Tsiolkovsky st. Yaroshenko st. Hero RyabtsevMoscow highway-Metromost-Nizhegorodsky district (center).


Fig 1. The Route Developed by the Author

Commuters can travel in other ways. For instance:

1.We also start from the center of Sormovo. Then we go as follows. Prospect Korablestroiteley-st. Svetloyarskaya-st. Tsiolkovsky-st. Yaroshenko - Heroev Avenue-Moscow Highway-Metromost-Nizhny Novgorod District (center).

2.Center Sormovo-Prospect Korablestroiteley-st. Konovalov-st. Fedoseenko-st. Tsiolkovsky-st. Yaroshenko-st. Hero Ryabov-Moscow highway-Metromost- Nizhny Novgorod region (center).

Figure 2 shows a graph on the edges of which it is shown how much to go from one street (vertex) to another. We calculated the shortest path [Figure 2].

Fig.2. Graph of the Route

“Sormovo-Nizhegorodsky District”

In this study, we studied the traffic situation in the city of Nizhny Novgorod, studied the program "Development of the transport system of the city of Nizhny Novgorod for 2015-2017" and the opinion of experts and residents of Nizhny Novgorod on specific areas of the program, its shortcomings. We also calculated the shortest route for the most difficult route in terms of transport.

All problems and "traffic jams" and accidents must be solved comprehensively, then, there will be a good result. The sooner they are resolved, the better. We, as road users, are hostages of this situation. There is only one way out - to build modern multi-level transport interchanges, work out the issues of organizing parking lots, including intercepting ones. You also need to correctly


organize the movement of buses and minibuses so that people, for example, can leave their car in the parking lot near the metro station or bus stop, and then get to work by public transport.

That is, one of the ways to improve the transport situation in the city can be the reorganization of traffic. Thus, the main recipe for the transition to a civilized functioning of the transport system is in the imposition of a driving culture and mutual respect for drivers.


1.Постановление Правительства Нижегородской области от 25.10.2013 № 773 «Об утверждении государственной программы «Развитие транспортной системы Нижегородской области до 2021 года»: [сайт].

URL: https://mintrans.government-nnov.ru/?id=33492 (дата обращения: 09.08.2020).

2.Автомобильные пробки в Нижнем Новгороде»: [сайт]. URL: https://yandex.ru/company/researches/2015/n_novgorod/jams

(дата обращения: 09.08.2020).

3.Информационный бюллетень «Автомобильные пробки в Нижнем Новгороде» ©2010 Аналитическая группа департамента маркетинга

компании «Яндекс»: [сайт]. URL: analyst@yandex-team.ru (дата обращения:


4.Графы. Нахождение кратчайшего расстояния между двумя вершинами с помощью алгоритма Дейкстры: [сайт]. URL: https://forkettle.ru/vidioteka/programmirovanie-i-set/algoritmy-i- struktury-dannykh/108-sortirovka-i-poisk-dlya-chajnikov/6046-grafy- nakhozhde (дата обращения: 13.08.2020).

M.S. Goncharov, E.B. Mihajlova

(Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering)


Nowadays we have so much information to checkout on day to day basis that its often really hard to keep track of everything we want for a plain human being. Even a simple person has so many interests that he or she has to be extra peaky about what to watch, listen or read when having a rest from everyday routine. Information is everywhere today and we constantly consume it. Our brain is always absorbing information, but it has to choose what to remember and what to forget immediately. It is very hard job to make this and that is why we are so stressed by the end of the day. There should definitely be a solution to help brain to get data that is essential but not the one that is excessive and pointless. As a


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