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An erster Stelle steht das Umweltbewusstsein. Die heutige Generation von Bauherren ist mehr denn je um die Erhaltung und den Schutz der Umwelt besorgt.

Wir sprechen nicht nur über billiges Bauen, sondern auch über Umweltschutz. Der zweite Punkt ist die Sensibilisierung für Gesundheitsfragen. Weil

unsere Gesundheit eines unserer kostbarsten Güter ist, sind viele Menschen auch bereit, mehr Geld für natürliche und damit umweltfreundliche Baustoffe auszugeben.

Wir haben untersucht, was genau die Menschheit zum ökologischen Wohnungsbau geführt hat. Einige profitieren davon, andere sind bereit, aus gesundheitlichen Gründen zusätzliches Geld auszugeben. Im Allgemeinen enthält die Ökologie einige Vorteile. Das Wichtigste ist, sich dieses Themas bewusst zu machen, damit das Bauen bequem, wirtschaftlich und harmlos ist.

E.A. Mitina, O.N. Korneva

(Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering)


While there are many ways that people can combat the growing risk of pollution in our world today, most people still do not. The common belief is that the ways to reduce pollution are not effective enough so they do not even try. However, that is dead wrong. Recycling plastic, paper and other waste products is an incredible way to keep a lot of those items from ending up in our oceans or landfills. If everyone practiced the three R’s of recycling: reduce, reuse, recycle; we would see a drastic drop in plastic pollution.

Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle helps in reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and save the environment. You can also be a part of this mission just by making a few changes in your daily lifestyle. Everyone’s contribution is needed to breathe healthily and live healthily. Let’s understand the 3 R’s of the environment in detail.

Reduce. On the one hand, reducing the amount of things you use in your daily life is the first and most important step on the path to a budding planet saver. On the other hand, it will help unload your personal living space and feel a little freer.

In fact, reduce is the simplest way, not requiring energy to find ways to recycle or reuse things. You just need to decide for yourself what you really need and what you don't.

Here are some of the things you can do to reduce waste:

1.Print on both sides of the paper to reduce paper wastage.

2.Use electronic mail to reach out to people instead of sending paper



3.Remove your name from the mailing lists that you no longer want to


4.Avoid using disposable plates, spoons, glass, cups and napkins. They add to the problem and result in a large amount of waste.

5.Avoid buying items that are over-packaged with foil, paper, and plastic. This excess packaging goes to waste.

6.Use refillable pens instead of buying too many [2].

Reuse. This one is easy. Reuse anything as much as you can. By getting a little creative, you can find a use for just about anything. Start a compost heap for your food scraps, you’ll be surprised what it can do to your garden. Glass jam jars can be turned into containers or even cups.

Shopping bags are a biggie. A lot of people do not use the reusable shopping bags for whatever reason. So when you use the plastic bags, do not throw them away (unless they have a hole in them, then recycle them). They can be used as garbage can liners, carrying your work lunch, moving, and many other ways. It is actually surprising how versatile simple plastic shopping bags can be. Before you go to throw something away, especially something plastic, see if you can find another use for it [2].

Learning to reuse items, or repurpose them for use different from what they are intended for is essential in the waste hierarchy.

One of the best examples of how this is being done today is the modular construction of homes and office buildings that are being created out of discarded shipping containers.

These large, semi-truck sized metal containers represent a huge waste problem. Repurposing them as homes and offices saves them from landfills and doesn’t require the additional expenditure of natural resources to meltdown and reconfigure the metals used to create them.

You may either reuse those items for your own use or donate so that others can use them.

Reuse below items:

1.Tyres: Old tyres can either be sent to the recycling station or can be used to make tyre-swing.

2.Used wood: Used wood can be used as firewood or can be used as woodcraft.

3.Newspaper: Old newspapers can be used to pack items when you’re planning to move to another home or store old items.

4.Waste paper: Waste paper can be used to make notes and sketches and can

be sent to the recycling center when you don’t need them anymore.

Donate below items:

1.Old books: Your old books can be used by poor children or can be donated to public libraries.

2.Old clothes: Your unwanted clothes can be used by street children or can be donated to charity institutions.


3.Build your own compost bin: Use the compost bin to put many waste items like used tea bags, tea leaves and grains, fruit peels, etc. The waste then degrades and turns into compost that helps your plants grow and shine


But reuse can also have drawbacks. From a broad environmental perspective it is better, for example, to recycle than to reuse energy-inefficient cars. The recent

“cash for clunkers” programs in the U.S. and Europe were designed to stimulate the economy while helping the environment by retiring cars with low fuel efficiency. Other energy-intensive products — such as home appliances and even high-power computer chips — often offer similar benefits if they receive “early retirement” ahead of their functional life expectancy [5].

Recycling comes last in the hierarchy of waste management techniques for decreasing landfill disposals, but has generally had the greatest environmental impact to date.

To recycle means to make new items out of used or waste materials. It takes a lot less energy to make things out of used materials than it does to start with raw materials taken from the Earth [1].

This is the most common way most people dispose of their paper, plastic and other waste products. The reason for this is probably because it is by far the easiest way to reduce the amount of waste the ends up in landfills. All you have to do is place the recyclable items in a special bin and leave it with your trash. Recycling is just taking all of your plastic, paper, glass, and many other items, separating them and leaving them along with your trash. Sometimes you will have to physically take those items to a specific place like with batteries and glass. However, plastic, paper, and certain metals like cans, are usually the most universal recyclable items [2].

The last stage of the waste hierarchy is to recycle. To recycle something means that it will be transformed again into a raw material that can be shaped into a new item. However, there are very few materials on the earth that cannot be recycled.

One of the issues bothering communities that want to become more involved with a recycling effort is that while the relying collection and sorting process may be affordable to implement, there still has to be a facility to receive and transform the discarded waste into a raw material to produce new products.

More progress is being made toward uniting recycling plants with industries that can process the waste material through agreements and incentive credits.

1.Buy products from the market that are made up of recycled materials, the product should be environment friendly.

2.Buy products that can be recycled like paper, glass, aluminum, plastic, etc. used in the house, school or office. Aluminum can be recycled multiple times.


3.Using recycled products is as important as recycling items. Recycling can become economically viable only when the recycled products are given significance and put to use [3].

Why is it Important to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

So much is wasted in today’s society. Water, energy, time, money, numerous resources. It is leading to overwhelming problems that are nearly becoming unmanageable. We as individuals need to do our part to conserve as much as we can. It is so easy, it’s a wonder why more people are not contributing. Here are some super simple things that you can reduce, reuse, recycle, that can lead to incredible savings [2].

People have become quite aware of saving the environment due to various reasons such as pollution, deforestation, global warming, greenhouse effects, etc.

3 R’s is playing an important role to save the environment such as:

3 R’s is reducing the amount of waste dumping in the environment.

People are contributing to 3 R’s waste management process by purchasing durable products to avoid the waste entering into landfills.

Reducing also helps in the conservation of natural resources and causing minimal pollution [4].

Since there will be a significant reduction in the amount of waste thrown into the environment, the chances of spreading toxins also decrease. It automatically reduces the levels of greenhouse gas emissions and pollution.

It encourages the development of green technology that is ways to create cleaner, safer means of waste disposal while reducing the impact on the environment and all habitats [3].

The three R’s – reduce, reuse and recycle – all help to cut down on the amount of waste we throw away. They conserve natural resources, landfill space and energy. Plus, the three R’s save land and money that communities must use to dispose of waste in landfills. Siting a new landfill has become difficult and more expensive due to environmental regulations and public opposition.” [3].

By refusing to buy items that you don’t need, reusing items more than once and disposing the items that are no longer in use at appropriate recycling centers, you can contribute towards a healthier planet.


1.Activity Kit 2009 Lakeshore «Reduce, Reuse, Recycle»

2.Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Three R’s and What They Mean.

Electronic resource [https://www.greenandgrowing.org/reduce-reuse-recycle- information/]

3.The ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’ Waste Hierarchy. Electronic resource


4.Reduce, Reuse, Recycle|Waste Management. Electronic resource [[https://www.earthreminder.com/3rs-of-environment-reduce-reuse-recycle/]


5. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle…or Rethink. Electronic resource


K.N. Mitkina, E.A. Aleshugina

(Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering)



Buildings, institutions and cultural complexes have always occupied a special place in architectural design, due to their special role in the life of society.

The goals of the research are to study the specifics of the construction of concert halls; to consider the main stages of design; to study the types of concert halls.

At different times, various types of structures have played the role of art centers – ancient temple complexes and palaces of emperors, creative workshops and academies, private collections and multi-level exhibition complexes, as well as theaters, concert halls, open arenas and, finally, just elements of the urban, rural environment and natural landscape. The most important feature of the development of art centers is the ability to search for and generate new ways and directions in art, their popularization and mutual enrichment on a synthetic basis. A visitor to an entertainment show must get the most out of the spectacle, otherwise the concert performance loses all meaning and can be replaced by regular TV viewing. To achieve maximum attractiveness of the event, you can only use professional equipment for the concert hall, including correctly selected acoustics for the concert. The second task is to make a high – quality installation of all systems, otherwise the use of concert equipment for a music hall may produce the opposite effect.

A concert is one of the most common types of entertainment, which has a complex technology designed for direct contact between the artist and the audience, and is held in various large audiences. A concert performance is similar in nature to a circus or theatrical performance, but differs from them in that the processes of preparation and implementation of programs are separated from each other in space and time and assume the presence of hospitals and a wide network of touring venues – concert halls. The formation of the architectural space of concert shows is mainly determined by two parameters: the genre of the concert and the scenography. According to these parameters, the entire set of concerts can be divided into seven types:

-large philharmonic; -small philharmonic; -variety;


-choreographic; -folk ensembles; -literary;

-combined (mixed) [Fig.1].

Fig.1 The project of the concert hall

The main purpose of people arriving at the concert hall is to relax and enjoy the aesthetic art. To achieve these goals, the exterior and interior shapes do not have large or heavy elements. On the contrary, all volume is made in dynamics, with a certain plasticity of outlines. Certain structures and facing materials help to achieve this form. When designing, much attention is paid to the context, exactly, the composition is formed on the basis of identifying and analyzing the urban development situation. The new object partially adopts the character of the surrounding development, actively interacts with the natural environment: art in balance with the environment. The concert hall replicate some of the visual features of nearby buildings. All this allows people to stop thinking that this building has always been here, because it fits perfectly into the urban development. The concert hall is an organizing element in urban planning, architectural, artistic and social aspects. This is a single space where you can travel, finding new places of attraction: cafes, bars, souvenir shops, opening new perspectives of perception. The composition contains a secret, but at the same time gives people the keys to decipher. This method is able to give a person a happy impression of what they saw. When building halls, special materials are used, and the walls are covered with sound — absorbing panels with special curtains: if you change their position, the acoustics will also change. Correctly set sound will give a person a sense of peace and tranquility. The use of pastel colors in the interior, natural lighting effects, atriums, multi-light and bypass galleries, bridges, passages, picturesque alternation of open and closed spaces of the main


hall allows people to plunge into the world of music, painting and creativity in general.

How does design begin? The process begins with a design and concept assignment. In any business, the most important thing is to start right. The concept is an emotional and poetic beginning in the artistic image of the architectural and design idea, the author's preferences in the form and content of the projected object. In addition, these are goals, tasks, directions, and restrictions in the search for urban planning, landscape, functional, and artistic solutions. The relevance of the project is determined by how significant the social problem that the project aims to solve is for society. In general, the project justification is intended to show that the project is real for execution. The final part of the concept is to determine the social consequences that the project will lead to. To do this, we need to find and compare the positive and negative consequences of the project and make sure that the first will be more important than the second, will be able to neutralize them or significantly reduce them. A job design contains:

-the names of customers and executors;

-the basis for the design;

-stages of the project;

-construction period;

-special design conditions (For example, taking into account seismicity, terrain, topographic and geological surveys, measurements and inspection of existing structures on the site);

-basic requirements for architectural and planning solutions (Analysis and research of the building on all floors. Development of an evacuation plan);

-basic requirements for design solutions, materials and finishing;

-cost of construction.

Design assignment — a mandatory part of the initial documentation approved by the customer and determining the nature and scope of architectural and construction activities for the object, including the entire set of basic requirements of the customer and the conditions of the initial permit documentation [Fig.2-4].

Fig.2. Axonometric scheme 1

Fig.3. Axonometric scheme 2


Fig.4. Axonometric scheme 3

To sum up it is necessary to emphasize that the design of public spaces has a certain complexity. When designing, you should take into account different features. The architect must feel the connection of the person with the space and transfer it to the drawings. This direction will never lose its importance and will always be relevant in the modern world.


1.Архитектурное проектирование общественных зданий и сооружений. Гельфонд А.Л. 2006

2.Алдошина, И. А., Приттс, Р. Архитектурная акустика. Учебник для высших учебных заведений / И. А. Алдошина, Р. Приттс. – СПб.: Композитор, 2009. – 719 с.

3.Ахмедходжаева, Н. М. Теоретические проблемы концертности и концертирования в музыкальном искусстве: автореф. дис. ...

канд. искусствоведения: 17.00.02 / Ахмедходжаева Назира Махкамовна. – Ташкент, 1985. – 21 c.

4.Бархин, Г. Б. Архитектура театра / Г. Б. Бархин. М.: Академия архитектуры СССР, 1947. – 248 с.

5.Борисов, Л. А., Щиржецкий, Х. А. Акустика зальных помещений / Л. А. Борисов, Х. А. Щиржецкий // Сцена. – 2002. – № 3. – С. 14–18.


E.G. Mokrova, E.A. Aleshugina

(Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering)


Nowadays museums around the world became more than just exhibition spaces. They are modern centers of science, education and culture. Museum in the modern world is a place where you can go every day to do different activities not only to visit the exposition.

There are no buildings in Nizhniy Novgorod which were designed as a museum from the beginning. That’s why our university project of museum on the Oktyabrskaya Street is very relevant. Modern art and technologies were selected as the theme of the museum because technical progress directly affects our everyday life. Art and technologies is an indissoluble union now. Therefore museum will be the good way to present the last inventions in different spheres to the public.

The object of the research is the project of museum in the historical center. The goals of the research are tracking the museum in the historical center

design process and justification of the design decision.

The first step in designing a new building in a historical part of the city is analysis of existing buildings. There are no buildings above 12 meters in the Oktyabrskaya Street but on the background we can see buildings about 20 meters. Consequently the decision was to design a museum 15 meters high to provide well balanced street appearance.

Museum’s configuration was designed in connection with the main axis of the quarter. (Fig. 1)

Fig. 1. Quarter between Bolshaya Pokrovskaya St., Piskunova St.,

Alekseyevskaya St., Oktyabrskaya St. with axis


On the first floor there are the main hall, temporary exposition, cinema hall, administration, workshops and the entrance to the educational section (Fig. 2, B). There is a small courtyard with seating area for open air events also. The main exposition, cafeteria, educational sector and administrative premises partly are located on the second floor (Fig. 2, C). Exhibit loading area and storages take place in the basement (Fig. 2, A).

Fig. 2. Floor plans: A) basement; B) first floor; C) second floor

This way of space organization allows to separate streams of people. Museum staff, exposition visitors and visitors of educational sectors have different entrances to provide comfortable staying in building for each group.

The main advantage of this space organization is the variety of zones to have different activities. The main zone of expositions is for museum’s visitors.

Educational sector include big coworking space and two rooms for workshops. There are also cinema hall and cafeteria for everyone.

The building is designed in minimalism. There were used smooth surfaces in matt white and glossy black colors and big glazing areas (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Viewpoints

This design creates a pure form without distracting details what is right for the historical center. To strengthen communication between museum and existing buildings there were used the module from the Nobility Assembly building. (Fig. 4)


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