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-“Can you remember any one at all whom you noticed?” (Agatha

Christie, The ABC Murders)

-“May I ask where is Miss Fairfax going?” (Jane Austen, Emma)

Questions beginning with “would you” signal a certain social distance and formality:

- “Wоuld уоu rather talk аbоut something else?” (J. London, Martin


An indirect request can also be represented by narrative sentences:

- "I would like you to tell me something of your methods." (Agatha

Christie, The ABC Murders)

Interrogative constructions with the verb “will” are a commonly used while expressing a request:

- “Will you read the letter?” (Jane Austen, Emma)

The usage of indirect speech acts when making a request in English is extremely wide. Indirect requests are less categorical and, as a result, are more polite forms compared to direct speech acts.

We can conclude that communication plays an important part of everyday life. Being polite is considered to be an expression of good manners and knowledge of etiquette. Technically, politeness gives people a chance to experience more comfortable atmosphere and eliminate tensions between each other.


1.P. Brown and Stephen C. Levinson. 1987. Politeness: Some universals in language usage. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

2.Leech Geoffrey N. Principles of Pragmatics. – London and New York: Longman, 1983.

3.Остин, Дж. Слово как действие // Новое в зарубежной лингвистике. -

Вып. 17. - М., 1986. - С. 22-131.

4.1. Charles Dickens “Great Expectations” 1860-1861; Электронная версия книги.Источник - https://royallib.com/book/Dickens_Charles/Great_Expectations.html

5.2. Agatha Christie “The ABC Murders” 1936; Электронная версия книги.

Источник - https://royallib.com/book/Christie_Agatha/The_ABC_Murders.html

6.3. Jack London “Martin Eden” 1909; Электронная версия книги. Источник - https://royallib.com/book/London_Jack/Martin_Eden.html

7.4. Jane Austen “Emma” 1815; Электронная версия книги. Источник - https://www.gutenberg.org/files/158/158-h/158-h.htm


P.I. Ryseva, E.V. Smirnova

(Nizhny Novgorod State University)



A conflict is a clash of interests and a manifestation of contradictions, which are expressed in a confrontation between the parties. Undoubtedly, identifying a conflict situation is an effective skill of every person.

The given article is supposed to determine the linguistic characteristics of male and female speech behavior in a conflict situation.

Nowadays linguistics is intensively investigating the problems associated with gender behavior differences in conflicts. Russian linguists made a contribution to the gender approach and proved that it helps to more accurately and clearly take into account the human factor in the language itself.

All of the above determines the need for a detailed study of the gender characteristics of people’s speech in a conflict situation. In the future, in order to understand this aspect of conflict management, further research will be required. This determines the relevance of this work.

The main research methods of this work were methods of linguistic observation and description, as well as research methods for systematizing the classification of the analyzed material.

The study of the phenomenon of "conflict" has a long history. As you know, for all the time, not a single major conflict has remained without a trace. Many disputes, clashes and wars have been described and analyzed in detail by representatives of various branches of science, especially social sciences.

In linguistics, scientists correlate the concept of "conflict" under study with concepts such as "speech conflict" and "conflict communicative act" and consider it from the perspective of the participants - sender of speech and recipient, as well as the presence of contradictory disagreements that exist between the two opposing sides.

A speech conflict is considered as an event occurring in time, which has its own development, since the material expression of conflict relations between participants in communication in the form of linguistic or speech structures is a reproduction of certain pre-communicative states of the parties. Thus, the conflict can be presented dynamically.

The exchange of speech actions of participants in the communication process has its own name in linguistics and is designated as a communicative act. This concept also has its own content and structure. In a conflictual communicative act, the structure of speech actions is determined by a certain number of contradictions between the participants in communication.


In gender studies, male and female speech is often studied in the process of communication. Research has shown that women and men behave differently during conversation.

In the male speech strategy, communicative rivalry prevails and it’s focused on the realization of one's interests in combination with a dismissive attitude to the interests of the interlocutor and presented in texts as long speech segments, and in oral speech - through control observation of the chosen topic for communication, frequent interruptions, and also synchronous speaking with the interlocutor.

Men are always decisive and categorical in their statements, their speech is short. Men also use introductory constructions in their speech with the meaning of steadfastness or a statement of fact (Nevertheless, Surely, Evidently), affirmative and imperative constructions, as well as negative, offensive (often obscene) expressions.

In the female speech strategy, one can notice communicative cooperation. In this regard, in the process of communication, women are better able to listen to the interlocutor, so they better perceive the text.

In speech, men use a large number of neologisms, professionalisms and archaic forms of words, while the female vocabulary is relatively smaller. However, women use those lexical units that are found in speech with the greatest frequency.

The typical features of female speech include exaggerated emotionality. Women's speech is considered to be the most expressive in relation to a partner. This is expressed in the frequent use of interjections, metaphors, comparisons, epithets, as well as diminutive forms of words.

Women are much more likely to initiate a conversation, they are more careful in their statements and often begin their statements using etiquette introductory statements with the meaning of uncertainty such as "I am not sure", "Probably", "Maybe", "Perhaps".

Among the most important universal features of conflict behavior, one can single out the manifestation of anger, imbalance and bad manners, which are characteristic causes of conflict.

Unfavorable verbal communication depends not only on extralinguistic factors, but also on the speaker's choice of language forms.

With the development of research in the field of gender linguistics, scientists have sought to determine which linguistic characteristics are characteristic of the utterances of the male and female genders. The researchers came to conclusions regarding the preferences of men and women.

Thus, consideration of examples taken from English fictional prose made it possible to identify some patterns in the use of syntactic structures characteristic of male and female speech in a conflict situation.

Having studied the problem, author makes the attempt to identify the general patterns of conflict speech in the gender aspect made it possible to classify


a number of modifications based on the proposed T.N. Sinoeokova’s structuralsemantic deformation of the nuclear sentence into the forms of male and female speech.

The results of the analysis led to the following conclusion that the following forms can be attributed to repetition in the female speech:

1) echolalic repetition

Mr.Khneitley: «You saw her answer! – you wrote her answer too. Emma this is your doing. You persuaded her to refuse him.» [2]

Emma: «I saw her answer! – nothing could be clearer.» [2]

2) false repetition

Mrs.Bennet: «Mr.Bennet, how…how could you abuse your own children?» [3]

Male speech includes:

1) tautological repetition,

Gerald: «I don’t believe you. (he pulled her round to face him? His eyes narrowed). I said I don’t believe you.» [6]

2) affective repetition

Curio: Yes, yes, yes! [9]

3) hortatory repetition

Gerald: «Get out. Get out. Don’t ever come to this house again!» [6]

Materially redundant elements involve the use of contiguous material redundant elements in both female and male speech.

Old Woman (furiously): «After all, th’ whole world knows we English are


Marsden: «…and it’s none of my damn business, anyway!...» [4]

However, the use of material redundant effective elements is more characteristic of the male speech.

In the potential break of syntactic whole, the break-pausator is characteristic of the male and female speech.

Paige: «He’s…what?» [5]

Specifying break and potential break of syntactic whole are characteristic of the male speech.

Feelim: «Another fool! Not able to drive a nail into wood without shoving his hand through a window and cutting a vein open!» [8]

Gerald: «I’ll hang you. For taking my child away!» [6]

Identifying structures include «question-answer» constructions that find their implementation in female speech. Anticipatory constructions are equally used in both female speech and male speech.

Constant: «But my wife’s having a baby – don’t you realize that?» [8] Perpetua: «It was you – for God’s sake – who chucked her!» [1]

In the course of the analysis, it was found that isolated elements and ellipsis do not always indicate female and male preferences in use.


Katherine d. B: «If! Do you then pretend to be ignorant of it? Has it not been industriously circulated by yourselves? Do you not know that such a report is spread abroad?» [3]

James: (You) Bloody little creeping thing! [4]

Women and men, equally, can also use quasi-affirmative sentences which refers to transposition.

Henderson: I’m quitting!

Starkey: What do you mean you’re quitting? Right now? Right in the middle? Right - .

Henderson: Right before I have to fly to Minnesota and be killed! [7]

The current study does not exhaust the entire content of the problem under consideration. In the future, a pragmatic analysis of the syntactic forms used can be carried out in the aspect of a comparative analysis of syntactic structures used in male and female speech in a conflict situation based on different languages (English and German, English and French, English and Spanish).


1.Fielding H. Bridget Jones’s Diary. Электронная версия книги. Источник


2.Jane Austen Emma. Электронная версия книги. Источник- https://www.gutenberg.org/files/158/158-h/158-h.htm

3.Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice. Электронная версия книги. Источник- https://www.gutenberg.org/files/1342/1342-h/1342-h.htm

4.O’Neil E. Beyond the Horizon // New York: Dover Publications.

5.S. Sheldon Nothing Lasts Forever. Электронная версия книги. Источникhttp:/lib.aldebaran.ru/

6.Williams D. Katie’s kitchen, Avon Dataset Ltd., Bidford-on-Avon, Warks 1998-375p.

7.The Fiction of Joseph Heller: Against the Grain. Электронная версия книги. Источник- https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-1-349- 20007-8

8.S. O’Casey The bishiop’s bonfire. L.: Macmillan, 1961

9.R. Cameron. Plays


A.A. Sazhina1, E.A. Aleshugina2

(1School №127 Nizhny Novgorod, 2N. Novgorod University of Architecture and Civil Engineering)


The article studies the Decembrists rebel in Nizhny Novgorod. In particular, special attention is devoted to the role of Nizhny Novgorod in the Decembrists rebel.

To understand the essence of the rebel in general, it is very significant to study the influence of regions on it. Thus, the relevance of the research lies in the fact that Nizhny Novgorod contributed to the Decembrists rebel and it is important to study the history of native region.

The object of the research is the Decembrists rebel in Nizhny Novgorod. The aim of the research is to study the Decembrists rebel in Nizhny

Novgorod and develop an excursion route "Decembrists in Nizhny Novgorod".

The Decembrists had great plans for Nizhny Novgorod. In “Russkaya Pravda” P. I. Pestel wrote that after the overthrow of the autocracy, Nizhny

Novgorod should become the capital of the Russian state. As we know, the uprising was preceded by the creation of secret revolutionary societies, the organizers and participants of which were noble officers. For the first time in Russia, they raised the question of the need to overthrow tsarism, the abolition of serfdom, and developed a plan for the future structure of Russian society. Among the members and organizers of these societies were residents of Nizhny Novgorod. Here are their names: Mikhail Pavlovich Bestuzhev-Ryumin, Nikolai Alexandrovich and Alexander Alexandrovich Kryukovs, Ivan Alexandrovich Annenkov, Sergei Petrovich Trubetskoy, Fedor Petrovich Shakhovskoy, soldiers Ivan Fadeev and Nikolai Povetkin. An outstanding role in the Decembrist rebel was played by Mikhail Bestuzhev-Ryumin, one of the five Decembrists who were executed on July 13, 1826 in the Peter and Paul Fortress. The son of a landowner in the village of Kudreshki, Gorbatovsky district, Bestuzhev-Ryumin was a welleducated person.

Having become a member of the Southern Society, he took an active part in the preparation of the revolutionary "catechism", conducted agitation among the soldiers, established contacts with the Polish secret society, was one of the organizers of the uprising of the Chernigov regiment. Comrades noted his sharp mind, energy, dedication. They eagerly listened to him, followed him - not without reason that many friends of Bestuzhev-Ryumin followed him into a secret society. He was distinguished among the Decembrists by the most extreme views, arguing the need to exterminate the entire royal family. After the defeat of the uprising, the tsarist court prepared a savage reprisal for him: Bestuzhev-Ryumin


was sentenced to quartering. Only the fear of public opinion forced Nicholas the first to replace this medieval execution with a gallows.

Nikolai Alexandrovich and Alexander Alexandrovich Kryukovs are brothers, sons of the Nizhny Novgorod governor. Both of them, being officers, served in Ukraine. There, the eldest of the Kryukovs, Nikolai, became close to P.I. Pestel, became a member of the Southern Secret Society and became one of its ideologists. Standing for freedom and equality, he sacredly believed in the people, in their strength and courage. It was to them that Pestel handed before his arrest the most important documents of the society, including "Russian Truth". Alexander Kryukov was also a member of the Southern Society and promoted the ideas of society among his friends. However, he did not take part in the uprising, since by that time he had stopped active work in society. The Kryukov brothers were arrested and brought to trial. They behaved courageously during interrogations. Both were sentenced to 15 years in hard labor and exile for life in Siberia. The brothers were together in hard labor and in exile.

The life of another Decembrist from Nizhny Novgorod, Ivan Alexandrovich Annenkov, was stormy and, in many respects, contradictory. The son of a major Nizhny Novgorod official, a brilliant cavalry officer, a dashing duelist - such is Ivan Annenkov in his early youth. At 22, he is already a completely different person. Communicating with guards officers, he becomes a member of the Northern Society. He knew about the impending uprising, he knew the plans of the Decembrists, but he did not participate in the uprising. On charges of "intent on regicide" and belonging to a secret society, he was arrested and sentenced by the court to 15 years of hard labor and life in exile in Siberia. His fiancee, Frenchwoman Pauline Gebl, followed him into exile. Their wedding took place in the Chita prison. In 1856 I. Annenkov was amnestied and returned to Nizhny Novgorod. [Fig.1].

Fig.1 Annenkov’s house with the memorial plate in Nizhny Novgorod


One of the founders of the first secret revolutionary society of the Union of Salvation, which laid the foundation for the Decembrist rebel, was Prince S.P. Trubetskoy from Nizhny Novgorod. Opponent of serfdom and the autocratic system, however, he was not a consistent revolutionary. He, an experienced and popular officer among the soldiers, was entrusted with leading the uprising on Senate Square, but on the last day, losing faith in the success of the uprising, believing that he had little strength, he did not go out to Senate Square. Nevertheless, as a leader, Sergei Trubetskoy was sentenced to death, which was commuted to him by 15-year hard labor and life in Siberia.

A prominent figure in the Decembrist rebel was also Prince Fyodor Petrovich Shakhovskoy, a participant in the military campaign of 1813-1815. He was a member of the Union of Salvation and the Union of Welfare, participated in the development of the charter of the society. Having retired, in his village Orekhovets, Ardatovsky district, he starts a new order, facilitating the fate of serfs, thereby incurring the hatred of the landlord neighbors. In 1826 he was arrested on charges of belonging to a secret society. They are exiled to Siberia. Shakhovsky, who was seriously ill there, was transferred to Suzdal to the Spas-Efimievsky Monastery.

Soldiers from Nizhny Novgorod Ivan Fadeev and Nikolai Povetkin also took part in the rebel of the Decembrists. Accused of being ready to follow the revolutionary officers and of attracting other soldiers to his side (for a long time he conducted propaganda among the artillery soldiers), Ivan Fadeev was sentenced to a severe punishment - 3000 gauntlets. (Spitsruten - introduced by Peter V. in the ground forces) corporal punishment; the convict is forced to pass through the ranks of 100-800 soldiers who beat the convict with rods with rods; with an increase in the number of blows (at the beginning of the 19th century it reached 6 tons), “driving through the ranks” was tantamount to a qualified death penalty. April 1863.) Nikolai Povetkin was one of the most active participants in the event in St. Petersburg, who led a group of soldiers who stubbornly refused to take the oath of allegiance to the tsar, also appeared before the tsar's court. The verdict read - the death penalty, but was then changed: eternal hard labor.

In conclusion it is necessary to emphasize that Nizhny Novgorod played a very significant role in Decembrists movement due to its historical roots and geographical position.


1.Нечкина М. В. (ред) Декабристы. Биографический справочник.pdf

2.Пapсaмов B.C. - Дeкaбpиcты и pуcскoе oбщecтвo.pdf

3.Дeкабpиcты: Aктyальныe нaпpавления иcслeдовaний: Cбоpник cтатей и мaтеpиаловю М, 2003. 325с.


E.A. Sai, I.I. Tusheva

(Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil



In the field of education, there are many technical specialties, from which you need to choose one for admission. Students doubt, worry about their future employment, sometimes they don't even know what exactly lies behind the name of a profession. I want to discuss one of them, its relevance in the market and in the world, its importance for society.

First, you need to understand what energy engineering is.

Energy engineering is an interdisciplinary engineering science concerned with the transformation, transmission, storage and use of energy. This is a wide range of technical specialties, including: power systems, facilities and plants, nuclear power plants, industrial heat power engineering, power plants based on renewable energy, high voltage technologies, thermal power plants and their power systems and units, etc.

The presented sector is so vast that it can suit any person, in my opinion. Depending on your preferences, you can take on a variety of positions and have different tasks presented to you.

If there is a desire to invent something, there is the development of automation of technological processes and production, autonomous power systems, improvement of their performance, the development of heat technologies. An example is the automation of technological processes and production, i.e. automation of technological processes of transportation and processing of hydrocarbon raw materials, development and use of modern software and hardware information technologies aimed at data processing in the oil and gas industry.

A separate branch is working with ecological, energy-saving, renewable energy sources and technologies.

Renewable, or regenerative, "green" energy - energy from energy resources that are renewable, naturally replenished on a human timescale. Examples of such developments are solar panels, windmills, wave power farms, geothermal power stations, etc. The task of an engineer is to develop, design, install and further improve such devices.

If you want to deal with drawings and designs, you can design various power plants. I’ll use the example of autonomous power plants.

An autonomous power plant - a power plant, a set of installations, equipment and apparatus used directly for the production of electrical energy. Autonomous power plants are widely used in construction, agriculture and communal services, in industry. That is, where the main general-purpose network


is remote, operates intermittently, or there is a lack of allocated capacity from the state network.

The development of the optimal solution for each case is an important task, because in a lot of situations the client doesn’t have large finances, perhaps doesn’t even have alternatives for obtaining energy. The task of the engineer is to design or to find the best (in terms of price and quality) equipment and place it correctly for the most profitable energy generation.

A similar area is design institutes. Their task is the design, construction, adjustment and operation of energy facilities. As an example, a scheme of a new boiler for a CHP plant or a transmission network for the industrial sector. Or a heating, ventilation or gas supply scheme for a new building. The principle is the same - to find the optimal solution, select the right materials and equipment, find the best possible efficiency in advance and put the project into active production.

You can also provide installation, maintenance and repair of heat and power equipment. Almost every organization needs its own power engineer who will competently maintain the overall power supply, will be able to find a problem in time and indicate what exactly needs repair, will carry out installation work and scheduled preventive maintenance, which is carried out according to the schedules recommended by that power engineer. That is, their main duty is to ensure the uninterrupted operation of energy facilities and the compliance of all systems with the governmental rules, as well as, of course, to ensure the absence of accidents.

Working in the energy supervision service is quite close to it. The main activity is carried out in three main directions: control over the consumption and rational use of electric and thermal energy, supervision over the technical condition and observance of safety measures in power plants of consumers, development and publication of normative and technical documentation on the issues of state energy supervision in a particular country.

A separate contiguous sector is the oversight of economics and management in power engineering. The main task is to make reports on the work in progress, certain calculations, plans for purchases and expenses for the future.

Also one of the most demanded areas is working at thermal and nuclear power plants. Employees of most of the above specialties can get a job there. The same applies to the housing sector.

If there is a desire to teach, you can become a teacher in a specific specialty at the university, continue your graduation, and engage in scientific research. This can be done not only in Russia, but also abroad, as long as you know the needed language.

Now let’s talk about the level of demand. In both Russia and abroad, energy engineering is one of the most demanded areas of technical specialties (coverage of up to 31% among environmental sciences). This is not surprising, because the topic of energy production and use is directly interconnected with the economy and ecology. Without these it’s impossible to imagine the modern times and future. Power engineers are in demand in both of these areas, because, again,


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